Reviews from

in the past

this is one of those games that's so good, i get upset that it has less than a thousand reviews on steam

This game oozes style. The art, the music, the animations, all fantastic. I am very surprised this game did not make a bigger splash. I am also surprised as to how I did not hear about this game for so long after it came out.

Everything in this game screams passion. The combat itself is really interesting with a strategic position based turn based RPG system. The game is a roguelite, however quests carry over from run to run, so you can slowly but surely complete quests and unlock new party members and items.

One of the larger drives of this game is how the difficulty increases as you get better at the game. Many players get confused when they hear this game is difficult, only for them to breeze through it. They simply did not get far enough.

I highly recommend this game.

It's hard for me to talk about how aesthetically interesting this game is without spoiling most of it but I'll try. The artstyle is unique of course, but the small touches on every enemy and zone really take it up a notch. There is SO much original music, (and even a dynamic track that I love so much). Also one of the late bosses has one of my favorite boss designs of all time. Really good game go buy it now :3

I'm not usually a fan of rogue-likes, but the turn-based combat of this game scratched my brain so exceptionally, it was hard to stop playing and do other things. The music bangs, the story made me more emotional than I was expecting, and my only real critique is that I'd love more of it. All good things must come to an end, and what a beautiful ending it was

haven't finished, but really cool

Incredible spritework. Gameplay remains solid whether you're just starting out or on run #[arbitrarily high number]. Great music that remains fresh and great even after listening to it for so long. Word of 'warning,' the game isn't massive, and you could realistically grind out 100% pretty quickly. Even so, the gameplay loop is still fun enough in itself to not be burdened by a lack of further progression. (And this isn't factored into the scoring, but there's also much to love if you happen to be a fan of LISA: the Painful and it's fanworks.)

This one of the very few games I've played where I can't think of a single nitpick of flaw. It's a close to perfection that I believe a video game will ever achieve. Please play it.

This game genuinely has the best rpg system I have ever seen, to the point that making it a solely battle focused roguelike actually IMPROVES the game, because you get to focus on the killer rpg gameplay. Maybe a little difficult, even on easy mode, but you get used to it...

short, sweet, very replayable, has amazing dialogue, and very consistent artstyle.

One of the most interesting turn based rouge likes in some time i like it a lot

I'm so bad at this game. But it's so fun. I seem to be stuck but I don't mind it.

Brutal Orchestra is a very clean take on the deckbuilding roguelike genre. And yes, I consider it a deckbuilder. Your party members are your cards in this game.

I'll keep this review relatively short, because I think that it is probably best for you to just play the game for itself. Brutal Orchestra has a unique aesthetic that only really compares to Binding of Isaac and LISA. The pixel art is great, the music is interesting, and the gameplay is captivating. It also has a nice little story that develops as you progress, and I think that it says what it wants to say well.

My only big gripe with this game is that it does not give me a good enough reason to replay it over and over. And that is a matter of personal taste, I suppose. It does give completionists plenty to work with since there is a bevy of characters and items for you to unlock if you so choose.

The problem is, however, that the two characters that join your party in the tutorial are more than enough to beat the game with. Seriously, Hans and Boyle are ridiculously strong, and the balance of the game in general is kind of wonky. I would say that unless there is a secret super hard mode or something, Brutal Orchestra is far too easy. And if I'm saying that, then people who play more hardcore deckbuilders like Slay the Spire will definitely say that as well. I've played it for 15 hours or so and I feel like I've already done everything besides the extremely time-consuming "Beat the game with X character" achievements. I don't think there are any more content expansions that I can unlock, and I'm not interested in grinding runs just to see all of the items and characters.

That being said, I believe that anyone who is remotely interested in strategic planning (and can stomach the gruesome character designs) will get a good 10-20 hours out of Brutal Orchestra. It really is well designed. I just wish it had a more meaningful, more in-depth meta-progression scale like Binding of Isaac does. Without it, I don't think I will touch it again for a while.

Battle system is fucking sick, story is simple but really good, not too long, and after doing a little research on Hieronymus Bosch, it just makes the game so much cooler.

I'm blown away on how fantastic this game was. It looks so good with awesome designs and animations, its soundtrack is a real jammer and I was thrown for a loop adjusting to its difficulty changes overtime. The combat gave me major Lisa Hard Mode feels, where battles can be as difficult as they're made out to be, but sometimes sacrifices are the only way out. Any fan of Roguelites need to play this game, its a really special one

It's a game that looks super simple and is pretty easy to understand that has very deep mechanics and is super challenging. A really good turn-based roguelike, that just wasn't for me. If you enjoy turn-based combat then you should probably go pick up this game as soon as possible.

the best turn-based rogue-like i've ever played

Brutal is half of the name of the game.

Brutal Orchestra is a RPG rogue-like stylized similar to other indie RPGs such as Hylics and LISA. It's brutally hard, a normal encounter can completely wipe your team, but when everything goes right it feels sooo good. I really like all of the boss designs, they're disgusting and fun to fight. Managing resources and positioning teammates to have a gangbuster round that annihilates the enemy while taking no damage is extremely satisfying. I don't normally like rogue-likes but this one is good.

Masterpiece. Super fun and engaging with a load of replayability.

One of the best roguelikes I've ever played. I have a little trouble putting it on the same level as something like TBOI because it has a relatively limited amount of content, but I don't think that's fair to it. Incredible boss designs, strategic gameplay, banger soundtrack, lisa dialogue, solid variety. Feels made for me.

A fever dream intoxicated by a gut-slapping, face-punching atmosphere. Brutal Orchestra is tight, understanding that roguelites are also about trade-offs, not just progression.

Some call it charm, some call it quirk, but Brutal Orchestra has attitude. An attitude reinforcing not only its visuals, sound and atmosphere with oppression but also its mechanical aspects.

It's easy to say identify what is "peak" or not. Simply stand on the foot of the mountain, point your finger on the highest point of a mountain, and tell your peers it is "peak". Unfortunately, it takes a very few people to climb a mountain and actually stand on its "peak". Brutal Orchestra? It is the peak.

A must-play experience for lovers of rougelites and turn-based strategy games. Fuck it - it's a must play for people who own computers and have hearts and brains. An emotional and poignant narrative wrapped in the beautiful package of a unique combat system, with visual and auditory fixings that suck you in completely into the wild world of Brutal Orchestra. Can't stress enough how incredible this is.

Funny dialogues, memorable characters, fun gameplay.

Replayability could improve, specially in such a short title.

Great rogue-lite some of the best boss designs I've seen in any game ever, and overall the game is pretty fun

la historia super predecible, pero la escena en el campamento me gusto. lo abandone despues de matar al segundo jefe final, y empezaron a haber enemigos con 70 de vida en la primera zona. vi que los desbloqueos de personaje eran un dolor de bolas y preferi dejarlo ahi. el combate esta bueno hasta ese pico.

Grotesque, psychedelic turn-based roguelike. It's very good, although it's kinda dependent on RNGs.