Reviews from

in the past

why is mike a stupid idiot in professional dude just shoot the fucking turrets

Resident Evil 4 revolutionized the survival horror genre with a shift to third-person action while retaining its suspenseful roots. You take control of Leon S. Kennedy on a mission to rescue the President's daughter from a mysterious cult. The game offers a thrilling mix of action and exploration, with tense encounters against deranged villagers and puzzles to solve. While some may find the escort mechanic with Ashley Graham frustrating, Resident Evil 4 remains a landmark title with its atmospheric environments, iconic boss fights, and rewarding weapon upgrade system.

Ashley gasosa, Krauser bombado, Leão rockeiro, Cera morrendo e Sadler Clichê

Quintessential. Nearly everything in this game has purpose and adds to instill a specific feeling. The action is tense and extremely fun, the inventory management and preserving resources remains engaging to this day, and this might be the best version of quick time events integrated into both cutscenes and gameplay. The game effortlessly balances the fear due to the atmosphere with how funny the dialogue is. The dialogue being so cheesy and funny helps reset the tension, keeping the pacing well balanced.

While the controls can be weird if you aren't used to tank controls, it isn't inherently worse. Mastery of these controls is extremely satisfying, and it proves that having a homogenized control scheme isn't always going to be a good thing if a team wants their game to achieve different things.

Even though this game has a remake which is also amazing, the original will always be a fundamental work and worth playing on it's own merits. Don't let there being a prettier and newer version have you miss out on peak video games. The game is iconic for a reason.

Resident evil 4 (resident evil 4) is an extremely impressive game to me, it nails everything I want in a shooter / action game while also having a very compelling and thought through story. It is a very fun game and I like fun. I think I’ll provide a more comprehensive review at some point but for now this is just a great game I thoroughly enjoyed!

Can't believe it took me so long to play this

I never realized how much I appreciated RE2 being like 3 hours long this game drags so bad and yall dick ride it for some reason