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60 Seconds Oyununu severek oynamıştım . Fakat bu uzay temalı konusunu pek sevemedim. Becerememişler.

Ted, this is crazy!
Dolores, relax!
A man's gotta shave;
All we've got is an axe…

I'll see who's calling-
Now that's a superb goal.
Ted, dear-
-What is it?!
-Our daughter is purple…

Dad, it's for you-
They're in quite a tizzy.
It's some folks from Hill Valley calling-
-Tell them I'm busy!

The gun's out of ammo,
But we're lucky I brought it.
Something was growling,
But it's dead now - I shot it.

Forty days in.
Time again to take stock:
Timmy's partially dead,
Ted is friends with a sock…

Mary Jane's hungry-
-Mommy, play us a chorus!
You're really killing it, Dolores…

What's one more day of waiting for the world to end?
What's one more night compared to all the weeks we've spent?

What's one last afternoon to cough and barf and swoon-
Who cares! We're dying soon! What's one more day-

Just one more day!
One more day!

Continuation of the game 60 Seconds! It turned out to be quite interesting with the addition of many functions and a wide variety of content, but a big but... The game is still random and monotonous, and after a couple of adventures, deja vu appears.

This time we are facing the end of the world from nuclear shots in orbit. There are 6 people who have various characteristics, because this is now an important indicator in many events. We are again given 60 seconds to take useful things and have time to deliver... this time to the space station gateway, which can help us in the future. You can only take three from the team, but by default, you choose who will be the captain and who you will play.

As a means of survival, survivors can now craft things and go out on full-fledged expeditions in search of everything they need, with a small chance of not returning, simply because you did not give the poor fellow armor or a mask against toxic gases. Each item has its own upgrade (which often adds minor advantages and is sometimes useful), but due to the addition of full-fledged crafting, your items break like crazy, so it is important to always have a set of minimum needs (a first aid kit is a must, characters quickly die from any disease). Now the main characters don’t need to drink water, but food is quite valuable in the initial stages.

A good continuation of the game, but such mechanics. does not allow it to be made unique and long-lasting; it may take a certain amount of time, but no more.

Продолжение игры 60 Seconds! вышла довольно интересным с добавлением множество функций и большим разнообразием контента, но большое но.. Игра все так же рандомна и однообразна, и после пару приключений возникает дежавю.

На этот раз нас настигает конец света от ядерных выстрелов на орбите. В наличии 6 человек, которые имеют разнообразные характеристики, т.к это теперь важный показатель во многих ивентах. Нам опять дают 60 секунд, чтобы взять полезные штуки и успеть донести.. в этот раз до шлюза космической станции, которые нам могут помочь в дальнейшем. Из команды можно взять только троих, но по умолчанию, вы выбираете, кто будет капитан и кого вы будете отыгрывать.

В качестве выживания, выжившие теперь могут крафтить вещи и выходить на полноценные экспедиции в поисках всего необходимого, с небольшим шансом не вернуться, просто потому что, вы не дали бедняге броню или маску от токсичных газов. Каждая вещь имеет свой апгрейд(который добавляет часто незначительные плюсы и иногда полезны), но из-за добавления полноценного крафта, ваши вещи ломаются как бешеные, поэтому важно иметь всегда набор минимальных потребностей(обязательно аптечка, персонажи быстро умирают от любой болезни). Воду пить теперь не надо главным героям, но еда, достаточно ценна на начальных этапах.

Хорошее продолжение игры, но такая механика. не позволяет ее делать уникальной и долгой, она может занять определенное время, но не более.

Kısa ve çok tekrarlı ama eğlenceli denebilir.

"60 Seconds!" oyunu gibi bana yine hitap edemedi, keşif hissiyatı küçük yuvalrak camınızdan görebildiğinizden ibaret olunca, sürekli aynı mekanda çokta yenilikçi olmayan oyun olayları yüzünden kesinlikle çok sıkıcıydı benim için, oyunları kaybedince baştan başlamakta değil benim derdim. Rogue-Like oyunları sever ve oynarım ama bu oyun bana o kadar boş geldi yani seveni vardır illaha ama ben 1 saat bile olmadan sıkıldım yani ilk oynayışımda 25-30 günleri arasındaydım, orada kaybettim oyunu. Tekrar başlama isteğiyse hiç doğmadı içimde ki bu oyunda olması gereken en önemli şey tekrar oynanabilirlik olmalıydı diye düşünüyorum.

eu gostei de quase tudo em relação a esse jogo, a unica coisa é que ele é muito repetitivo mesmo, da pra ver que os devs se esforçaram para trazer uma gameplay mais dinamica mas parece que só não encaixa na ideia. fiz uns 3 ou 4 finais por ai