Reviews from

in the past

Holy shit. Nunca me voy a recuperar de esto

God I love it when the main story comes to a standstill so we can do mandatory sidequests

En sí el juego es muy interesante, mejora el gameplay del xenoblade 2, pero ¿Era necesario tanta misión secundaria?

El principal problema es el intento de alargar la historia a más no poder y para ello te obligan a hacer muchas misiones secundarias sin parar, lo que provoca que la tensión del momento y el hilo argumental se pierda.

Algún día lo terminaré, porque la historia se xenoblade 2 me gustó mucho, pero antes tengo que terminar otros juegos como xenoblade 3.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna The Golden Country is in some ways superior, some ways inferior, to the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 base game.

Let's start with the ways that it's better.

First and foremost, tripping the game of its stupid gachas and replacing field skills with natural progression. There were very few times during TTGC's sidequests where I felt cheated or walled from progression due to a lacking field skill. Contrast this to the base game, where you can, mathematically, be walled from the main story because the gacha won't give you a blade with the skills you need.

This goes in conjunction with what I think is the single biggest improvement - giving each human character multiple blades that are theirs and theirs alone during the story's natural progression. Not only did this help from a gameplay perspective, but it was also justified from a story perspective as well, though one blade in particular was somewhat underused narratively.

The Xenoblade 2 base game had one of my favorite casts of characters in any video game I've played, and TTGC just adds to the roster. Lora and Jin are phenomenal both apart and together, as are Mythra and Addam. Hugo, well, he's cool, but it's obvious he and his blades are just along for the ride.

The combat for me compared to the base game was a bit of a wash, there were certain aspects I preferred in the base game, and others TTGC. But like the base game, when the combat clicks, it absolutely clicks and feels amazing.

TTGC, like the base game, absolutely chugs. It is remarkable that Nintendo and Monolith were able to pump this out on the Switch but there are times when, graphically, the game looks and feels like garbage.

However, what absolutely kills this game, like the base game's gacha, are the points in the story where you are forced to raise the Community (sidequest progression) level to proceed. That is one of the silliest game direction decisions I have ever experienced, and exists solely to pad the runtime of what would be a very short experience. I will say that the sidequests do help to minimize grinding through the main story... but I still find it unacceptable.

Torna The Golden Country is a worthwhile expansion to Xenoblade 2, but it shares some of its problems. It's worth the download, but unless you're a collector (like me), don't waste your money on the standalone physical edition.