Reviews from

in the past

For 2001, this could look a lot worse, and having the cast of the animated series helps it a lot, but the game itself is not good at all.

The controls are way too loose, especially when it comes to aiming: there were so many times that I missed an opportunity to damage a boss because the crosshair just wasn't cooperating.

The platforming is very wonky, worsened by the occasional odd collision on certain platforms. Your glide is incredibly unreliable, its speed and height seemingly random. I think if you do it immediately after a jump you go faster and higher, which makes no goddamn sense. There was a particular jump where logic denoted waiting until the peak of the jump then gliding, but I'd miss every single time. For whatever reason, doing it as soon as I jumped got me to where I needed to be.

Combat is flat-out broken. When you engage in it, you're locked into it and can only exit by pressing Y, but if an enemy hits you when you do, you're immediately locked back in again. If an enemy grabs you, you have to wiggle the analog stick to escape, and as soon as you do, the game exits the combat stance and costs you the chance to punish every time. When it's semi-functional, it's really stiff, your attacks are very delayed and enemies can start attacking while you're mid-combo, completely snapping the balance in half. By the end, I just started blocking everything, getting potshots in to fill my special meter, and spamming the special moves that deal a shitload of damage.

There are a lot of really poorly designed setpieces throughout with very little conveyance as to what it expects of the player or if they're even performing it correctly. There are some fundamental design decisions that are questionable as well, like having finite ammo and Batcuffs. There are always conveniently respawning pickups for them when they're needed, so they're already practically infinite. Why waste the player's time with having to keep picking them up?

I wanted to give this game a chance because I knew it had its fans, but unfortunately I'm not one of them.

Aside from being based on one of the best adaptations of Batman, this game ranges from being serviceable to annoying. It's a third person/first person hybrid game that has you going from point A to B in levels whilst beating up enemies in a half baked fighting game style combat with the occasional puzzle solving.

The controls during the combat portion are pretty basic, but some enemies will be quick to stunlock you during those portions. You are able to leave the fight by pressing a specific button, but as soon as you're punched again, you will be forced into the fight again. After the enemy is knocked out, they will eventually get back up unless you handcuff them. Unfortunately handcuffs are very rare to come by in levels, and the game's minimal UI doesn't do any favors of letting you know how many cuffs you have either.

Third person camera control is extremely poor. It's a chase camera with absolutely no way to control the rotation. You have two methods of controlling the camera; flicking the right stick to center the camera behind Batman, or use one of his gadgets to go into first person.

What made me put down the game is how janky some of the platforming portions can get. On certain points, the game expects you to be pixel perfect with your jumps across an instant kill hazard. Batman is extremely picky with what ledges he can grab and mantle up vs approaching a ledge, do nothing and fall to his death.

It started to become a commonplace the more I played the game, so I abandoned it. This game is good to satiate your curiosity of playing a Batman game before the Arkham games, but there isn't anything redeemable otherwise.

Also for some reason, the game doesn't save automatically. If you play with save states in emulators that shouldn't be an issue. If not, you have to manually save your game in the main menu before you turn off your system. Ah, yes, the early days of playing with memory cards.

This game is just very bad. Not the worst that ever exists but it's a very bad game. I like how the voice actors came back and they did a very good job with voice acting. Soundtrack is very good. Most of the models look great except for like some of them. I enjoy all the villains that are in this game. I also love how this is based off of the animated series. The story is written well for a mystery and it is very great.

Now for the bad. Notice how I didn't mention any of the gameplay mechanics? Yeah well the gameplay is REALLY bad. It feels very clunky and janked. Most of the missions are a pain. They barely give you any health packs for these sections. The level design for most of the levels is awful. The combat sucks. One big issue is the joker thugs. I really DESPISE them in this game. They keep throwing in cheap hits without giving the player a single opening and before the player could get a chance to block. They also have this move where they grab you in a hug and squeeze you. They keep on spamming this and it made me so annoyed throughout fighting them. Another huge issue is the first person mode is awful. Why have your gadgets in first person? It is not a good mechanic to have for your game.

Overall, not a great game for Batman fans or fans of the Animated Series. Hopefully rise of sin tzu is a lot better and actually decent at least.

It's alright. I used to be scared of the intro with the explosions as a wee lad.

kinda awful game, gets really boring and repetitive. Weird controls and levels gets really hard because of this. Only things good in this are just same things which makes us love Batman TAS in general.

I would 100 percent go back to replay this if I still had all the cables for my ps2. I remember checking like 10 game stores trying to find this back in the day

TENTEI, repito, TENTEI jogar isso quando eu era pequeno, e eu nunca achei que ia precisar saber tanto de inglês pra jogar um jogo do Batman. Além de ficar empacado no início, lembro de odiar os controles e acho que me enfiei numa parede e não consegui sair, fiquei puto.