Reviews from

in the past

American Arcadia is a side scroller based on a very interesting story that's best played without being spoiled.

It's rather complicated to talk about the gameplay without spoiling things, but the game includes puzzles and fairly classic side scrolling where you sometimes have to make the right choices and use the right elements in order to move forward.

Visually, the game has a fairly classic look for a game of this genre, with low-poly 3D. The scenery and characters are quite pretty, without necessarily being breathtaking. Don't be a fool. But the visuals suit the game rather well.

From a music and sound design point of view, the game is pretty good, with well-tuned music that adds to the different scenes.

Finally, from a story point of view, which I think is the most important and interesting aspect of this game, despite the fact that the story has already been told in other media, the developers have done a very good job of coming up with a coherent story with slightly endearing characters.

In conclusion, I think American Arcadia is a pretty cool game with an interesting story that's well worth the money.

Una historia llena de giritos y una ambientación chulísima para un juego estupendo que bebe mucho de otros como Limbo o Inside, pero dependiendo más de un excelente reparto para contar su historia.

Los cambios de perspectiva y de jugabilidad funcionan muy bien y, si bien algunas partes (principalmente las que son en 3D) son algo menos interesantes, lo he disfrutado un montón de principio a fin.


A story full of twists and a really cool setting for a great game that takes a lot of inspiration from others like Limbo or Inside, but relying more on a very strong cast to tell its story.

The changes in perspective and gameplay work really well and, although some parts (mostly the 3D ones) are a bit less interesting, I had a great time with it all the way through.

Una divertida aventura variada y llena de giros que consigue entretener todo el rato. El único problema que le veo es que a veces no llegan en lo técnico a las ideas que tienen en mente.

It takes a good story to the end by enriching it with a better presentation.
The fact that it offers different POVs for a change of pace in the side-scrolling style is a good plus, and I really liked the puzzles in the game.
Let's not forget to praise the pop culture references and beautiful music.