Reviews from

in the past

I feel crazy because everyone hates on this game, but in my opinion it is one of the best call of duty games. The campaign is just so awesome and has different endings and cool set pieces, and the multiplayer is more satisfying than ever.

Black Ops 1 will always be my favorite Cod, so Cold War was a fun game that feels a bit reminiscent of it. I enjoyed the idea of having a story where I can make my own character. The game gives some RPG elements which is not what I expected from a Cod game ever. But I surprisingly enjoyed it, even if it was bare bones. The multiplayer runs on the black ops 3/4 engine so it doesn't feel as "new" mechanically as MW19 engine's does, but it's still a fun game

tava legal a história até a metade ali mas o jogo ficou curto demais e o final é completamente desastroso. não dá pra esperar muito tbm de empresa que lança 1 jogo por ano

Got called the N word by a French guy

a campanha é bem boa e tem um plot twist massa

Desenvolvido pela Treyarch e lançado no auge da pandemia, a campanha de Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War é espetacular e conta com diversas missões divertidas e frenéticas, além de trazer novamente personagens icônicos da franquia.


I played this to experience the zombies mode and it was alright. the mechanics were interesting being able to buy score streaks and the weapon selection was great although its mostly bo1 weapons but found most of the maps to be a little boring die machine was good but the others are pretty forgettable
surprisingly i enjoyed the multiplayer for this a lot more than zombies. I really enjoyed the ttk and the maps

Takes a lot of the new mechanics from recent games in the series but delivers them a lot better.

It’s incredibly buggy, however. Constant rubber banding in the story and the final mission has a repeating bug with a weapon not firing that makes completing it on Veteran+ impossible without a reload.

i think it's fun for what it is

Uma história ótima e cativante, interessante desde o início porém é muito curto.

Um jogo que faz voltar com sucesso aos tempos de Black ops, história fenomenal

I liked it, but there could have been more missions, I managed to complete the main missions in 8 hours, I could even do it in less hours


Starts off strong with Ronald Reagan ignoring his advisor's words about war crimes being bad, peaks with a spy infiltration into Lubyanka with heavy machine guns, sustains the high with an extended set piece that is equal parts The Stanley Parable and Jacob's Ladder. Just have to ignore the canon ending that proudly posits that war crimes are actually good sometimes, as a treat.

this game is full of reagan-loving right wing jingoistic propaganda shit but then also allows you to be non-binary and idk what player demographic they were targeting with the combination of those things

Excellent campaign & zombies. Don’t care for MP but still found it fun

genuinely my favorite call of duty of all time

campaign is amazing
multiplayer is the best cod has been for years
zombies is the best zombies mode ever made

I wish cods were better i like when games are good

solid campaign, fun multiplayer, idk about zombies tho

It's really mediocre but the gameplay is really fun, especially if you're playing on Hardened-Realism difficulty, anything below that is just a waste of time and a disservice to how intense the gameplay can be at points, CoD campaigns never go wrong in that department, but, the gameplay and story structure was just really weird for a CoD game. Side quests, a whole stealth mechanic and dialogue options... it felt kind of out of place, but some of these introductions to the franchise are actually pretty welcome instead of recyclying the same gameplay style we've been seen used since 2003. Multiplayer isn't really much to bother with, especially given how each new installment is just the same thing with more emphasis put on Warzone than actually maintaining the integrity of what so many people were drawn to about this franchise... but, in the end, it's a fun passer-by, nothing else more.

(This review only mentions the campaign)
This is my favorite call of duty game since 2009's modern warfare 2. The story was so interesting, it had a cool twist and an interesting way to play it. The gameplay was very good too, I really enjoyed the KGB headquarters mission. I genuinely feel that this is the best call of duty can offer in the current generation of games.

This game is the one for you if you need to talk shit at random people online. Either way this is the best call of duty game everything that it has to offer is pretty good however, certain game mods that are weekly do need to become all time game modes.

As someone who prior to last year had only played the classic CoD’s, this was a pleasantly modern take on a lot of what makes me enjoy the older titles.

That said I got nuked 1v1’ing my friend who’s way better at shooters than me so I can’t give a perfect score out of spite.

A very mixed bag. I think the game visually looks really good and the gameplay feels great. I just was not a huge fan of the campaign and multiplayer, something just feels missing.

Finished COD Black ops:Cold War, Cool little campaign, that tries to pull nostalgia strings with some returning characters, and downright the same opening as BO1, it tries to pay homage to the OG BO1 campaign but sadly it did not reach the heights of BO1 and 2, don't have any iconic missions, supporting characters that remain memorable or left any marks, even Vietnam missions were not as great as BO1,2 and the antagonist is just whatever no interaction with him whatsoever, compare to BO1,2 where the villains were very threatening and front and center of the story, and the last plot twist hold no candles to "THE NUMBERS"
IT's just a waste of a cold war storyline.

3arc trying not to peak challenge (impossible)

still in my mind the best modern call of duty game single player and multiplayer and remember the plan

Bioshock if it was awesome