Reviews from

in the past

Submerged is a relaxing exploration game, with no combat or danger whatsoever. Which makes it a perfect game for listening to podcasts or watching videos while playing it.

You traverse with a boat on the water in a city flooded by water, exploring it as you're looking for supplies for your injured/sick brother. As you're looking for these supplies, you are also able to collect secrets and upgrades for the boat. The latter are just making you go faster from what I understand.

The story is somewhat easy to follow and is more told through cutscenes and the drawings you collect/unlock through playing the game. Not everything is obvious as there is a lot given to you as the player to intepret. However, even if you choose to ignore the story you will do fine in the game.

If you want something cozy and easy to play while doing other tasks, I can definitely recommend Submerged! I'm glad to see that the previous Stadia-exclusive sequel has made it to Steam, as I'm excited to play that one as well.