Reviews from

in the past

Ive spent close to 6000 hours of my life on the 10 year Destiny project, with a hope (or maybe an increasingly morbid curiosity, I cant figure out which one it is) of where it could go. What profound thing would the Traveler have to say? What exotic societies and concepts reside in the bounds of the greater cosmos outside our little solar system? When it was all said and done, what exactly was the Final Shape going to be and what shape would we have to take to deny it? In the story of the three great nations and the three great queens, would it mean we would have to be the third queen?

And so I am beyond disgusted that the answer to where itll go is: nowhere. Nothing mattered. It was all just opium, just vapor and sawdust and pretty colors and shiny things, whatever it would take to mesmerize you for another year and for another $100. It fills me with rage, to have seen such fertile soil curdled into pigshit and tar. Art so negligent it should be criminal, work so poisonous it should be illegal. I am beyond hate for Destiny, and if theres any justice in the world itll become insolvent for Bungie and laid to rest, where its swollen husk can be pillaged by creatives who are actually worthy of its potential.

I say this only as a half joke, I think Destiny fans should be in prison. You let Bungie get away with it, you permit them at every opportunity with success for being unimaginative.

A part of me was blown away from the expansive environments. The way the skyboxes just look otherworldly. How kinetic movement and combat feels. How engaging each exotic is and how they can drastically change your playstyle. The wonder of what the next game from the dudes that made Halo felt finally lived with this expansion. Bungie is at their best when they craft a semi-linear story experience. From the campaign, to watching the raid race, that led to this never before seen final event, like this was endgame or something was just cool as fuck.

Then another part of me remembers why I don't dedicate my entire life to this game like I thought I would when I was in 11th grade. The live service part of this. I always come back and play whatever the expansion is or at least check out every new season, but something about Destiny 2 doesn't slap as much as the first one. Even though abilities are way more impactful, and it truly feels like a RPG shooter that it was harped up to be back then. Especially with the new Prismatic class, which is what I've always wanted out of Destiny's power system since the start. I just can't truly dip all the way back in this game anymore.

There's a bigger story to tell that I decree on my soapbox for the eleventh time about MMOs and how that golden age of community will never exist again, but that's not what you're reading for. For the record, I genuinely tried to get back into Destiny 2 before Final Shape. I geared up, farmed some exotics, got some masterwork gear, got as much as I could from the thousands of legendary shards, stocked up bounties, did some raids, farmed dungeons for god rolls, joined LFGs and Sherpas on a nightly basis on anything anybody needed another body for.

I even did something taboo...put my headset on and talked with strangers on a regular basis. "You guys gotta mic?". Chilling I know...

But as I enjoyed my time playing the content and finally mastering the clusterfuck of a UI, I felt the looming elephant in the room. I just enjoyed playing with randoms, speculating on what the Final Shape raid is going to be, talking about what's going to happen with Destiny 3 or Marathon, reminiscing about doing Raids for the first time in Destiny 1 and the beta. Then I'd hear that one guy, "Bro what the hell is that roll on your Mousekatoole. Why are you even running that exotic bro what the hell that shit is D tier bro. Bro doesn't know the mechanics, oh my god"

I'm not one to usually have other people ruin my experience. This is coming from a guy that runs a War Rock deck in Yugioh. I'm just not a competitive player. Even when I do competitive things, I'll go off-meta or don't follow guides because I like discovering and theory crafting on my own. What's meta might not be my play style. I just do my own thing. So this is very off-putting for someone that's primary Destiny 1 group were the owns to sit down at the tower and talk about life, we would stop and smell the roses staring at Vex Architecture discussing what it all could mean. I was with the lore heads that loved to sit and talk about what's going on in the greater destiny mythos and how what we're doing correlated. I loved that because that's what I loved about Halo.

I was one of those kids that read the books. I sat with friends during sleepovers talking about what they'll adapt with the new Reach game while searching for out of bounds clips and secrets. Because I don't have a friend group that's down to jump into games like this, and the random match made player base won't be that way either, I'm just stuck in a limbo state. While I love collecting exotics and doing random missions, I don't like being rushed through it. Destiny 2 is a forever game, you're meant to be constantly doing something.

The treadmill is on like speed 7 with this game and as a filthy casual I can't keep up. I done broke my ankle falling off the ramp. Not to mention how obtuse the monetization has become, making it hard to get said friend group to even join to play with me through this experience, or else cough up like 90 bucks to start. I really did like Bungie ass Borderlands for what it did for real. I guess this is a more general review of Destiny as an entity, as this is the "finale" or whatever.

