Reviews from

in the past

A vibe é bem diferente do primeiro, não que isso seja ruim, pelo contrário.
O jogo é bem descontraído e a cidade é muito bonita, não da pra exigir muito de todos os aspectos de gameplay ou pedir muito detalhe no jogo pq afinal de contas é a Ubi
Mas ele me tirou muitos sorrisos e tardes que passei me divertindo jogando.

Esse jogo é como as pessoas pensam que a geração Z vai ser se pintarem a unha e tomarem corote com leite condensado.

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I played this game a few months back and i thoroughly enjoyed it up until the ending.

The gameplay was absolutely fun and tedious (in a good way! Although I admit I’ve been using a lot of guides..), the characters are so charming and unique I became fond of them, which made me excited for the finale.

Well, I did have high expectations, but the ending was absolutely unfulfilling to the point it left a bad impression on me, and don’t get me started on horatio’s death :pensive:

Overall 7.5/10, good game, great mechanics but sometimes the story feels underwhelming.

Hackers (1995) by way of Silicon Valley (2014). One of the best open world cities not made by Rockstar, with gameplay and storytelling that's leaps and bounds ahead of the first game. Shockingly high effort, Ubisoft was really on to something here.