Reviews from

in the past

This game was an incredibly fun entry into the Metroidvania genre, distinguished by its stylish visuals and original design. It skillfully combines traditional gameplay elements of exploration and backtracking with a fresh, Ancient Greek flair that sets it apart from others in the genre.

The game thrives on its ability to blend intricate, hand-drawn greek ancient amphora art with fluid animations. Each area of the game map offers a distinct aesthetic and thematic focus, enriching the overall experience and keeping the exploration engaging.

Given the success of this approach, I believe there is tremendous potential for this kind of game to explore other mythologies as well. Imagine a game in this style that delves into Egyptian, Norse, Sumerian, Hindu or Aztec mythologies. Each of these could offer new aesthetics, stories, and character abilities that could breathe new life into the tried-and-true Metroidvania formula.
For example, an Egyptian-themed Metroidvania could involve navigating the underworld, dealing with gods and goddesses, and using abilities inspired by ancient artifacts. Similarly, an Aztec setting could focus on a vibrant world filled with jungle environments, ancient temples, and mythological creatures.


(Review taken from my Steam account)

Apotheon is truly a stunning game.

I, like many people, was drawn by the art style of the game, but I quickly fell in love with many of the other aspects of the game. The level design is absolutely phenomenal. Each god's domain feels completely different - I entered each level with anticipation at what type of challenges awaited me. The levels all felt very immersive as well, the maps are dotted with passages referencing classics such as The Illiad and it's very clear that the developers spent a lot of time doing research on Greek mythology to ensure that the game was very accurate to the source material.

I was also impressed with the voice acting, especially Hera's. I play a lot of PC games on mute, but I really enjoyed listening to the different conversations occurring in the overworld and the speeches that the gods would make during their levels. It adds so much to what is already an immersive experience.

The combat system is a hit-or-miss (no pun intended), but I enjoyed it. It feels like a spiritual successor to combat in Adventure of Link, except it feels much more complex as you can utilize many different types of weapons in the game. It was really cool experimenting with different weapons throughout the game until I developed my own playstyle and figured out which weapons worked best for me.

Overall, I highly recommend this game to anyone. It's a relatively short game but definitely a fun experience.

So I can acknowledge that Apotheon is a functional game and isn't much more than that, but god I just have such a special place in my heart for it. I'm in love with the visual style and was always a sucker for anything Greek mythology, and so while the combat and story aren't on the same level as the presentation, I just can't not love it. It's just so unique, and in some ways it feels nice having the kind of game you've played but nobody else has ever heard of

God of War but in 2 dimensions on a greek vase. Very good game.

Fantastic and fun mythological metroidvania. The game is crushingly difficult at times, but otherwise fair and fun.

I really really wanted to dig this but the gameplay is so sluggish I had to return the game on Steam cuz I didn't stand it.

Apotheon is pretty good and juicy, shame I can't get into the genre.

If you're a metroidvania fan you should give it a chance!

Platinum. A very fun time with a great art style and interesting boss battles. Lots of crashing near the end did make this one a bit of a pain to complete.

The artstyle carries it honestly, as a game it was really meh. I don't care about continuing it.

There's precious little to critique about this 2D action platformer; the action is varied (weapon-wise, at least) and visceral, the art stylized in a fine Grecian style that manages to stay fresh between areas, and the story classical and well-paced. If I had complain about anything, I'd wish that the combat was perhaps a bit more forgiving, but given that I was never in danger of running out of money for repairs and supplies, I guess I can't complain too much.

Stylish metroidvania with a fun setting and enjoyable combat, though it really struggles to stand out amongst the others in the genre.

Beautiful game, I don't think it's mind-blowing in actual gameplay but it shakes things up often enough to be pretty fun the whole way through once you get used to the janky combat. It does a great job at actually feeling like a true myth rather than a modern story, which I think works in its favor.