Reviews from

in the past

This was a disappointment.

Gotta start by pointing out that performance on PC is absolutely abysmal. Terrible performance on all graphics settings even with a a graphics card well overpowered for this game even on ultra. Massive frame rate drops, rubber banding, blurs and crashes. Game doesn't work at all with DX12 and hardly works on DX11. It sputters its way through. Audio drops, texture pop in. There's a litany of complains on the Steam forums or on countless websites about performance. Seems it was never fully rectified and at its worse renders the game completely unplayable.

If you are willing to push through the technical issues, you're rewarded with a delightfully mediocre experience. An inconsistent, slapdash story that tries to weave too many threads into a story that's never really cohesive and atmospheric enough to remain spooky. Tracking down maps and telegraphing morsecode to resistance fighters just isn't what I'm looking for in this sort of spooky walking sim. Too much detracts from the scary atmosphere and the shit performance gives ample amounts of frustration.

On Ultra settings the game is quite pretty, the music quite good and when you get the scares they are scary. Rarely cheesy or goofy. They stay in the moment and deliver suitable spooks. There's good moments here. It's why Martha is Dead is disappointing rather than just bad. There's some charm. There's some stuff you'll remember. But you'll spend more time lamenting that it wasn't better.