Reviews from

in the past

I'm Gonna Say It

This Is Better Than Mario 64

This game is so fucking peak you have no idea


FAVORITE PART is definitely not muh fuckin rusty bucket bay

The best 3D platformer I've played from the N64, but not without its issues. Having to recollect Notes upon death can be tedious, and the camera can be a bit wonky. The worlds are also generally lean, but Rusty Bucket Bay and aspects of Click Clock Wood blew ass to me. Other than that, it's aged very well - the level design, world, and music all hold up very well.

simply the unbeaten collectathon, it is just the right size, you constantly learing new and fun moves, and it's so damn charming

I will never EVER enter a boat's engine room again

I finished it. The game oozes dry British humor and a bopping soundtrack by Grant Kirkhope, but the platforming itself? So-so for me. It can be especially annoying for finnicky jumps that require Kazooie and some cooperation with the camera. I think I'm more about completing levels than collect-a-thons, but if pouring through a stage for every hidden doodad is your thing, you won't be disappointed.

The 2nd best collectathon released in 1998 (play Spyro instead, this is dogshit)

Possibly one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. The moveset feels really sluggish and convoluted, the combat isn't great, the progression feels too restricted for a collectathon, the music note system can be frustrating (though that's apparently improved in the XBLA version) and the final boss is deplorable. The game's okay overall, but I didn't have any reason to expect anything less than greatness. At least the characters are fun.

Played on NSO, greatest game of all time

Greatest platformer of all time. Better than Super Mario 64.

Finally decided to play this game once and for all! I’ve seen a few people play through this before, but I still wanted to play it for myself, and I’m happy to say I wasn’t disappointed!

It’s definitely not perfect; losing all your progress on Notes and Jinjos if you die just feels bad, especially in longer levels like Click Clock Wood, and the camera is a hassle to deal with and led to me taking more than a few hits throughout the game on its own.

The rest of the game, however, is beautiful. The game is draped head-to-toe in buckets of personality! The music, characters, sound effects, environments.. everything feels like an old Saturday-morning cartoon. And exploring it all while collecting Jiggys is so much fun! Highly recommend playing this game if you’re interested in the N64’s catalog.

Now I shall patiently wait for Nintendo to add Banjo-Tooie to NSO………… eventually………

fucking delicious. jam packed with creativity, fun and memorable levels, a top-of-the-line soundtrack, and rares fantastic sense of humour. few things make someone as joyful as playing this game.

Banjo-Kazooie is a wonderful game and what it does well it does VERY well. The movement feels crisp and rewarding. The levels are varied and unique. The music is amazing and fits each scene. However, the good of this game has already been talked about enough. There are a few MAJOR issues I have with this game.

First, the requirements. For those who don't know, you need 94% of the jiggies and 90% of the 900 notes just in order to beat the game. This is a crazy amount and resulted in me just feeling exhuasted and burned out needing to collect everything just to beat the game. This is made immediately worse with having every note you collect be reset in every world every time you die. BEYOND annoying.

The other big thing is the camera. This is one of the worst cameras i've ever had to control. It gets stuck on EVERYTHING. It will randomly spin around and change on you, often causing you to go off-course and sometimes fall off to your death. There are certain areas where you would just LOVE to be able to change the camera, but the game won't let you! :)

Overall, this is an amazing game to play. However, I'd recommend playing with cheats to have each level unlocked early so you don't need to 90% the game just to beat it.

Yes, it's fantastic. Easily the best 3D platformer that isn't Mario. A classic game.

probably a lot of nostalgia but sue me this game owns.

One of the greatest platformers to ever be released. A great story mixed with a charming fairy tale like world, and great platforming to boot. Super mario 64 and Banjo are pillars of the 3d platformer.

A very solid, creative exploration platformer with a lot of humor and charm. The worlds in general are a good size that feels big on a first playthrough, but is small enough that you can breeze through them on revisits when you know what you're doing. It has a real good Grant Kirkhope soundtrack.

Better than Maz 64 soooooooo ez. Review over.


Okay, okay.

Wow. What a fantastic game - I have a new autistic obsession.

Banjo-Kazooie is a game I missed as a kid because I was in a Playstation family, and we never owned an N64. This is one game that makes me feel like I really missed out.

Banjo-Kazooie is a charming little game by a British development team called Rare that features a wholesome bear trying to stop his little sister, who wants to go on an adventure, getting used as fuel for Gruntilda's bimbofication machine.

Usually I can gush about games I like but I feel as if I can't contribute anything new to the conversation - this game has been praised to the high heavens and beyond and it's easy to see why.

If you're like me and you don't understand the collectathon youtuber hype, you might be a bit confused as to why this game is so popular when you play it. In fact, I can wager your experience might end up a little something like this:

Starting the game - Yeah its alright.
Early Midgame - Eh, i'm not understanding the hype.
Midgame - Okay, I can see why people like this.
Late Midgame - This game sucks, its frustrating and unfair. I'm going to stop playing (this is where I imagine the 6/10s come from for most people, as this is what I was going to rate it).
Lategame / 100% - Holy shit, this is peak gaming.

