Reviews from

in the past

Precisamos de mais jogos como esse: simples e concisos mas cheios de charme

I thought this was really quaint and charming. A little unoptimized and a bit janky, but a solid puzzler that, while it never truly stumped me or left me unsure on what my next goal was, was still clever and satisfying.

There are two kinds of puzzles in this game: the environmental puzzle which is mostly about finding clues, and the "proper" puzzle, which involves you piecing together the secret of each plant from the clues you find. The latter is pretty interesting, and not very hard. You just need to read the clues carefully. There is no weird logic leap that you'd find in a point-and-click adventure game. The environmental puzzles can get a bit obtuse at times. Thankfully the whole manor is not that big, and there is no required backtracking between chapters. There's also a story. Classic 19th century feminism. Personally, I'd just be glad that I was born a noble lady living in a lavish manor.

Beautifully chill and well thought out puzzle game. Really enjoyed this one and the story it told through the letters throughout the manor.

While the game is overall quite polished and functionally sound, I never felt particularly engaged. It's a bit tedious with some lacking QOL and slow traversal. I found the puzzles to be more instruction-following than problem-solving, I lost interest.

Certainly charming, but it felt like make-work most of the time, lacking those eureka moments that really make puzzle games shine.

i borked my save and couldn't finish, but it was so pretty and cute and wonderful.

Esse jogo foi tão divertido! Eu fui atraída pelo aspecto de exploração e pelos puzzles, mas, inicialmente, eu me perguntei se eu gostaria dos puzzles, porque eu frequentemente me encontro perdida e frustrada com alguns jogos de puzzle...
Mas esse jogo me fez me sentir tão inteligente! Os puzzles não são extremamente complexos, mas eles são um ótimo desafio para tentar resolver! Eu fiquei tão imersa no jogo que passei a noite inteira em claro só quebrando minha cabeça para resolver os últimos 6 puzzles!

Não é um jogo extremamente ambicioso e não é uma exploração com uma experiência sentimental, como What Remains of Edith Finch, mas Botany Manor não precisa disso para você se apegar à casa ou às coisas que você aprende para resolver os puzzles. Foi tão divertido e eu definitivamente vou rejogar esse jogo só porque eu amei fazer os puzzles!