Reviews from

in the past

Primera entrega de Assassin's Creed que juego.
La disfruté muchísimo y me hizo desarrollar un interés por la historia en su momento.

A sequencia perfeita, ac2 tem uma história incrivel, personagens muito bons, tem um dos melhores protagonistas da historia dos jogos. Uma gameplay muito melhor que o ac1; e com um mundo aberto mais charmoso. 10/10

Uma ótima história, mas uma gameplay bem datada

Recuerdo dejarlo porque me aburría un montón


So, I bought the second one just because of the story, cause I'm in love with Assassin's Creed universe... I do not regret it!

They improved a lot of things, mainly the gameplay. We still have a good story and it's awesome how they mixed it with the collectibles. I hate 100% ubisoft games, cause it's always the same "there are 985345 collectibles through the map, good luck <3". BUT in AC2, we have codex pages that explains a lot of things Altair did in the meantime, we have feathers that have a meaning (you get to see some cutscenes) and It's cool to see the town improving.

I adored the fact they built this game mixed with reality, with "the truth" and historical facts. The OST is a banger, it is one of the reasons I wanted to play, cause I had it on my spotify even before I started.

The gameplay was hugely improved, parkour is faster, we have more diversity of weapons, stealth options, not having to do the same mission on and on, etc. I'm not saying It's perfect, but it's okay now.

"did you have problems with it?"

It's ubisoft, what do you think? The only ubisoft game that didn't crash on my pc was rayman origins, and it's a 2d one. BUT, this was the one that crashed the least.

Is it worth it? Yes.

"Requiescat in pace"

To jogando todos da franquia, por enquanto meu favorito

I do not remember when I exactly started to play Assassin's Creed II but I certainly remember that I did not had any fun when I entered Venice until the end.

Assassin's Creed II seems like a great sequel that improves upon everything, until you find out that you are stuck in a combat system that is far worse than the original, stuck with cities that feel the same despite looking much better than the cities in the first game. Overall you are stuck with a game that tries to rob every minute of your time with overly long playtime, that does not support the amount of content this game has.

The best part of Assassin's Creed II is the writing, that is improved upon massively, and Ezio as the protagonist feels so much better than Altair. I really liked all the characters, most of them are insanely friendly and quirky, especially Leonardo da Vinci, who is the true gem of this game.

I did the tombs, most side missions and the main story, but I did not care at all about the feathers and I lost interest in renovating as well.

What can I say? I enjoyed the first one better than this one.. 3,9 is CRAZY high for this game. It should be around 3,3 or 3,5. Nostalgia is something else...

i think this is the best one, no hesitation. i feel like the reputation of AC has been completely trashed because ubisoft loves shitty non-functioning games but like...this one is actually REALLY good.

One of the best Assassin's Creed games of all time.

Really good. Introduced Ezio who was the best assassin

Le jeu a tellement bien vieillit

This game's story is rich. It's definitely something that must be experienced because Edzio's story is one of modern gaming's finest. The combat is greatly improved from the original, the world feels lived in, and the lore is actually interesting. This is the best Assassins Creed game I've played. Wonderful soundtrack as well.

Man I love Ezio, I wish Italians were real