Reviews from

in the past

I'm not really certain on what occasion someone had the bright idea to say, "Hey I just want to make ICO, without any of the charm or interesting themes built around it, stretched out with inoffensive climbing and collectibles to pad out it further with a meaningless story, wrapped in a very disgustingly muddled aesthetic," but someone did. That's the most charitable way I can put this, a rip-off is probably better worded and more apt. (2/10)

ya its rly bad i dont remember much else

chill, atmospheric story-driven climbing in a small open world. a bit repetitive, some clunky movement, and the story ultimately doesn't do much with some interesting ideas, but hey, hopefully the sequel coming out soon will do more with the premise

It's kinda sweet. This might be the first game that actually manages to tell a cohesive story using no words but only archaic geometric drawings, which has been a gripe for me for a long time. Gameplay-wise, it lacks a bit of depth and is the climbing version of a walking simulator. I'm not sure what could've been done to alleviate this, as a Tomb Raider style dramatization non-stop would be exhausting (and too expensive to make), while platformer gameplay with the possibility of failure wouldn't fit in the setting if you die three hundred times.

It does raise interest in its sequel though, as you can do a lot more things with this setting. And it doesn't have a stereotypical sad indie game ending, which I also appreciate - it would've been very easy to implement.

Finally played this quiet exploration game. The story follows a girl trying to save her injured brother in a world submerged by the ocean. Lots of collectables used to upgrade your boat & uncover what happened to the world.

Очень красивая, красочная и атмосферная игра. Просто сесть на пару-тройку часов и расслабиться.
Как и писалось в предыдущих отзывах - очень однотипный геймплей, что быстро надоедает.

Find, climb, pick up, and so on 9 times.
The game has a pleasant musical accompaniment. Quite nice graphics.
An interesting plot, it seemed that there would be a sad ending, but everything turned out wrong.
The only negative is that the game is short. You can walk through it in the evening.

Probably the most generic platformer/collectathon I've ever played. Thats not to say it was... "bad?" The premise being a sister trying to save her brother is compelling. And she physically and visually gets weaker as the game progresses which is a nice touch. What I also like is how it is told with no dialogue. The design of the flooded city is also striking.

This game had a lot going for it but sadly the gameplay is so repetitive and uninspired. There also isn't anything mechanically going on. You automatically climb things, and you can't jump. So you're basically just running into walls the entire game. Her run speed is also super slow so the game feels like a slog start to finish.

I think what could have helped this game a lot is if getting to each tower was more free but also complicated. Like you would have to zip from one tower to the other to gain access or something. There ARE zip lines in the game that you use... 1 or 2 times?

You just use the boat to go everywhere and it adds to the dullness.

It is a fairly cute game but I'm not going to remember after a few days.

It's hard to describe what exactly about this struck a chord with me. It doesn't do anything novel in its mechanics and there is some jankiness to them, and it certainly doesn't have AAA production quality.

And yet, I still found myself completely absorbed for the few hours I got to spend in the small, tranquil world that Uppercut Games created.

Just the climbing bits from Uncharted like games mashed with story telling through mural like objects like in Abzu. But both aspects done rather poorly?
The game tries to sell itself as a relaxing exploration game without combat but fails to provide any good incentive for exploration. I hope this was just the devs trying to figure out how to make a game and a proper game is coming with this concept in the future.

this game has a great ambience but that's about it, it feels too long and become quickly boring. i like the way the story was depicted tho.

Relaxante e sensível porem esquecível.

It's a hassle to get through, but I guess it's kinda cute and the setting is interesting - finding all the hidden islands and seeing where you can and cannot go.

Se focar direto na história pode ser uma experiência boa, eu resolvi explorar e encheu o saco a ''gameplay'' é MT simples, sabe aquelas pedras sobressalente que tu bate o olho e sabe que tem q subir, é isso, o jogo todo é achar 10 ''torre'' que são prédios, escalar pegar uma caixa e ir atrás de outra, n tem combate, n tem puzzle, n tem desafio. A exploração é chata pq é tudo igual, tu olha o universo e vê milhares de possibilidades mas o jogo n da nada, tudo tu bate o olho e sabe o q é, um construção aberta ali vai ter um segredo sem graça, um prédio q só restou as paredes, uma peça do barco... A história ate q gera uma curiosidade mas ♥♥♥♥-se... 37 reais eu me arrependeria legal, mas paguei 4 pila, valeu pelo jogo perfeito...

It's a chill little game about driving a boat to various places and climbing them. Not much more to it than that, though I am curious how the sequel builds upon the premise.

postscript: Not that much, it turns out.

The climbing is so slow that by the time you actually get anywhere in this game the world will already be submerged

Submerged is a cozy, but yet emotional game about a sister, who is forced to loot for items in a city submerged in water to save her brother. as you scavenge and scale buildings, you learn more about the city and its inhabitants and what happened to your family. I found the atmosphere of this game to be perfect and I enjoyed my time with the game, but the janky and repetitive gameplay (to complete the game, you have to retrieve items from 10 different buildings) occasionally combined with kind of ugly graphics hindered the experience. the gameplay really reminded me of Jusant, although it's nowhere near as polished, but I still enjoyed exploring the sunken city and just driving my boat all over. the music is beautiful and it combined with the slight eeriness of the empty city made the game quite enjoyable. if you liked Jusant, you probably like this game as well ~