Reviews from

in the past

Random survivor: "Frank, my daughter has gone missing in the food plaza, you have to help me (Reward: 3 Zombrex units and one billion dollars)"
Frank: " Nuh uh 🖕🖕🖕 It's a boss fight 🖕🖕🖕 Fuck your crazy ass 🖕🖕🖕"
Woodrow: " ¿Alguno imbecil para jugar strip poker? (Reward: Nothing)"
Frank, snorting 3 luck magazines: " Oui "

gotta be some of the worst boss fights i’ve ever put myself thru. sure is a fun fuckin game though.

I reached the end of the game with a friend and we got stuck in an infinite loading screen. Reloaded the game and it consistently happened. Looked up how to fix it and saw we had to edit a .ini file. The file wasn’t anywhere in the games files because it updated. My save then got corrupted and lost my level 45 character.

Just buy the original version of Dead Rising 2, the new additions aren’t worth a slight remix.

Replayed for the gazillionth time.

Both Dead Rising 2's are some of my favorite games of all time. Dead Rising revolutionized the zombie genre in gaming by taking heavy inspiration from Dawn of the Dead, and fully embracing the insane degrees that they can take its own concept. I prefer this version of Dead Rising 2 as, as much as I love Chuck, Frank West is just THE protagonist of Dead Rising. He so perfectly matches the tone and feel of Dead Rising whereas Chuck feels somewhat out of place in comparison. Dead Rising 2 is one of those games that i can literally boot up at any point and play through just because of how perfect everything is. The satisfying feel of slaying hundreds of zombies, the insane feeling you get when successfully escorting a group of half dozen survivors, the mystery of who the next psychopath will be, and lest we forget one of the best soundtracks in all of video games. This certainly wasn't my first time beating Dead Rising 2, and it certainly won't be my last.

o auge de uma franquia divertida, porém estranha
matar zumbis em um shopping parece uma ideia ruim, e talvez ela realmente seja, mas a execução beira a maestria, tornando uma base estranha em um jogo de zumbis extremamente sólido

cant fully complete since its bugged at a specific part for me but i had a great time with it

Had a lot of fun playing this with a friend, endless co-op shenanigans galore.

Amazing as a coop experience. Dead rising is so much fun and this game really is just plain silly fun.

Bought to play it with a friend. It just like... didn't work??

Everything after this game is complete donkey shit please don't play it. :(

Good game, tho the checkpoints cheapen it a little and I see minor flanderization with Frank, outside of that pretty fun what if

Tho some of the things in this definately felt like it led up to DR4

Probably my favorite zombie game to be completely honest lmao.

It's Dead Rising 2 but runs way god damn worse. It barely even functions. Crashes often and just like Frank, screams to be put out of its misery the entire runtime.

It's still good Dead Rising fun, albeit, a copy paste of the second one. I much prefer the first game over 2 but 2 is still a handful of fun. They tried to fix certain aspects that missed the mark with it's sibling, but falters even more in others. Sure, auto-save could come in clutch during certain moments after a boss fight or after the game shits itself to death again but you can tell they simply added it in because they completely wrecked the survivor escort missions. They went from being way too easy to beyond broken. I'm not really sure what would have fixed the difficulty issue from before but it sure the fuck wasn't to make the survivors instantly drain health on grab. They basically explode if you look at them wrong in this game, it made for almost constant reloads.

The story is a non-factor. It doesn't make any sense at all, but we didn't ask it to be. It's just simply an alternate reality where some things stay the same and others don't. Whatever. Except for the fact that it values money way too much. Before, money was just a bonus that could net you some neat rewards. Here it's literally required to scrounge up a decent amount of money to progress, which is boring as shit. The fun mini-games in the original 2 were meant to be optional content that sold the theme of Fortune City. I liked to gamble in that game because it was an easy way to waste some time that I would spend standing around instead. I know you can just grab Gambling books to acquire it faster, but that's not my point. I find the whole thing stupid just in concept. I play Dead Rising games because I like exploring a fun map, saving survivors, and finding cool items to kill zombies/psychopaths with. This game takes all of those things, pisses them out, and then asks you to clean it up as a chore.

