Reviews from

in the past

Holy shit. Nunca me voy a recuperar de esto

God I love it when the main story comes to a standstill so we can do mandatory sidequests

Awesome story

I hate the community.

This DLC is so big and good that it already functions as its own release. That says everything about the game. It beautifully summarises the strengths of XC2 and packs them into a compact ~25h story. Again, the characters are great, and the combat system is different, as it has been broken down for this DLC, but it is still fun to play. Torna looks incredible; the areas are beautifully designed, and the soundtrack is again fantastic. The sidequests are even better than the sidequests in the main game and really bring the world to life. Torna - The Golden Country is a wonderful addition for all fans of XC2!

Ultra Peak. Im not saying anything else, I know one of you out there who needs to play it first

My expectations were low, but holy f***.

If I didn't like Xenoblade Chronicles 2, I liked the DLC even less.

Of 15 hours played, 10 have been doing sidequests that do not add anything to the story beyond knowing a little more about the environment of Torna and its inhabitants, but they do not enrich the story or cause a subsequent impact on it. Missions like going to collect, kill x beast or simply be an errand boy are not of a sufficient level to justify the little main content that awaits behind them.

Knowing the story of Lora and Addam is fine, but there have really been few significant scenes outside of the ending that have built their legend. 99% of Addam's exploits have happened (or will happen) outside the DLC framework, as well as those of Lora and Jin, so the opportunity to use the Prestige system to learn more about their legacy has been squandered.

Of the few right decisions they made was to get rid of the Blades gacha that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 already brought with it, but I think this very interesting space of story and good characters has been kinda wasted.

I'll never touch Xenoblade Chronicles 2 again if I can and I'm thankful for what we got in Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 3.


Side quest were interesting to go through. Love the music.

Jin was already one of my favorite characters in Xenoblade 2, but this game adds a ton to him. On top of that, it gives characterization to Adam and Lora, builds onto Mythra's backstory in a great way, and fleshes out Brighid and Haze. The core story isn't as strong as base game 2, but it's a great backstory, and really gives you a new appreciation for the events of the base game.

A lot of the issues with base 2 are smoothed out, and there are some great QOL improvements here (especially with the tutorials). Combat's also really fun and streamlines 2's ideas really well, although I do prefer the base game's simply because it gives you a lot more options. Having less does work for a game Torna's length, but it's not necessarily my preference. In terms of level design, Torna itself is fantastic while Gormott is really just a lesser version of the base game's Gormott Province (which isn't saying much because I adore Gormott Province). I actually don't mind the Community requirements because I think the sidequests integrate really well with the story. Plus, it's how I play Xenoblade anyway, although I can see it being an annoyance for other people.

Overall, a fantastic DLC, even if it's not quite on the same level as the base game. I heard someone say (I think it was about Witcher 3's DLC) "If all DLC was this good, EA would be my favorite company." And yeah, that about sums it up.

Cuando creías que no podían superarlo con xenoblade 2 va y te sacan esta expansión que mejora ampliamente el sistema de combate nos da contexto de cosas del juego y desarrolla aún más personajes del mismo 10/10 si todas las expansiones fueran así la gente no se quejaria por pagarlas.

Cannot believe that after how bad I thought of the base game, I absolutely love this. They took everything that worked from the base game and made it better. The combat Is so satisfying to pull off, going back and forth between blade and driver. And the sidequests arent terrible anymore! I did a good amount of them before beating the game. The story was still as good as ever but that hasn't been a problem throughout any of the xeno games so far. I want to give it a 10 but it might be too soon for that.

A major improvement from the base game of 2. The side content is much more bearable and cohesive. Some complain that you have to do side content to beat the main game, but youre given the choice and a decent amount of wiggle room of what you wanna go for without it feeling like a slog. I felt like it helped the narrative as well.

It had a better cast of characters for the most part and an engaging story. The voice acting is still poor on both sub and dub sadly.

I dont have a ton of complaints: but it didnt really resonate with me despite it being solid. This is honestly a way better experience than 2 that I would def recommend.

I cried.

Really good expansion, love the combat to the point of wishing XB2 base could be played with these systems. All that being said I think the community gatelocking is far too awkward and should have been breadcrumbed better considering you only really get hit with it in the earlygame and literally right before the end. It's a pacekiller if you're not the type to inherently plug away at sidequests.

En sí el juego es muy interesante, mejora el gameplay del xenoblade 2, pero ¿Era necesario tanta misión secundaria?

El principal problema es el intento de alargar la historia a más no poder y para ello te obligan a hacer muchas misiones secundarias sin parar, lo que provoca que la tensión del momento y el hilo argumental se pierda.

Algún día lo terminaré, porque la historia se xenoblade 2 me gustó mucho, pero antes tengo que terminar otros juegos como xenoblade 3.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Torna The Golden Country is in some ways superior, some ways inferior, to the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 base game.

Let's start with the ways that it's better.

