Reviews from

in the past

Obrigado por tudo Atma❤️

Preciosa aventura narrativa de la que hay que saber nada para disfrutarla como se merece.
Con una jugabilidad muy sencilla pero con unos personajes que te llegan a los más profundo (No hay ni un NPC sin vida propia), A Space for the Unbound se convierte en uno de los mejores juegos que he podido disfrutar esta mitad de año.

Nota final: 9,5

If only this had less...gameplay, or at least better gameplay. It doesn't even try to hide the fact that most of it is running back and forth doing random stuff for people.
Because yeah, the story and how it's told is fantastic. Games that can manage to move me in ways that this has are very few. Absolutely beautiful message/themes that hit hard now, and would have been possibly life-changing if I was 15 years younger.
I've rated it pretty low (struggling between a 3 or 3.5) because I can't quite forgive the slog that is the actual gameplay, but if I was rating the story itself it'd be much higher.
And I feel like I should also point out the pixel artwork because it's just phenomenal.

Un juego artísticamente bonito y pulido, con una jugabilidad sencilla, pero divertida, y con una historia madura, melancólica y emotiva sobre una metáfora preciosa sobre aceptarse a uno mismo con todos nuestros defectos.

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