Reviews from

in the past

I knew very little of A&O before this. I really liked the characters and want to learn more about them. I knew the game was going to be rough because of its age.

I didn't mind the combat but most of the time was spent smashing boxes then enemies. When you get to the last chapter, I think they remembered the remembered they created enemies to fight so lets drag it out by throwing tons of them at you.

The first boss fight was fun. Then you fight it again but in a different setting and again and again and .... Really? They couldn't come up with more bosses? Very disappointing.

I played this on the Steam Deck. It took me 10.5 hours to beat.

These are the only French people I like

I'm a huge fan of the Asterix series in general, so I was interested to see what I'd heard was a pretty decent licensed game take on it play out. While I didn't experience all the glitches & techincal issues that seem to have ruined this for a lot of other people, I just broadly think there's a lot of balancing issues & general weird jank design to this that stopped me from really getting into it & wanting to push through.

Level design & goals are a little obtuse at times, with enemies set up in a simplistic take on Dynasty Warriors of the duo taking out huge waves (I do love how they fly offscreen, a great touch) though I think without a great power balancing that that series has. Time trials can be very demanding without the controls to really accommodate (the thing that made me throw in the towel was trying to perfect the downhill ice slide with some extremely clunky controls) and feedback generally is just kind of weird. In terms of this being a remaster, like a lot of remasters I've seen lately it just looks too glossy & slick in a way that's unappealing (though I appreciate the Classic Mode toggle, every remaster should have one) even if I think broadly the charm of Asterix is captured in the game. I honestly might just try playing the original, since this one left me not wanting to persevere through it.

I like that you can switch between old and new graphics even though the old graphics dont have any music?

This aside its the same game as it was on my PS2. If this is good or not it depends on if you liked it back then or not.

This would have been so much better if it wasn't for all the bugs and glitches. It just kills the fun. Not to mention the cheap and unfair extreme mode which can be a platinum killer for most people. They could have toned that a little. The close times in some of those new challenges I am not even going to comment :D