I honestly don't even hate this game as much as it sounds like I do, but my experience with it unfortunately ended completely awfully. I played my 2nd playthrough with a friend and we couldn't complete it. There is a major soft-lock bug near the end of the game where it'll play an infinite loading screen and I've tried everything to fix it. There was a moment where I sat back and said, "Why am I doing this?" and just stopped trying. Playing this game on multiplayer makes it much easier to swallow for sure, but no amount of fun moments we had together is going to outweigh the fact that it's an abandoned port that doesn't function. I should not have to mod in controller support or windowed mode to get this game to function like a game, and I definitely should not have to edit any files to prevent it from breaking right at the end.

Edit: Used to be a 0.5 star rating, but I stopped doing halfsies.

It's Dead Rising 2 but you play as a caricature of Frank West instead of an actually interesting character. PS4 port is pretty ass: it crashed on me twice, the blood decals don't work properly, there were some really weird bugs with collision and items, and about halfway through the game all of Frank's audio cues were only coming out of the left speaker channel. I'm not sure if that's worse than the PC port that doesn't have proper controller support on Windows 10 for no reason, but it's worth noting.

"They call me the King of Cuisine.."

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record is a Director's Cut to the original DR2 and a fun take on a "What-If?" scenario where the original Willamette Mall hero, Frank West, replaces Chuck Greene throughout the entirety of Dead Rising 2. The game follows the original plot a bit weirdly, as Capcom Vancouver did their best to adapt the story to Frank West, without changing enough elements (except towards the end), leading to some odd and confusing moments, especially with some of the Psychopath's motives to be hostile towards Frank. The Psychopaths themselves are great though, especially in Off the Record. The solid gameplay definitely makes up for it's story, especially with the addition of Sandbox Mode. Fortune City itself is also a great location, with plenty to do and kill zombies with. Off the Record is definitely worth checking out, especially if you enjoyed the original Dead Rising.

O jogo parece mais um Dead Rising 1.5 do que o 2 de fato.
Não há muita inovação, tirando a parte de combinar as armas, os cenários são praticamente os mesmos, com as mesmas disposições e "ideia" do primeiro, só que um pouco maior.

No geral diverte, mas deixa a desejar, se compararmos com a inovação e diversão que o primeiro jogo da franquia trouxe. Off the Records se encerra mais com a sensação de que é uma expansão do seu antecessor do que uma continuação ou evolução.

Matar zumbis no maior estilo cool e escrachado, montando armas feitas a partir de outras armas e com um contador de abates registrando quantos cadáveres ambulantes você detonou? Tô dentro!!

O primeiro Dead Rising que joguei, e por muito tempo foi o meu jogo de zumbis favorito, até eu jogar o 3.

No entanto, Dead Rising 2: Off the Record é um jogo extremamente divertido e estiloso, parecendo até que o próprio jogo reconhece que é um jogo pra se permitir a ter vários elementos bizarros de engraçados que deixam cada batalha desafiadora e única à sua maneira, várias das vezes não se levando nem um pouco a sério, como se fosse uma quebra da quarta parede, mesmo que este não o faça, mas que deu muito certo.

O jogo já começa acertando ao se passar num imenso shopping, o que enriquece mais ainda seu estilo, já que todo o cenário é bastante colorido, brilhoso e chamativo, combinando perfeitamente com os personagens que não são nem um pouco discretos, pois cada um teu o seu espaço nesse vasto local.

Cada boss tem o seu estilo diferenciado, seja ele um cozinheiro, um palhaço ou até mesmo uma diva pop; a única coisa que todos eles têm em comum é a insanidade psicótica. E claro, com uma ótima trilha sonora acompanhando-os, (descobri varias boas músicas com esses bosses).

Desconheço um jogo/franquia de zumbis mais estiloso(a) que Dead Rising. É a segunda melhor franquia da Capcom pra mim, perdendo apenas para Resident Evil, mas não no quesito zumbis até porque Resident Evil não é preso a isso, mas sim como obra no geral.

