Reviews from

in the past

Ill prefix this is a review of the campaign only as I haven't played any multiplayer.

All in all its a fun FPS campaign to fill up a few hours. Compared to Call of Duty campaigns, Battlefield 3 leans far more into realism with less massive set pieces and more realistic military operations. On the whole all the missions were fun, each one managed to feel different, the fighter jet and tank missions were fun and I am glad they didn't over do them.

In terms of characters none are very special, another thing that differs massively from COD, none of these characters are really that interesting or memorable. I like the cutscenes where the protagonist is being interrogated, it gives off big Black Ops 1 vibes.

Visually its aged alright its looks very grainy but the mission landscapes look really good. Score was alright, never really noticed it much during the campaign. I have heard amazing things about this games multiplayer back in the day and I wise I played at its peak. Overall its a fun experience, nothing I would ever go back to but still a good experience.

To me this is the best battlefield game. The graphics was insane for that time. The campaign is short but memorable. The gameplay was satisfying. Multiplayer was active for a long time.

ОЦЕНКА КАМПАНИИ: 8/10 - Я испытал максимальное погружение в реалии ближневосточной войны.

Полная рецензия: Возможно, единственный одиночный режим серии, который с легкостью смог бы посоперничать с кампаниями своего прямого конкурента. Я очень люблю сингл Батлы 3 за счет очень детальной и глубокой проработки погружения и атмосферы происходящего.

Буквально каждая миссия проработана до мельчайших деталей, игрока заставляют действовать очень вариативно, полностью оттачивая реалистичность погружения в войну на Ближнем Востоке. Причем, Батла 3 так же грамотно создает напряженные постановочные моменты, которые моментально оседают у тебя в голове. Так же очень понравились миссии на самолете и танке, которые в отличии от прошлой части, сделаны очень тонко и подробно, буквально создавая "симулятор" пилота/танкиста, что тоже добавляет отдельные плюсы в копилку игры. Переделанная баллистика тоже помогает сильнее погрузиться в атмосферу, благодаря очень четкой проработки каждого оружия и тонкой смены вооружения под определенную миссию.

А графика... Графика в этой игре до сих пор может дать на ротан многим современным играм. Не сказал бы, что здесь очень большое разнообразие локаций, но все уровни проработаны до мельчайших деталей и поэтому не выбивают из погружения, а даруют тебе ощущения присутствия в реальном боевом событии.

Но все же, излишняя реалистичность уже начинает немного наскучивать под конец из-за того что игра перестает тебя удивлять и дарует лишь геймплей, которым ты уже вдоволь насытился. Несколько последних уровней превращаются в обычный тир, который начинает надоедать, но игра знает чувство меры и заканчивается довольно скоротечно.

Что до сюжета? Он здесь выполнен в духе Блек Опса 1 и Модерн Варфеер 1 одновременно. История повествует о том, что оперативники ЦРУ допрашивают морпеха Генри Блекберна, в надежде узнать о том, что произошло с его отрядом во время конфликта в Ираке. Он же рассказывает про террориста по имени Соломон, который грозится взорвать весь чертов Нью-Йорк к херам. Через допрос, Блекберн вспоминает все события от начала и до конца, а так же выстраивает логичную цепочку для себя и для зрителя в понимание происходящего. Как по мне, получилось интригующе и увлекательно, но со слишком наивным и обрывающимся финалом, без должного чувства катарсиса. Самого Соломона как злодея тоже раскрыли довольно поверхностно, примерно как Имрана Захаева, поэтому до уровня Шепарда, Менендеса или Персея ему далековато.

А еще хочется похвалить крутое музыкальное сопровождение, которое дарило мурашки на протяжении всей игры.

Admito que é muito mais apego... mas esse jogo é foda demais

So many different stories full of dead and chaos, only to return to where you started, but also to where you ended.

With a story of this caliber, BF3 had nothing to envy MW2.

Em questão de jogos de guerra, acho a movimentação do Battlefield muito mais realista do que em relação aos Cods. òtimo multiplayer.

Tirando a missão do tank ser extremamente longa e de jogabilidade questionável, é um belíssimo jogo. Essa é uma das melhores campanhas de jogos de tiro que já joguei. MW 2019 é muito boa, mas utiliza de muitos clichês. Essa utiliza de alguns, mas consegue inovar além de ter um visual lindo.

Essas luzes piscantes que aparecem no canto da tela, você ter que descobrir inimigos a partir do clarão dos tiros deles e coisas do tipo fizeram minha experiência ser top.

Same thing as CODBO2, don't remember when exactly but I love this game a lot.

story's boring, but the online was the best from the franchise

The story was really nothing to write home about, but the online was quite fun. Even though it was a little too punishing for me to get into as a more casual player, the destructible environments combined with the insane things players were doing with vehicles really made it a fun time

At the time this was graphically the greatest game I had ever seen. Too bad the single player sucked ass.


A huge step up from the last entry, Battlefield 3 is a game that stays fun to play from beginning to end. The story isn't exactly new or mind blowing, but all things considered, you did boot the game up to just shoot bad guys and have fun. The game absolutely offers a heavy dosage of both

Joguei somente a campanha até porque o multiplayer está morto por ser um jogo relativamente antigo, história legal, gráficos também, mas a dificuldade muito esquisita, inimigo que atira através da fumaça (joguei no hard).

Played the campaign and had a ton of fun. The variety in missions is nuts, there was fighting alone, fighting with a squad, sniper missions, flying an F18 (my favorite) and driving a tank to name a few. The game also looked and played great even on the aging XB360. Great game, if you missed it when it was new like me definitely give this one a try.

Beautiful even today but the story leaves a lot to be desired. Spectacular multiplayer.

Hard to find any good servers to play on without heavy ping but still pretty fun, especially the part where i get 50 deaths and 10 kills while trying to do the opposite

good story, good multiplayer

One of the best FPS campaigns ever.

Every mission tells its own story that eventually leads up to one of my favorite endings of all time.

Campaign was good enough, multiplayer was great! Good memories.

A copy of COD, but a very skilled imitation. The plot itself is honestly thrilling and the lack of characterization is more than made up for by the visceralness of the game's tone and themes. If you want a competent 2010s shooter campaign, this is the place to start.

It was weird playing this game as an Iranian, but I enjoyed this game. campaign was well-written.

I don't remember what happens in the campaign but the multiplayer in this so great.

back in 2011 this game was the shit. i would play online almost every day i feel like every battlefield i played was good but this one is probably the best

the blue light filter they added in this game was phenomenal, i still love it to this day

The multiplayer was poppin'. Having sniper battles on Operation Firestorm with my buddies was great.