Reviews from

in the past

Chorei pra caralho, maravilhoso.

Absolutamente referencial de jogo brasileiro. Jogue.

The first major Brazilian indie game is simply incredible, with striking visuals, one of the best and most interesting (and well-told) narratives for a metroidvania, and a wonderful gameplay system.

The influences are almost all the right ones and almost all of them are properly utilized. We have elements of Souls-like games here, 2D Zeldas, and of course, a classic metroidvania system with a map that is quite rewarding to explore. The combat system is simply one of the best systems for a 2D game I've ever seen as well. Parrying is very satisfying to land, there's an interesting variety of items, and the chips create intriguing build combinations. All of this with a good and memorable selection of boss fights.

That being said, it's sad how much the game focuses on its gimmicks in the dungeons. A good portion of them are simply tedious to use or become stale too quickly. And the focus on them is excessive, with some cases not even being the best inspiration for power-ups (the spinner being one of the most uninspired power-ups from Zelda, for example).

The amount of jumping puzzles and platforming simply doesn't fit as well in a game with an isometric camera like this. Even in a game with combat far inferior to Unsighted like A Link to the Past, the focus seems to be more on combat and puzzles rather than platforming sections.

This collection of gimmicks that combine platforming with quick responses also doesn't translate well to the game's co-op mode.

In conclusion, considering that it's the studio's first game, Unsighted is quite impressive, but it's still a game that does many things well as few others but insists on focusing on things it doesn't do as well. It's definitely worth keeping an eye on the studio's next endeavors, as they already have another interesting game in production.