P.S: Muito melhor que o Dead Rising 2 original.

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Would've been perfect if the wh*te woman died instead of Sullivan


Even though it's unneccesary this game is still just as much of a blast as the original. Frank's moveset works so well in Fortune City, the map extension was amazing and Sandbox mode is PERFECT for a game like Dead Rising. AI somehow sucked though.

This is the definitive version of Dead Rising 2 for me. I don’t really like what they did to franks character but the new gamemode, area, and the camera definitely make up for that.

This was such a fun what-if scenario and the last good Dead Rising game, sadly.

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For personal reference more than anything else. Still have done spoiler warning just in case though.

Second time doing a full playthrough after the first being around 4 or more years ago. Did 72 Hour Mode and Overtime Mode.

Won't go into the same stuff that I went into when talking about Dead Rising 2 as there's not much point. This will basically serve as a comparison between the two games though.

This game feels like if they removed the rod from up inside DR2's arse and replaced it with a kick. This is far more an improvement then I was expecting, many issues from the original game have either been improved, changed or gotten rid of. Even if something is not improved by much, it still feels like enough.

Frank West isn't my favourite video game protagonist by any stretch of the imagination and in this game he seems to go through a crappier version of the exact same arc he went through in Dead Rising 1, but he actually has a personality, something missing from Chuck Greene, he's a lot more fun and has chemistry with the other characters, like Rebecca. Rebecca is the most notable improvement I think as she has a back and forth with Frank that makes her scenes feel less painfully awkward then in DR2 and not only this but where she only had a couple of lines I enjoyed in the original, she now has so many more because they gave her a lot more dialogue it seems. Stacey would have been difficult for me to judge which version of her I preferred if they actually did anything with her storyline in DR2, now she gets to be a pretty entertaining villain for a short while and she feels better like this. The rest of the main characters are mostly the same, Brandon gets an upgrade from optional content to a place in the main story and its kind of interesting but has a slight issue that I'll get to later.

The ending of the 72 hour mode is mostly different as well as the game doesn't just go straight to the boss fight anymore but has you go around the map destroying harvesters which could have been repetitive but I think they choose just the right amount to allow it to feel like a good sort of science-fictiony moment to the game but not long enough to be a massive chore. The boss fight with Stacey replaces the one with Sullivan and I'm not the biggest fan of either in all honesty but if I have to choose between a hand to hand boss fight (that admittedly does feel like its honouring the first game's final boss) or a fight with a big robot in an amusement park, I know which one I'm choosing. It does feel sort of clunky but I don't really mind.

Speaking about the psychopaths, the only other one lost from DR2 is the fight with Leon which I felt didn't really work all that well and it was one of my least favourites in the game (even if Leon was kind of entertaining). Its been replaced with a fight with Chuck Greene that feels so much better and is quite an enjoyable fight. There's also a new boss fight with Evan who is Adam from the first game's brother, its ok but that's about it. The rest of the boss fights are the same but all get some degree of upgrade, certain characters are now more enjoyable to fight as they spam annoying attacks less (Carl and Brandon), a couple feel quite a bit harder though. Reed and Roger feel a fair bit more tough now and I had a slightly better time with them but not by much. The twins are now one of, if not my favourite fight in the game now as the whole thing just feels much more faster paced which made it much more exciting and difficult.

Seymour Redding is probably the standout as the biggest change though as he went from one of the easiest bosses for me who I managed to kill really quickly, to one of the contenders for most difficult boss I've faced in this series so far. A mechanic in this game makes it so that if you repeatedly attack an enemy without stopping, they will no longer take damage (or take much less) and you need to stop for a couple of seconds in order to be able to do damage again. Seymour is really good at far range due to his great aim and lasso attack which if done pretty late in the fight can kill Frank, having to stop attacking him for a second and get out of the way as he will obviously take this moment to attack greatly increases the chances of eventually losing to him, also due to the low amount of healing items nearby. I see this boss like I saw Isabela's in DR1, a boss fight that feels kind of bullshit and should probably have been worked on a little more but fuck if I wasn't having such a great time trying to beat it.

