Reviews from

in the past

toisteks paras zelda peli ei edes lähel siis tää on niin hiton hyvä rakastan tätä

I must admit, this was the first game I ever played that was designed for an (relatively) older audience. It changed the way I understood media and even the concept of fiction as a whole.

Before I played this game, the only entry in the series I had played was the original The Legend of Zelda. As a child, I enjoyed the experience, but much preferred the exciting zaniness of Mario Galaxy. When I picked up Twilight Princess, primarily for the chance at picking up a darker video game, I was astounded. The scale of this world and the stakes of its stories, combined with enjoyable characters, culminated in an experience that I did not know was possible. I was hooked, not just to Zelda, or to video games, but any and all forms of art.

As an adult, I understand this game is not perfect. It suffers especially from a rough beginning and repeated tutorialization. But I still hold this as the definitive Zelda experience. Some of the best dungeons, characters, bosses, and items in franchise history. A story that is not nearly as dark as it sometimes wishes to be, but still endearing enough to be enjoyed by all ages. Not too mention a fantastic score who's only rival to date is Skyward Sword's powerful orchestra.

I will never tire of watching Link and Epona ride through a sun-soaked Hyrule Field.

Un bon jeu mais un mauvais zelda.

Ce jeu a des puzzles et des donjons vraiment trop cool surtout les 4 derniers qui sont un excellent moment de jeu.
Cependant je trouve le début vraiment long et ennuyeux.

Je trouve les contrôles assez mauvais plusieurs fois je suis tomber dans le vide à cause de l'imprécision ou la caméra.

Je ne comprends pas les fans de la saga qui pense que c'est le meilleur opus. il y a beaucoup trop de choses cursed et Edgy dans ce jeu après il y en a dans tout les zelda mais la TOUT le jeu est comme ça en plus d'être gris. Je ne joue pas à zelda pour avoir l'impression d'être dans l'univers de Nier. 😂

Selon moi le pire jeux 3d de la licence. mais dans l'ensemble il reste un bon jeu.

Not as good as the three 3D Zeldas that came before it, but still a good game in its own right. Gets a lot of flak (some deserved) for its pacing, especially at the beginning, and the fact that it introduces a couple very cool items - the Spinner, the Ball and Chain - that are woefully underused. Definitely a harbinger of Zelda struggling to find its way in the 3D era until BoTW came out.

my hot take: getting the fish for the cat so you can unlock the slingshot in the beginning is actually fun and not tedious at all