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Final mission was great, good finale for me for the game.

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A perfect ending to the 10 year narrative that was built. The story was excellently tied into the raid experience and the mission that followed. I felt like the Witness became the threat that we were hoping for and it really felt like we needed everything to stop it.

As someone who has been playing off and on since launch I will say this with my full chest.

This is the best expansion that the series has seen. No other expansion has story or gameplay that comes even remotely close.

Good expansion

edit: just played Excision and obliterated the Witness. the final battle cranks another half star onto there

My personal favourite destiny expansion, everything was phenomenal. Episodes look okay, with echoes looking insanely boring, but I suppose we'll see.
Now bungie just needs to make every expansion to this level.

not only is this in my opinion the best the game has been since foresaken maybe even the best its EVER been but its such a beautiful and fulfilling send off to ten years of storytelling and if youve been a long time fan it is extremely rewarding with its callbacks and references, for one example how the ergo sum is actually the sword seen in the corridors of time that was told me to be the guardians favourite weapon. The raids mechanics are honestly a bit boring with stepping onto plates i wish it couldve been different. some of the new quests are kind of tedious mainly khovvy its an awful quest, also i normally wouldve been really upset with cayde coming back but they used his character brilliantly and gave him an amazing send off far better than what he got 6 years ago and with far more granduer.

Destiny 2: The Final Shape represents a high point in the series, offering a compelling and cohesive experience that celebrates the game's history while setting the stage for its future. The rich narrative, innovative gameplay mechanics, and wealth of post-campaign content make it a must-play for fans. Despite a few minor issues, The Final Shape is a fitting and triumphant conclusion to the "Light and Darkness" saga.
Read our Full Review here >

"Life isn't about holding on forever. Eventually... you have to let go. Now you tell the other this was my choice. My light. Nobody makes my fate but me." -cayde-6

The world of destiny is something that amazes me it is truly creative and throughout our ten years journey we saw many times how incredible the writers can utilize that world, however we also saw how they can DISCREDIT the world for whatever the reasons. Destiny 2 the final shape needed to accomplish things that I feel like bungie REALLY struggle with, that being: character connection, gripping mission game play, and high stake dread. I am very pleased to say they have nailed all three INCREDIBLY.

When it comes to characters I was worried the choice of some of the cast especially the return of cayde would be ruined due to not understanding what made them special and use him for marketing. But all characters are taken seriously and dare I say are made to be even more interesting and gripping as you finally see how these characters are getting effected by the events that have been happening in the last TEN years. The voice acting goes a long way to serve the high stake narrative they want to tell credit must be given.

The story writing is EXCELLENT what made bungie fail to grip the audience with the previous expansion is NOT here. from the design of the missions to the ost to the world, the campaign is designed to make you feel that you are NOT WELCOME HERE. THIS IS NOT THE REALITY YOU UNDERSTAND. And I LOVE that the story just fills you with worry as you truly feel like you are approaching what could be the end of everything and seeing even your leaders struggle to keep it together makes this campaign have an even greater haunting feeling.

mission design is REALLY good, Unfortunately I found the solo experience to be very easy however the COOP EXPERIENCE NEEDS COORDINATION FOR SOME ENCOUNTERS and that makes it SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN SOLO. I do think the missions in the first half are too basic I wish they did more with the mechanics and I like the direction that the final mission took I wish they leaned into it harder. Overall I think I prefer witch queen, but this is MUCH better than lightfall.

If I were to have a complaint it is the OST. Not that it is bad, merely that the bar bungie has set for OST IS SO HIGH, its unfortunate to see that they couldn't deliver as hard in this DLC, however it is still incredible and serves its purpose well I believe that there is greater potential and they could have cooked so much harder.

The conclusion to destiny's 10 year journey is nothing short of INCREDIBLE and makes me that much more excited for the future of this series.
"You're my favorite. Don't ever forget that."

One of the best Expansions that stand toe to toe with the greats like Forsaken and Taken King. They cooked here.

The Final Shape is the friends we made along the way

god bless bungie execs letting devs do their thing for once