First and foremost, tripping the game of its stupid gachas and replacing field skills with natural progression. There were very few times during TTGC's sidequests where I felt cheated or walled from progression due to a lacking field skill. Contrast this to the base game, where you can, mathematically, be walled from the main story because the gacha won't give you a blade with the skills you need.

This goes in conjunction with what I think is the single biggest improvement - giving each human character multiple blades that are theirs and theirs alone during the story's natural progression. Not only did this help from a gameplay perspective, but it was also justified from a story perspective as well, though one blade in particular was somewhat underused narratively.

The Xenoblade 2 base game had one of my favorite casts of characters in any video game I've played, and TTGC just adds to the roster. Lora and Jin are phenomenal both apart and together, as are Mythra and Addam. Hugo, well, he's cool, but it's obvious he and his blades are just along for the ride.

The combat for me compared to the base game was a bit of a wash, there were certain aspects I preferred in the base game, and others TTGC. But like the base game, when the combat clicks, it absolutely clicks and feels amazing.

TTGC, like the base game, absolutely chugs. It is remarkable that Nintendo and Monolith were able to pump this out on the Switch but there are times when, graphically, the game looks and feels like garbage.

However, what absolutely kills this game, like the base game's gacha, are the points in the story where you are forced to raise the Community (sidequest progression) level to proceed. That is one of the silliest game direction decisions I have ever experienced, and exists solely to pad the runtime of what would be a very short experience. I will say that the sidequests do help to minimize grinding through the main story... but I still find it unacceptable.

Torna The Golden Country is a worthwhile expansion to Xenoblade 2, but it shares some of its problems. It's worth the download, but unless you're a collector (like me), don't waste your money on the standalone physical edition.

Why are you forced to do so many quests to unlock the final boss?

An essential play for any Xenoblade 2 fan, it's an amazing story that re-contextualizes the entire game, with even better combat than the base game, and in a much more digestible package. Being forced to do the community quests isn't great, but it doesn't take long, and just ends up making you play more of this incredible game.


lowkey better than the base game i won't fake

C'est une expansion magnifique, le scénario explique beaucoup de trucs niveau lore, c'était génial de connaitre Addam et Hugo, l'OST est génial aussi (et Counterattack est revenu lets gooooooooooooo), ET MYTHRA A TELLEMENT DE SCREENTIME J'ADORE ÇA, MAINTENANT J'AIME MYTHRA ENCORE PLUS 🛐🛐🛐 J'avais oublié à quel point je l'adore

La seule chose négative à mon avis : On est obligé de faire la plupart des quêtes annexes pour pouvoir avancer dans le scénario du jeu... Ça aurait été bien plus court et moins chiant sans les quêtes annexes obligatoires

Toutefois je suis Mythra simp alors c'était quand même une bonne expérience 😎

This was the first game of the series that I played and I enjoyed it a lot, superb gameplay, graphics, sound, and story!

10 --Wonderful take on characters and theme

I think the combat is definitely snappier and easier for others to enjoy but base game combat is really fun if you just have it explained properly. The story is nothing crazy what you would expect for this game considering you already know what's gonna happen but the characters were fun especially Jin. Good amount of content for a dlc story id say around 30 hours.
Edit: oh my god I forgot about the battle theme S tier as always

Absolute sublime jazz music, and gameplay is a solid collection of elements from the base game. Unfortunately, I got so frustrated by the amount of pointless side quests needed to progress the main story that I never finished it. Maybe one day.

I genuinely want to love this DLC: the story is so good and ties really well to the main game, the soundtrack is still a banger and the gameplay is just different enough from the main game to make it original... But my god, forcing the player to do sidequests to progress the main story is just miserable: Xenoblade's sidequest system just doesn't work, and forcing the player to do side content absolutely kills the pacing, especially when it's just before the climax...
It's still a great experience, but the pacing alone made it way worse than it could have been.

fixes the only probelm xb2 combat has in not being able to control mythra herself like holy shit it was so easy. Actual game is forced sidequest to progress main story, but honestly i didn't mind it much

Parece otro juego diferente más que un simple DLC. La historia responde a muchas de las dudas que teníamos de xc2 y lo hace muy pero que muy bien. Echo en falta un poquito más de "calidad de vida" en ciertas mecánicas y menús, pero para mi es un juegazo obligatorio si eres fan de la saga. Ahora eso si, lo que no entiendo es la soplapollez innata de hacer como 40 side-quests para seguir con la historia (antes de la boss-fight prácticamente), puede ser porque así leveleas los personajes para la pelea final, pero sigo sin llegar a ver una buena razón. En cambio, en el DLC de xc1, te ponían a lvl 80 o 75 no me acuerdo bien y seguías la historia. Una pega más y son los gráficos. Supongo que será que el xc3 lo hicieron muchísimo mejor y mejoraron los gráficos mucho más, pero sigo sin entender como cojones consigues hacer un juego borroso y que cueste jugar en portátil. Quitando todo eso, es muy buen juego y por lo que vale está bastante bien (también te da contenido para el xc2 como el modo desafío y tal asi que bueno, no está mal).