Reviews from

in the past

Remarkably low effort on all fronts, to the degree where it loops back around into being hilarious. The controls are insane, the collision hardly works, and it's entirely put together with near-unaltered graphics from the PS1 devkit. They didn't even try. Did you know the closest thing this game has to being noteworthy is receiving a 0 in some old gaming magazine?

This game was made by a Japanese systems architecture company. It was their first and last game. The precise reasons why are obvious: the controls were devised by a person who had no idea how one would expect a futuristic hovercraft to control, even on the original stickless PS1 controller, and all of the graphics, they say, came directly from the PlayStation SDK. I have heard this before from several reviews of this game, but I don't know if I believe that ALL of them were. I am fairly certain the character designs, for instance, came from the lower echelons of DeviantArt, which is impressive seeing as this game released 5 years before that website came online.
Diversification is a bitch.