Reviews from

in the past

I started idling again with Clicker Heroes the past few days after putting it down for a couple of years. Still a fantastic clicker imo, but I forgot that it reaches a point where high level optimization is the only way forward and that's just not how I like my clickers! I had been planning to go for all the achievements, but instead I'm sunsetting it for good and writing this mainly as a reminder to myself so I don't get sucked back in a few weeks/years lol.

If you like clicking things, this is the game for you. It is a simple time waster and not much else.

Clickers are a weird genre. When played as intended they offer nothing of substance and provide almost none of the benefits that video games usually offer. They don’t offer the player challenge, narrative fulfillment, immersion, fantasy or space for creativity. The only thing clickers have to offer is engagement and they manage to do that without gameplay and almost always without narrative. The mechanics of idle games are simply designed to give our little lizard brains dopamine hits and to promote addiction. In this sense they’re honestly more like actual drugs than conventional video games. Clickers however, instead of promising to get you high, promise to make time disappear and nothing else.

I understand the desire to escape your worries and pass the time, but you’re better off doing literally anything else. You’re better off wasting time with something that will at least provide you with fun, relaxation or laughter. Clickers are the epitome of a waste of time - one of the only uses of one’s time that I can think of that provides literally nothing be it good or bad - at least in the immediate sense (playing clickers for multiple hours a day would almost certainly have a net negative impact on your life in the long run).

The only caveat to my point is this: I think there is some fun to be had if you engage with the clicker genre outside the bounds of the normal player experience. For example, this could be creatively exploiting a game’s systems or programming and trying to do a speedrun or figuring out how to break the game in other ways. These could probably be rewarding and mentally stimulating endeavors, and I’m sure there are more worthwhile unintended uses that I’m not thinking of. However, I am wholly confident that when clickers are played as intended they offer the player absolutely nothing of substance and serve only to waste their time and promote addiction.

I’ve spent thousands of hours of my life playing video games. Would my time have been better spent doing something else? Probably, although I don’t view this time spent as a waste. Gaming has given me plenty of fun, it’s given me fond memories, it’s challenged me to be creative, and, in exceptional cases, has even given me creative new frames through which to view the real world.

When I think back on the 100 or so hours I spent playing clicker heroes I see a gaping meaningless void stemming from an experience so deeply stupid I can’t help but laugh. I know it’s not healthy to feel this way, but I feel frankly ashamed that I let my addictive and compulsive tendencies be exploited by a game that seeks to prey on its users. Playing this game made me feel ashamed to have these tendencies in the first place. (Just a note for clarification - I don’t think I should feel ashamed about this and I absolutely don’t think anyone reading this that has struggled with addiction or compulsive behavior should feel ashamed either. I just wanted to be honest about the emotions this game inspired in me despite them being unhealthy and counter productive.)

The worst thing is I’m clearly not alone in feeling this way either. One skim through the reviews of this game and you’ll see a bunch of people lamenting the hundreds or thousands of hours they spent on this game despite knowing that it’s addictive and meaningless trash. It honestly makes me sick to my stomach to see how many people have had a similar experience to myself when it comes to this game.

But anyway - this game and the idle genre fucking suck. Regardless of how a game like this is monetized - whether it has predatory micro-transactions or a one time purchase - even if it’s not monetized at all - it’s still exploitative. Any game that is devoid of active play and drives player engagement through addiction and psychological trickery is exploiting and harming its players - regardless of whether or not the devs are aware of or intend to do this. I wholeheartedly regret spending any time on this game. To me, playing this game for 100 hours was indistinguishable from shortening my lifespan by 100 hours.

This game blows why do I have so much time on it on Steam.

I knew a couple guys in high school who would play this on their phones and then when they got home they'd play it on their Xbox's. One year one of them got a garden shed to smoke weed in as a christmas gift.

I don't like to cheat but you better off getting a damn auto-clicker.

Could say it's addicting, but then auto clicker helps out. Not worth the time tho'

You click stuff until you get good enough that it’ll do it for you. Then you watch it click stuff. There was maybe a little sense of satisfaction when you watched it pummel through levels but i’m probably reaching.
Pretty sure i only played this because it’s free and had a trophy list.

One of the first games I got on my PS4, since it was free. I'd played it before but it's just. fine.

Don't EVER play this game in a console other than PC

addicting for my little kid adhd mind

another clicker brainrot. i like clickers, but why tf did xbox have this? I think I was mashing A all the time, and that didnt give the same satisfaction of clicking with a mouse. also doesnt help the game was decently ASS

Este juego creo un modelo que acabo engendrando a una galleta cosmica intergalactica de multiples dimensiones, pero ta guapo el juego

Ascended my world ig that counts as completing the game anyways this game gave me autism

Só é legal na primeira hora, depois fica uma merda repetitiva.

The amount of hours I put into Clicker games is concerning. (Can't remember how long ago and how many hours I put into this when I played on Kongregate)

Why did I play this game? In terms of Idle games its not even that good.

Classic game. Really a hardcore idle game

like 99% of clicker games it just becomes a grindy void of nothing for hundreds of hours with no payoff

pourquoi j'y ai jouer 61 heures?