Reviews from

in the past

Je conçoit que ce jeu soit un mastodonte dans le monde du tactical shoot, mais trop peu pour moi pas réussi à aimer peu être que le jeu est trop terne

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its alright. csgo accomplished what most games couldnt so ill give it credit. the racism is funny and playing with friends is also fun.

to com vac ban na steam ate hoje, F

Mesmo não gostando tanto de CS quanto eu gostava quando era mais pivetão, esse é um jogo que eu nunca vou deixar de jogar, mesmo que eu jogue ele umas 10 vezes no ano.
Fez parte de uma grande fase da minha vida e eu me divertia MUITO jogando CS naquela época, então esse jogo tem seu valor.

Best shooter that existed!
Timeless game

I ideal way to play this game is 5 stacking with a bunch of friends who can't tell a smoke grenade from a brick wall. Top frag every game and you never have to play against good players.

Marking this to signify that I had 167/167 Steam achievements in the game before it was changed to Counter-Strike 2 and they were all unfortunately removed.

One of the better versions of Counter-Strike... Too bad they messed it up doing the update to CS2. Only a good game if you play with friends or if you like competetive shooters.

have over 1000 hours and i would give anything to be back in 2014 or 2015 when this game was in it's prime. too bad cs2 was a giant flop.