Reviews from

in the past

Gosto muito da trilha sonora desse jogo e acho a dificuldade bastante desafiadora, além da risada do Robotnik ser bem macabra e dar calafrios até hoje :)

It is not as good as 1, 2, or 3, but it is a good Sonic game nonetheless. Visually, it is outstanding and has a unique identity, but I do not have very fond memories of this title.

Да, есть люди которые считают эту игру скучной и неинтересной, но для меня она очень ламповая, по традиции я её прохожу каждую Пасху)

Played the mobile port on my old Kindle Fire, and made it all the way to Metallic Madness before calling it quits. After trying several classic Sonic games, and coming to terms with the fact that Sonic is not for me, I will not be returning to this game.

The elusive 2D Sonic game that I played through using an iPad back in the day. A very fun game, if a bit flawed. I'd like to give one of the newer versions a shot sometime.

Great game, some design choices are odd tho

i fucking love metal sonic dude