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in the past

Cool idea, plagued by terrible issues.
- There's either no feedback to typing correct letters, or it's so quiet that I couldn't hear it at all.
- Mistyping is handled in the most frustrating way possible - it deletes one correct letter. It's literally the most frustrating way to handle this that I can think of.
- The text you need to type is all the way at the bottom edge of the screen, written in a hard to read font.
- Typing gets interrupted constantly, and the text you need to type disappears while you cannot type.
- Moving with arrow keys makes the game unplayable, unless you can instantly move your hand between the arrow keys and home row without looking.
You can use Shift + WASD, but on most keyboards that doesn't allow you to run diagonally due to the keys you need to press simultaneously.
- You can't change any settings without quitting all the way back to the main menu.
- Everything takes too long. Every menu has you wait for an animation, every story sequence has unskippable animations, skipping a story sequence can take almost a full minute, checkpoints are placed before the story sequence leading up to the boss and not the boss fight itself.
Could be enjoyable if I didn't have the issue with movement, but I'm not sure considering how awful the other problems are.

Great and innovative gameplay and a story filled with slapstick humor. Some small annoying things and a mediocre bossfight but overall a very enjoyable experience

Simple mechanic but crazy fun implementation, typing skills off the charts.

I love that I can type with the keyboard and control the movement with a xbox controller on my feet, and I don't even kidding.

Gameplay that is fundamentally at odds with itself combined with cringe 2010's YouTube humor (e.g. shit like "I identify as a devil and if you disagree you are devilphobic!" and "I'm a vegan metalhead. Did I tell you that I'm vegan?"). Maybe if they stuck to English words it could have worked but the combination of Latin, insane bullet hell, and unreadable fonts made the last few stages very unfun to play and eventually made me shelve it. The gameplay was okay up until that point and I do respect it for trying a combination so out there, but if it is a possible combination of genres this certainly isn't the game that proves it.

shelved for now but sooo fun. typing games supremacy

Cara...quando baixei esse jogo eu não dava nada por ele, mas, como eu estava errado... The Textorcist é um Indie, bullet hell, com uma mecânica de escrever as palavras que aparecem acima do personagem principal para causar dano, foi a primeira vez que vi algo do tipo e definitivamente é algo desafiador desviar de inúmeros projéteis enquanto escreve palavras em inglês e latim. Com uma fala engraçada, belos gráficos, uma história que na minha opinião é fantástica e uma gameplay divertida, difícil de se acostumar, mas quando se acostuma vira algo recompensador, o jogo foi um dos melhores que eu joguei nos últimos tempos. Aprofundando um pouco mais na histórias, o jogador controla o exorcista particular Ray que está procurando uma menina chamada Lily e em sua busca descobre que o sumiço dela é algo bem mais profundo do que ele imaginava, tudo isso acompanhado de um final emocionante e uma história que prende do inicio ao fim. Sobre a gameplay, como disse antes é desafiador, porém quando ganha as lutas contra o bosses o player fica carregado com um sentimento de dever comprido (no Jardim do Vaticano tem uma das lutas mais difíceis que eu já encarei). Cada boss tem seu padrão de ataque e a cada vida arrancada dele esse padrão muda. Mais pro final os chefes tem 6 vidas, nas quais o gamer terá que destruí-las desferindo palavras com a bíblia sobre elas. Essas 6 vidas não são exatas, pois durante as batalhas o chefe tentará possuir o Ray que entrará em modo demônio tendo uma forma de ataque diferente e o boss terá duas vidas “bônus” nessa forma de combate. Além disso, o jogo tem a mecânica de itens, o jogador tem um espaço de 100% no início, que será ocupada por esses itens, no total são 4 slots, que podem ser ocupado por itens que dão buffs, ocupando parte dos 100%, ou que dão nerfs, que recuperam parte desse 100% já utilizado.
Em suma o jogo é fantástico e me surpreendeu muito, recomendo demais, principalmente porque a Epic deu de graça, muito tempo atrás.