I think this has to do with a few things - this game is quite brutal at times. It's not afraid to hit you with the learning curve and it hits you hard - hell, at the midgame the beehives (where you heal yourself with honeycombs - it's so charming), will fight back when you break them. At first, this seems stupid, counterintuitive and annoying, but once I figured out how to deal with them (shoot them with an egg to break and then Talon Trot to collect all the pieces), I never got hit by a swarm of bees ever again.

Another huge outlier is the go-to of wall-enemies. By god, they are annoying, and their hitboxes are ruthless, knocking you off edges when you weren't even next to them. And even though theyre in the game from the second or third level, they really ramp it up when they start throwing like 20 into each level later in the game. It really makes you want to stop playing, getting knocked off over and over and killed by cheap hitboxes. That is, until you realise that they are easily killed by a jumping attack from Kazooie. When my wife accidentally done this at the end of the game, my jaw literally dropped and I said "bruh". I had been stopping at these things like traffic lights the entire game and you're meant to just jump into them and kill them right as they leave their tunnel. Bam, never got hit again from that point onward.

This game hugely rewards you for learning its nuance and I think that's something most games just don't do. The game is unforgiving and brutal but if you know how to deal with everything it throws at you you'll knock it out of the park every time, and that's a fantastic feeling when you get it down. Unfortunately, I think it's a hindrance to the enjoyability of the overall package, especially for a first time playthrough, that you can go so far into the game without working some of these things out (maybe its just me being stupid).

There are some genuine issues here though - the camera, my god is it shit. It might be the camera of all time. You start to remember where it happens by the time you 100% the game, but jesus christ, this game likes to hard troll you with the camera mega pivoting to the other side of you against a wall, or enemies being hidden just out of sight of the camera when you're doing a difficult platforming segment. It's a definite, HUGE downside to this game that absolutely warrants a remake.

Another thing that I think is counterintuitive is how poorly the lives system is handled. For some reason, you lose your 1-ups every time you Save & Quit the game - not that this will be an issue, since you'll die so constantly you won't ever get to see that until you've thrashed the game anyway, but I thought it was weird regardless. The bit that is annoying, is that you have 1-ups, but they only serve to save you the hassle of running back to the level. The game gives you ONE chance to get everything in it in one go, the first time you get there. This challenge makes it so unenjoyable in certain levels. You have to collect every note in one run of the level to get all of them, but you have to make sure you do it to a certain extent otherwise you won't be opening any doors. In hindsight, if I was to recommend this game to anyone, I would suggest making sure they get as many notes as possible FIRST before attempting any jiggie challenges to make sure they don't get cucked out of progress, and then come back and hit the jiggies and the jinjos after, if you didn't manage to get all the jinjos whilst collecting the notes. I've heard that the XBOX version of this game saves the notes you've collected but I don't know if I like this or not - I enjoy the challenge of collecting them all in one run, it's just frustrating if you're trying to do the jiggies aswell. If you were to solely focus on getting the notes, it's a lot more manageable and less frustrating.

Overall, this is a challenging, fun, only occasionally unfair, quintessential platformer. In fact, as of this review, I believe this is the best 3D platformer (especially of it's kind, the 3D open-ish world collectathon) to ever exist, and even if it is topped by another someday, it was certainly the best at its time and for a long, long time. The issues Banjo Kazooie has are great in strength but few in number, and the game is massively carried by its beautiful levels, art style, sprawling and fun to navigate hub world, and my god, the British sense of humour in this game has me chuckling even at dialogue i've seen before. If this gets the N.Sane Trilogy treatment with improvements this could easily be improved and tweaked to perfection.

Oh, and the final boss is peak. One of the best in gaming history, especially if we're talking about 3D Platformers - challenging, brutal, but fair and fun to master, as I feel all final bosses should be.

My sister and I adored this game to the end. I remember we bought this on the off chance of it just looking kind of cool by the commercials? But we were still unsure. But us only being kids at the time, we were just dying of laughter, and having a blast collecting collectibles and honey combs, and exploring a wide variety of different seasoned maps. Banjo-Kazooie put Rare on the field, it was an instant classic. It quite possibly rivaled even Super Mario 64. Hell, I would say it’s actually better than Mario 64. It’s that’s good.

I think it's a testament that even 25+ years later, this game is still considered (and rightfully so) to be one of the best 3D platformers created. To me, this game is about as near perfect as it could be, it is just a fun time from beginning to end, not too long or short, easy to 100% and replayable to boot. The characters, the worlds, the charm that this game exudes has inspired and been imitated by other creators and games since, but very few have been able to reach the same peak as Banjo Kazooie.