Reviews from

in the past

Cool idea, plagued by terrible issues.
- There's either no feedback to typing correct letters, or it's so quiet that I couldn't hear it at all.
- Mistyping is handled in the most frustrating way possible - it deletes one correct letter. It's literally the most frustrating way to handle this that I can think of.
- The text you need to type is all the way at the bottom edge of the screen, written in a hard to read font.
- Typing gets interrupted constantly, and the text you need to type disappears while you cannot type.
- Moving with arrow keys makes the game unplayable, unless you can instantly move your hand between the arrow keys and home row without looking.
You can use Shift + WASD, but on most keyboards that doesn't allow you to run diagonally due to the keys you need to press simultaneously.
- You can't change any settings without quitting all the way back to the main menu.
- Everything takes too long. Every menu has you wait for an animation, every story sequence has unskippable animations, skipping a story sequence can take almost a full minute, checkpoints are placed before the story sequence leading up to the boss and not the boss fight itself.
Could be enjoyable if I didn't have the issue with movement, but I'm not sure considering how awful the other problems are.