Reviews from

in the past

chato skskk, comprei achando que seria legal mas eu parei e nem terminei skksks infelizmente fizeram isso com o bixinho. Recomendo para quem tem portatil (no pc é horrivel mas jogar no portatil deve ser legalzinho)

ohhhh so awful. i hate everything about this except for all the fun costumes you could dress up in.

Um excelente MetroidVania, com o melhor super herói do mundo

A waste of an Arkham game really. It was stupid to make an Arkham Game like this, though the idea was somewhat interesting as they brought in one or two extra characters, however to turn a sandbox into a side-scrolling 2.5D game is crap and it seems Assassin's Creed is doing the same, sadly.

It doesn't work too well with the scanner, forcing you to scan everything and then all of a sudden, I was stuck in a locked room where there was a pile of crap that was meant to hide an entrance yet there was nothing to do, no prompting of buttons and leading to a deadend. Glad I didn't spend anything much on this as it was given to me via a bundle.

Horrid experience; not a broken game by any means, but it manages to tick me off in every way that I hate in a search-action game. Gimmicky bossfight, sucky traversal, questionable controls... You don't need to play this one, trust me. Use your time more wisely than me!

O pior Arkham, não vale o preço, mas se encontrar em uma boa promo, pegue... Ainda consegue ser divertido, porém um tanto repetitivo.

Game has so much potential, however, it falls flat on its face.