Reviews from

in the past

Like I said in my Ape Escape review, this version was actually the first one I experienced, and while the conversion is not perfect, I think it is a perfectly fine way to play the original game.

In some aspects, I actually prefer it over the PS1 original, as I'd rather mash the button corresponding to the gadget I want to use, rather than rotate the stick.

With this one, I played with the British English dub, and I think it was fine. Nothing amazing, but it does the job.

If you're curious about playing Ape Escape, and you don't have access to the original version, I think you can't go wrong with this one, in spite of the limitations.

Richard Horvitz voicing Spike in the US/NTSC dub couldn't save this one, I'm afraid.

I've long heard tale from other people of the Ape Escape remake that sucked, and...yeah, they were right. I will be nice to this clunky adaptation and say that I actually prefer the button taps for Sky Flyer and Dash Hoop over twirling the second control stick, but I can't shake off my "look at how they massacred my boy" gut reaction for this remake. Valiant effort to make this portable! Wish it wasn't trash!

It's still a version of Ape Escape, so the skeleton of a banger game still exists, but hot damn they ruined most of the gadgets. It's bad enough that the Stun Club and the Time Net have their movement severely limited from "move second control stick freely and gracefully" to "tap button once to do the same pathetic swing over and over with zero variation", but they seriously expect me to control the RC Car with a D pad?! Why not ask me to rub my ass with sandpaper while I'm here?

This game also makes the interesting choice of making the graphic and sound design somehow worse than the PS1 original. The graphics are your traditional "upscale the PS1 polygons but somehow making the colors muddier in the process" fare of the 2000's era of remakes, and the music is mostly left intact with the occasional Interesting Choice (Crumbling Castle, this is about you), but the sound mixing is where things get really fucked. Great idea to give Spike the loudest footsteps in all of gaming and have his footsteps sound wet somehow. Even better idea to have the explosion noises go from "too quiet" to "WAY TOO FUCKING LOUD".

Great game to give to an Ape Escape fan if you absolutely despise them. You can even say "What's wrong? I thought you LIKED Ape Escape?" as the twinkle forever leaves their eye during a failed net swing that would've been completely doable on the PS1.

At least you can Platinum this game on PS Plus Premium at a mere 60% completion on your save file since there's absolutely no "catch all the monkeys" trophies. This is a blessing in disguise.

Basic story for a platformer and the PSP controls are bad for this, the worlds are varied. The music is glorious and I feel it deserves more due to my nostalgia factors.

I started playing this because I was getting frustrated at the PS1 Ape Escape controls. 6 years of hindsight somehow did not work the magic I thought it would've and the controls for this game are somehow WORSE. Couldn't get passed it and went back to PS1 Ape Escape with newfound respect. Though, for the niche of people who don't own a PS1 but own a PSP - it's Ape Escape. Also the voice of Billy from Billy & Mandy voices your character.

It’s Ape Escape 1 with no swag, no bitches, and no crypto. Genuinely wanna know what the thought process was for making a remake of a game that was made to show the power of a dual stick controller on a single stick system. Bad remake of a good game.

I remember when I first played the console version of Ape Escape, I wish I could jump with X instead of pushing up on the right analog stick. Now that I've gotten so used to them in both 1 and 2, reverting to a new inferior control scheme massively hinders the enjoyability here. Play the console version on PS1, it plays so much smoother.

Secret credits watched, All Monkeys captured, Collected All Specter Coins, Enemy log completed

everyone seems to have it out for this remake, but I don't actually think it's that bad (though that might be because I haven't actually played the original PS1 version yet)

that said though, I do agree with the general consensus that porting a game reliant on a dual-stick control system to a handheld that only has one analog stick just wasn't a good idea...

I know it sucks compared to the ps1 version, my nostalgia goggles carrying this game HARD for me.

I shouldn't have played this version. The lack of a second analog stick makes it borderline unplayable.

You know what games will age the poorest? The ones with full 3D environments where you have no free camera control.

Like yeah this looks nicer than the PS1 original, but correcting the camera by pressing the L1 button just makes you wish Sony tried to make a second control stick work on PSP.

truly miserable. if this were my first ape escape experience i promise u i would’ve never played another video game ever again
half a star rewarded because at least the soundtrack is (mostly) intact

Unpopular but I find this to be a top-to-bottom improvement over Ape Escape - albeit one that retains as many flaws as it fixes. It looks better, it plays better, and the voice acting doesn't sound like a vintage porno anymore (even a winging-it Richard Horvitz immediately ups the charm factor of any given product imo)! One major downside - and granted, this is a biggie - is losing out on a crucial gadget slot due to the PSP's lack of sufficient buttons, leading to a heap of bothersome menu-ing to constantly switch out whatever item you might need on a moment's notice. The jump still sucks badly, too. Deserves a hefty amount of credit for rebuilding the literal first DualShock analog game ever made onto a system with ONE awful stick and still making it better. The absolute madlads. Remains a fantastic, idiosyncratic collectathon in desperate need of a series revival.

This is my first time playing the Ape Escape series, and while I don't know the original control scheme or how it really played out, the remake does it best to bring it portable and make it more than a fine addition to your psp collection. I do think there is some problems with it's hit boxes, camera controls, and button layout, but making such a game portable at the time feels like an equal trade off to me.

On The Loose showed me everything I need to know to love the Ape Escape series as is, and effectively shows me why my current girlfriend loves it too! It has a fun charm of seeing apes run around and cause havoc while you try to corral them all to beat a level. It challenges the player to solve fun little puzzles of either getting to or stopping the apes from escaping. All the environments and levels in the game are fairly unique so it always stays fresh when you get a new level to explore, this is especially enhanced by levels getting more difficulty and lengthy as you progress through the game. While boss battles are often sparse, they were always a delight from the change of pace it brought, and I hope future games in the series give me more to enjoy. Overall Ape Escape: On The Loose is just a very good sandbox puzzle platformer that understood that 3D can't be as linear as 2D is. Honestly, the fact that you only need to capture so many Apes while still having more in the level also adds into a replay and speed run factor that just continues to make the game far more interesting to me compared to other 3D platformers at the time like Croc or Crash Bandicoot.

Ape Escape: On The Loose may not be the best port out there, but what it did for me still made me like the series compared to driving me away. Perhaps Ape Escape is just that whimsical of a 3D Puzzle Platformer? Maybe the environments are just far too neat or music far too bouncy to really get hindered by the PSP control performance issues, or maybe people just don't like to do extra work in using the controls they are given. Regardless, Ape Escape is a 3D platformer done right. While I'm glad I have 2 other games to explore; overall this was a great start to a series that deserves far more love than Sony ever gave it.

I haven't played the original PS1 version but this felt Fine. I don't like the way it controls at all, which makes sense considering the original was made with the DualShock's two sticks in mind. I was able to beat it at least, but I wouldn't really recommend playing this. The original is probably way better.

immaculate banger holy shit this game is so fun it's actually crazy

A mediocre port of a Ps1 classic

you play as an evil, despicable man in this game

why would you ever wanna catch those monkeys LET THEM RUN FREE