The game overall feels harder and it makes the game so much more fun and tense, it roughly sits in the middle of DR1's difficulty (quite hard) and DR2's difficulty (quite easy). Survivors take much more damage when grabbed by zombies now and while I didn't lose any I was escorting, it came so close at times. The timer also felt possibly shorter than DR2's (or maybe things just took longer to do) and I cut things quite close a couple of times with literal (in-game) minutes to spare.

There were quite a few other little improvements that I noticed like, being able to jump kick and dodge roll from the very start of the game, the game straight up telling you when a survivor is too far away so you don't have to try and find the green circle on all of the boxes of the survivors that are all on top of each other and a checkpoint system was honestly greatly appreciated as well even if I try to manually save whenever I can.

The biggest things new to the game are the Uranus Zone which feels like such a neat inclusion to the map. It gets used a couple of times in the main story and for certain survivors and due to a lack of time I didn't fully explore it like I've done in the past, but its nice to have an amusement park to play the games at or go on the rides and the space theme helps give it an identity and separate it from the rest of the game's world. There's also the sandbox mode which I didn't really play with this time but have done a lot beforehand, I'm not much one for all of the challenges but being able to explore the map at my own pace and having to deal with the bosses again and defected survivors is really cool.

Getting into the issues of the game, as mentioned before there's a slight issue with Brandon and he's not the only one where this happens, but there's a few points in the game where a cutscene needs to happen in a very similar way to DR2 and the game feels like it doesn't make as much sense with Frank as it did with Chuck. Brandon's dialogue about the protagonist not having the courage to do what needs to be done being mostly unchanged worked with Chuck because Brandon assumed Chuck commited an act of terrorism for CURE but Frank hasn't done or thought to have done anything like this to warrant this response from Brandon. Slappy feels like a victim of the game trying to change things but not quite getting it, how he went from seeing Frank expose what was going on in the first game to being able to fix his 'toy' I'll never know, its a shame because there's actually a bit of tragedy involved with this fight that wasn't there before, as Slappy had just accepted that Suzy was dead in DR2 but now seems to genuinely believe that she's only 'broken' and can be 'fixed' which was kinda sad. All the changes aren't bad though as Carl going from wanting to kill Chuck because he caused the outbreak and screwed up his schedule to now wanting to kill Frank because he committed mailer fraud is fucking hilarious.

Saying all this though, while there's certainly points that feel kind of awkward in this game as it tries to fit in to what the original was doing, the rest of the time it weirdly feels natural. DR2 didn't feel like anything was wrong with it or whatever but so many things feel like they make much more sense here, Frank's back and forth with Rebecca, the overall tone feeling more upbeat, even the return of the photography mechanic. In both games you have a couple of survivor missions where you need to reunite a couple (LaShawndra and Gordon), family members (Camille and Lillian) or whatever and when they do reunite they embrace for a couple of seconds and whenever this happened in DR2 I would instinctively try to get the camera out or think that this would be a perfect moment for a photo, but that game doesn't have a photography mechanic so just felt a little awkward. In this game it feels right being able to take pictures of these moments or when a psychopath does a pose or anything really. After playing both games quite close together, as weird as it may sound OTR feels like the original game and DR2 feels like the 'reimagining'.

The last thing for me to note is that this game had a fair amount of issues which after a quick Google search may be down to this port. The dialogue was so quiet especially compared to all of the other game's sounds, Frank got stuck in a couple of things and I had to reload to fix it, the game also stopped showing the little 'cutscene' with the survivors once you've escorted them back to the security office and instead the text would show and just stay there until the game was reloaded or I went to a different part of the map cut off by a loading screen. It wasn't the biggest deal ever and I've certainly played games that were in a worse state but it was enough to be pretty noticeable unfortunately.

Overall, this game is so good, this feels kind of unfair but I struggle to see a reason to go back to DR2 from now on as this game just improved upon so much and really turned DR2 into the game I wanted it to be. It has its problems but they aren't enough to really affect the game too much in my opinion. Really good game that I'll happily come back to anytime.