Reviews from

in the past

Once felt like playing this when my friends weren't on and managed to guess the password for a random online lobby on my first try (iirc, the lobby was called "doge crater", and the password was just "doge" lmao). Absolutely dominated both rounds I played might I add. Infinitely annoying as this weeb shit is, I'd be lying if I didn't say it was unreasonably fun, ideally with a few drunk friends at 3 AM. It's great to space out to, and the artstyle (particularly the colors, backgrounds, and UI) really reminds me of some of the Cool Math games I'd play in middle school. Highly recommend if you've got friends to play with and the anime doesn't instantly make you vomit. I think I like it more than Mario Party tbh.

rolling dice is so fun brooo so fun

I keep fucking getting killed by the fucking chicken.

it's like if mario party hated you on a personal level

When mindlessly rolling a dice needs more Visual Stimuli...

Quite a TON of fun, love playing this with the homies

you will not find a better party game

"CHECK THIS SHIT OUT FELLAS" (rolls 2 with 2 dice) it's a wonderful game but you most certainly need friends

Had a lot of fun with it over the years, but I feel like a huge chunk of its identity is missing now that Hono no longer does art for the chibis on the field. Not the same without him.

i hope all my friends hate me after i use every extra bit of steam trading card money i have to buy the broken characters when they go on sale. sorry not sorry.

I won't lie, this is a 100% salty review. I had the most miserable experience playing this with friends and that was my first and only session. I don't know if it has more depth or control or something but i'm not sticking around to find out.

Every game we played i was first place the whole time only to get screwed over by the rng at the last second. Every. Single. Time.

I can deal with getting my ass kicked because i suck in a game, that's something i can fix by getting gud, but when i lose because of things that are outside of my control i feel like shit. I'm not a salty person, i don't scream, i don't rage, i don't blame others for my losses. But this shit was a berserk button i didn't even know i had.

about 10 minutes in my friends started to argue and hate each other

You just roll dice, no real gameplay. I have all the dlc

Pô, é tipo um Mario Party exageradamente complexificado e pra weebs, ah, e também sem a parte boa. Acho que é isso. Vai ver eu que não entendi.

Good game but luck is rigged af

I used to play this for hours and one of the guys always in the room would LARP as whatever character he was playing as so I think that definitely impacted my score, fuck you charlie.

It's like Mario Party but with 400% more bullshit. Great game to play with friends or if you want to do something else on another tab.

everyone that plays this is either the friendlist person out there or the most sweatiest asshole ever

I played this one time with the person who gifted it to me and I had no idea what it was or what I was doing. I have not touched it since then.
"Last Played Jan. 13, 2016."
And it shall stay that way.