Weird one but a good one if you are up for a weird challenge

The gameplay images of this game gave me curiosity for how it seems really unique by just looking at it. At first it may seem a parody of The Exorcist but it turns out to be a whimsical game about unveiling the secrets of the Holy Church. For an Italian indie production, the gameplay is a hybrid of bullet hell dodge 'em up with keyboard typing much akin to The Typing of the Dead and Pokémon Typing Adventure (was that the name of that Pokémon spin off game where you used your Nintendo DS keyboard accessory exclusive to that game?).

I'm not very familiar with very classy bullet hell games such as the ones from CAVE Corp. (DoDonPachi, Ketsui, Mushihimesama) so it's a really incredibly hard to get a GODLY experience in this game if you aren't well adjusted to your sensorial skills dodging bullets. The good part of this game mostly resolves in these action sequences where you type out a series of praying sentences to vanquish the enemy, putting both of your hands into concentration.
The problem, however, is not for the complexity of the texts in each stage (later on the game has you chant Latin sentences for demon boss battles), but it is that the combination of the gameplay mechanics described above is not likeable for anyone and can be quite a huge chore to manage between two things.

Now, however, i would like to point out to the story, even if probably i may seem a bit too critical. First of all, i would like to let you know the premise of the story is a bit like the Streets of Rage series, which i can say i'm proud, but the plot points seem a bit too obvious to me (for now, i haven't beaten the game yet). The game has you take the role of Ray Bibbia, whose name is a pun to a city in Rome, Rebibbia (and said name is also referenced in Vampire Survivors as 'King Bible' which is kind of astonishing and silly), as he tries to vow revenge on the Holy Church. Aside from little jokes that for some might sound funny, the dialogue appears to be quite meh in my opinion, not being much able to contribute the mood of the game and provide variety to discussions (i had this feeling, somehow). There are certain story elements such as the Holyvetti computer which are underused and i had hoped that it would be useful to contribute on the story progression or perhaps some cool easter egg, however, we're talking about a game where you dodge bullets and chant prayers.

Lastly, there is a several amount of game bugs and graphics glitches that affected much of my experience, especially the last stage where you're supposed to dodge in a limited area, instead granting you the ability to walk beyond the limited area. There are a few more which gave me a slight disappointment for the developers. What's really good is the graphics and music alone that gives an identity to the game, but what i would wish this game would have better visuals is 60 FPS for fluid movement and a less invasive HUD. Cutscenes sadly feel a bit barebones and the amount of noticeable typos in this game can unsettle a bit.

The game's not bad, it's just fine but also challenging for a particular kind. I would think it still needs some upright fixing to the game bugs and typos, however.

The Textorcist has a mechanic that I had never seen before combined with a bullet hell: typing while dodging multiple projectiles. I loved the theme of a priest against demons, and the game is well made, although I encountered a few bugs at some points, but nothing that bothered me much. The game offers various items and a decent number of levels (I played without DLC so far). The story is enjoyable, the graphics are beautiful, and the music fits well with what happens in the game. The gameplay with a controller is much easier, and the boss rush mode is very fun!

it is very unique in gameplay,its like bullet hell but you have to write words to cause damage,that is very interesting


The novelty won me over at first and I still recommend it only because of that, but I'm not that fond of the game after the devs recently added the Village DLC. Maybe it is because the story doesn't cut it for me anymore.

Wildly original. It's a bullet hell where you dodge whilst touch typing incantations in Latin to exorcise demons. Love the sense of humour, too.

Good game and can be very challenging. Some minor bugs but nothing too bad and generally feels fair.

I rly like the fighting mechanics used in this game, made me mad while also feeling very satisfying when a flow was established

I like typing games just fine, and I like bullet hell games just fine. I thought the combination of the two would be okay at best, but I actually really enjoyed it for what it was. There's a learning curve, but I appreciated the experience. It's a perfectly fine way to spend an afternoon, and if you can pick it up on sale, it's worth it!

Non ego tibi mentiar, hoc ludus bonus est

This review contains spoilers

Genuinely a fun and novel game experience for me. Have not played any typing games before.

