Reviews from

in the past

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ooo this wasn't the best.
In terms of actual quality is isn't bad at all and is up to snuff with the rest of XIV at this point, but I don't like what it's saying mostly.

This ultimatlly depends on where it's going plotwise but in terms of what was actually done here I don't like what happened with Yoguri, regardless of how they do it it won't be good.

The two options I see with this are either:
Option 1. She continues with no memories and gets off scot free with her crime as a different person essentially.
Option 2. She regains her memories and becomes evil again, which I presume more than likely will lead to another betrayal of some sorts where she'll keep up the act or just go full evil again
Regardless I'm not the biggest fan of either options. If there was a secret third option where she regains her memories and actualyl repents in some way ? maybe through seeing how she was treated when she had no memories despite all she did? idk
She wasn't a character I hugely loved in Stormblood but I felt her backstory was her weakest aspect. I think there's a possibilty they can handle this well, I just don't think they will...

The totally not evil guy who comes to Doma in the second half was very obvious and I think, handled poorly also. In terms of his character he's clearly super evil, which fine I think that's the point in some way sure. But it's so obivous I didn't think for a second that he was actually trying to change. He also brings about the point of changing the system from the inside is the way to fix it rather than tear it down.... and like yeah that's worked sooo well in real life, if that was the actual message that was being pushed I would be shocked at how surpisngly right wing these last two patches have been through technicality. Regardless I suppose him being evil counteracts that stupid point. He also comes with silly claims that wern't relavent to Doma at all which makes complete sense but idk surely Hien might be a bit more like, "we wern't summoing primals anyway... isn't it strange he comes here to say that?" idk... Regardless he might end up being a cool character later on but this introduction stinks!

It did however make me think of something cool that could happen, I thought that it'd be really cool to get a echo vision of a character like him showing him as evil/betraying in one way without him openly admiting it, it'd be a vastly better way of the reveal rather than him just giving up at the end, student of Zenos or not that was sillly. And they use the echo anyway it would've been much better to have that happen before hand.

Uhh in terms of the good, Tataru and Alphinaud have some nice moments and I LOVE Tataru she's the best character so I was very happy with all her moments here now she's been sent of Eorzea. Gameplay was fun... and uh the writing wasn't bad per say but I have major issues as I've made apparent.

Not a fan of this patch at all, very glad it was the shortest one... hope the next patch can make up for this... (especially since last patch was sooo good) it all relies on how they treat Yotsyu in the upcoming patches.

oh and also since I forogt to mention IDK how I feel about bringing both Gosetsu and her back... I'd prefer them both to have died and I adore Gosetsu but the one good death so far in XIV was his and now it's gone (much like Nanamos death but I don't mind that one at all tbh) I hope they'll do meaningfull things with his character coming up and don't just bring him back for the sake of it. Maybe having Yosetsu live with no memory and Gosetsu dead might've been more intersting? or just having her live with Gosetsu dead? IDK I just wasn't a fan of how it was handeled, regardless Gosetsu is till my GOAT so it's fine.

(oh and also also, the empire is so evil, them coming for peace negotiations for a country they occupied for 25 years and it being seen as silly for Doma not to accept is ??? like not only is it stupid but like they're basically like dictators already? and they just executed people willy nilly. it's just silly even to consider, and I KNOW there's the prisoners in the whole thing as a motivator but also like they're going to be dead I'd bet money on it.
So many negative feelings have stemmed from this patch, hope it doesn't continue on in the next patch