Reviews from

in the past

im the only person on earth who played the ps2 version first yet prefers this one i dont like how they removed a lot of the og OST and also the combat is kinda ass

Comparatively to 0 and Kiwami 1, this is my favorite Kiryu story so far, even if other elements of the story can feel weaker at times. While near the end the plot kinda went full haywire exhibitionist mode, it was pretty fun and I liked all the usual Yakuza random shit in the side missions and combat, which I think hit a little high point comparatively to the others I played. Overall solid entry, and I enjoyed my time with this one.


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The ending is pretty retarded not gonna lie. First off, why would you choose to fight on top of a building with a bomb set to explode? On top of that, you and your opponent are riddled with bullets in your body. How about you go to the hospital and then settle this matter in another day? I also don't know why Kiryu would just give up right then and there. He was more than capable of moving, though weakly, just have Sayama carry your ass downstairs, there was more than enough time. And I know you have time since you and her proceed to make out while the bomb is about to explode. It's like Kiryu keeps forgetting he has a daughter to take care of and decides to throw away his life as soon as possible. At least the boss fight is great.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 erzählt die Story von Kiryu Kazuma perfekt weiter, treibt die Absurdität in Form von Majima Constructions auf ein neues Level und zieht einen gekonnt tiefer in die Geschehnisse hinein, die mit Zero und dem ersten Teil ihren Anfang gefunden haben.

De verdad que no hay malo. Este no lo pude disfrutar tanto pero es que el malo es bestial, no puedo no darle 5 estrellas

I still liked this one, but I think its weaker than 0 and Kiwami mostly due to story bloat. There are significantly too many storylines and plots that become too convoluted and don't converge well enough. Similarly, the end of the game is filled with too many reveals that don't feel earned and ultimately take away from the previous plot points in my opinion. Still a solid entry in the franchise, but the weakest of the first 3.

ótimo jogo!

pessoalmente achei a história mais fraca da franquia até agora, com uns plot twists muito loucos, mas tem seus ápices que são feitos de forma decente

combate ok, um pouco diferente dos dois primeiros jogos mas consegue ser divertido, alguns bosses sofrem com questão de balanceamento, ou sendo muito fracos ou muito fortes, de uma forma ainda mais gritante que no Kiwami 1. mas nada que realmente incomode muito

no geral bom jogo, mas ao invés de buscar consertar as falhas do Kiwami, ele procura ser sua própria coisa, falhando em alguns quesitos mas acertando bastante em outros. não é um jogo que fará você desistir da franquia, se você já aguentou os momentos/sistemas questionáveis da franquia até aqui.

Aisément un des meilleurs opus avec mon antagoniste préféré de la franchise

if the world could fit in my palm
it would be easy to keep it calm
if I can hold you in my arms, ah ah
it would be easy to make my resolution firm
'いつ迄もこのままで居たいなら 立ち止まって目を閉じていればいい'
君さ それすらさせてくれないのは


3rd review and this one’s for Yakuza Kiwami 2. This actually might be the one to 100%, but we'll talk about that later. Let's get it! (srry if it’s too long, just speaking my mind here)

This game is another remake, in this case of Yakuza 2 (tf did u expect), and so far is my least favorite game out of all. And that’s because of, um… let’s say an amalgam of various aspects. I’d like to mention first of all the addition of the Dragon Engine. It’s stunning, amazing, reckoning, yk, that kinda stuff - but it’s still Yakuza. Don’t worry about it (for the most part) cause it’s a blast. For the most part.
And why didn’t i like this game so much? One of those reasons is… the story. As of when i'm writing this, it's already been a while since i beat the game, so dont judge me if im not a 100% correct (not like my platinum hehe), but i sincerely didn’t like how silly the story in this game was. Cause youre telling me theres a whole turf war between 2 yakuza clans going on and theres also a 3rd one acting BUT the main villains motive is to defeat (not kill) Kiryu? Like, tf? Don’t get me wrong, I like Ryuji as a character, but hes a frickin goofball for gods sake. And dont get me started on the twists. AND the flashbacks. SO MANY FLASHBACKS.
This ones story not of my taste, but its ok ig.

Now the gameplay… starts crying. I’m sorry but initially i DESPISED WITH MY HEART AND SOUL that combat system. I said initially cause i ended up accustomed, but idk. Yk, the graphics are awesome, you can go practically wherever you want without a loading screen, but the Dragon Engine’s combat system is much, much worse than any other in the series. Period. Is flashy and cool ig, but it does not feel right when playing with it.
If you jus wanna go thru the whole game without sufferin, jus look up (in yt or whatever) the restaurants that give you the most exp and start eatin the livin crab (hehe) outta them. Youll break the game in a matter of minutes/hours.

Side-content-wise… It's actually pretty good! The first couple missions are utter garbage, but because they are meant for you to have a finisher by interacting with the environment (they are still shitty nonetheless). But then there are tons of fun sidequests that are great, and I mean great as in Yakuza 0. And there are also minigames: some old, some new, but still fun.
There’s Virtua Fighter (a whole ass game inside YK2); there’s minigolf, which is ok for the most part; a few tweaks for baseball; there’s a Tower Defense; CABARET CLUB IS BACK BABYYY; you can also… take photos of actresses in underwear… and… there are 2 piss games - Well that’s enough.
Whole lotta shit for you to uncover. That’s it.
Oh and I almost forgot theres also a Majima story. It aint brilliant, but it is Majima after all so im happy :D.

Now the 100% yayyy. Shit’s way easier compared to other games. A breeze of fresh air for those who just wanna finish asap. If youd want to, id say you should. It’s still challenging, but it aint infuriating at all (i think). Anyway, remember that 100%-ing a game isnt a task you are required to do - just do it if you please. You can always spend your time on anything else aside from fulfilling ticks in a game just to have a trophy in your profile that says “I did it!”. It sure be rewarding, but do it only if you really want to.

Nothing to say about the OST. Yall know it. (just listen to “The Sound Of Breath” for me that shit like a drug)

Sooo, the conclusion. Yakuza Kiwami 2 is an ok game for a magnificent saga, which aint bad at all. Yakuza Kiwami 2 is ok for itself, but I think it has many things that didnt turn out so well as expected. Pick it up if on sale and see for yourself.

See ya on the next one!

A major improvement over kiwami one. The biggest issue with kiwami that may turn some people away from the game is its story. Some people may find it too confusing with how many twists it has, even for a yakuza game. While the story wraps up nicely at the end, its many concurent story lines and villian plots may overwhelm some players.

Overall however, Kiwami two has great combat that does take some time getting used to. The music is some of the best in the series.

Kiwami two, while a very serious game, is also one of the funniest RGG games with its side quests and majimas cutscenes.

strong start and middle, kind of goes to shit a little at the end, but all in all very enjoyable!

Another pretty cool Yakuza game. Mostly very well paced, good side stuff, a good story that takes some VERY stupid turns near the end, and a more refined (if extremely busted) combat system. It's not the most standout Yakuza game, but a solid one without substantial drawbacks.