I would describe myself as above average typer, but this game was still too frustratingly difficult for me. I didn’t have the patience for a game I didn’t care THAT much about.

I got up to my old mentor in Naples who transformed into a demon.

I did not beat the game but I don't think I need to to say this concept is really cool, and honestly I did enjoy it for the little time I did play it. Also very difficult to move and type.

Cool, but I don't think I'll ever finish the endgame of this. It looks like hell.

This game is a fusion between bullet hell and typing. It works and also doesn't work.
The reason it doesn't work is that your typing and moving don't use the same hand positions, meaning you have to constantly switch between which one you're doing. You never get into the flow state with typing or bullet hell, and that's an essential component for either of those to feel good.
Yet it also works because managing these two aspects is actually pretty interesting. You're constantly judging if you have time to be offensive and try to type... often you're evaluating if you have enough time to move your hands back to home row position for some dedicated typing, or sometimes sneak in one handed typing while you move with the other.
So like the way you have to think about the limitations of your hands is actually pretty interesting, but it's more fun to play a pure bullet hell or pure typing game.

The story is a waste of my time. I despise the vibe of this game. The only redeeming part of the vibe is that there's some neat music. The tone,setting,humour, and framing are all pretty trash to me.

I was having fun but not enough to beat the long final boss who annoyed me. Their final attack especially i'm not sure how to avoid taking damage on. I don't feel like grinding whole attempts to get there just so i can realize what's going in that part. Speaking of the health/damage system in this's brutal, I hate when games simply say "you are allowed to make x number of mistakes". {You have to take a hit after taking a hit in order to take damage in this game, which helps but is not enough to counteract the frustration}

It's neat that the typing changes to latin when you are fighting demons. Neat thematic touch and that's interesting difficulty
I enjoy trying typing games since I'm an advanced typist, this one does a decent job of being difficult, although i'm never really operating at full typing capacity in this game's combat.

Also if you were able to move by holding space and using wasd/ijkl that would fix so much of the hand management aspect which i think that would make the game better
currently it's you have to hold shift +wasd to move or use arrow keys
i found shift+wasd unworkable so mostly used arrow keys

Game #21: The Textorcist: The Story of Ray Bibbia

I wanted to try something new after playing Broforce and it's this game. You type to fight and I loved this consept. Gameplay is fun, soundtrack is just awesome and visually it looks good as well.


A strange mix between a bullet-hell and a typing game, The Textorcist appears to be a video game UFO, the existence of which one might even doubt. The game offers a dozen enemies to take down, with the principle of evoking an exorcism that you have to type yourself. Very quickly, the task appears complex, insofar as it is difficult to dodge and type at the same time, unless you are particularly skilled at typing with only your left hand. From this point of view, the title does well, with some amusing variations (mixing letters, adding characters), but there are a few mistakes along the road. Indeed, the mechanic to drop the shield seems like a useless waste of time. The same applies to the narrative sequences. Several exploration passages seem poorly constructed: the enigma of the code forces us to go back and forth inelegantly, while the observation of the convent is tedious, as the key elements are never clearly indicated. Under its very bantering tone, the title tries to develop the personality of our protagonist; I would even have liked the game to be more incisive and serious on this subject, but the choice to keep a light tone is not unjustifiable. As for the side content, I wonder if obtaining items should be so tedious: it is necessary to restart the fights at least three times to obtain the three items from the enemies, turning the game into a rather unpleasant farm. The hardcore mode is rather interesting, but lacks subtlety in its implementation. Overall, The Textorcist is a truly strange game. Its gameplay relies on the player's inability to be effective at both dodging and typing: the game seeks to be unbalanced and uncomfortable. Yet, it is quite pleasant, once you get used to its controls, especially since it has a nice art direction, with charming pixel-art and a catchy soundtrack.

Gameplay único, pero los bossrush no me suelen gustar.

The sprite work and the music are superb, and the 80's movies inspiration can be felt during the dialogue and character designs...but man, this game's mechanics are so not very approachable for a casual play. You need to have good reflects and typing skills to get a good score.

I really want to love this game, but at the end it just feels like a toxic relationship.