It sucks cause frfr if it really was just bungie ass borderlands, then this would be Destiny 3, and it would've hit like a bitch rn.

Guess I'm a 50 yr old dad with 15 kids. This shit was peak

Nailed it. Really good encounter design throughout the story, utilising raid-light mechanics to create the most engaging boss fights in a story mode for a long time, maybe ever. The story explores its characters well and ends on an incredibly high note and hits some emotional beats surprisingly confidently. I think this is helped by the campaign's structure, which is traditionally linear until the final fight preparations which opened up the exploration gameplay, with an impressive 12 player co op mission that unlocked after the raid was beaten. Very epic, and very fun. Prismatic is cool and is fun to tinker with, leading you to maybe be more confident with ability building with other subclasses too.

i know the raid and final mission aren't out yet, but holy hell. this is it. i feel validated putting up with all the memes about destiny players.

the pale heart is probably the greatest environment of any FPS i've ever played. exploring it is so much fun and the amount of content packed into it is incredible. i'm addicted to exploring and how many secrets are packed in here. the post game activities are varied and fun with lots of rewards and makes the grind a blast. the art team was given free reign and they're one of the greatest art teams in the entire games industry.

prismatic is a ton of fun, unlocking it is simple and fun, and the combat encounters in the campaign are all a blast. my only complaint is that i wish it had been a little harder because barring the tripmine room, i didn't die once on solo legendary (well, aside from missing some jumps because i'm so used to having icarus dash)

i'm excited to see the raid and what follows but i doubt it could sway me on what i've already played. didn't buy the season pass originally because i had some trepidation about what was coming next, especially after lightfall, but i'm back in, 100%

In all honesty, I shouldn't be giving this a 10/10. The gameplay was really fun throughout this campaign, and the narrative was surprisingly competent, making it a godsend among Destiny DLCs, but still just a "good at best" narrative and nothing spectacular compared to its peers. The Pale Heart is beautiful, and D2's skybox team outdid themselves once again, and I think is the part of this expansion that could be considered outstanding, even when compared to other great games. Even with all that, in no way should this be a 10/10.

But still, I can't help but cry seeing the end of this story that I've been following nearly since the beginning. This made up such a big chunk of my teenage years, and it's how I made bonds with people that I call very close friends to me nowadays. I'm glad Bungie pulled out and wrote an ending that did my time spent on this god-forsakened-game justice, and I can't help but feel such melancholy over it. Seeing the end to this saga is making me feel all these different emotions and honestly, most of them are good. Going forward, I don't think I'll be revisiting Destiny (after I beat the crazy ass new raid) now that the game I've been following for the past decade is technically over, and honestly, somehow Bungie's best work on Destiny is what gets me to quit the game, and I'm fine with dropping the game forever now.

Y'know, I never thought I'd ever say this, but...
I'm glad to have experienced Destiny.

(Additional Note: Don't buy this for full price as Triple A prices still suck and like unless you're someone who played Destiny for a decade like me, it's most likely not that good for you as it was for me. Wait for a sale, it's still a solid DLC and the raid is pretty damn cool with its 4th encounter.)

Essa aqui foi especial, comecei Destiny em 2019 quando eu não tinha console ou computador, pela nuvem da nvidia. Nesses 5 anos fiz muitos amigos e contruí uma relação de amor e ódio com esse jogo, chegamos ao fim dessa jornada de maneira emocionante, vamos pra resenha.

A campanha é muito bem feita, cada missão é única com excelente construção tanto da narrativa quanto do combate, os personagens e o desenrolar são o ponto alto aqui. A raid só foi completa 1h antes dessa review e pelo que eu consegui assistir é o ponto alto de atividade de alto nível, a Bungie se superou nessa. O novo mapa aberto é incrível.

Eyes up, Guardian

They were on something crazy when they made this. That final mission (the real final mission, the 12 man) was so insane. Genuinely such a rollercoaster.
I have such a love hate relationship with destiny 2, but this just kinda reminded me that at the end of the day, it's still destiny and the same destiny that i loved and still do.
Shout-out Bungie for this because damn i wasn't expecting them to have it in them still.

downloading this felt like getting a hold of your crack dealer after over a year clean

50-year-old dads with 15 children will gaslight themselves into thinking this is the peak of destiny since forsaken

It's OK...but as the finale of a 10-year saga, I find it lacking.

Look, if you're a Destiny fan that just wants more Destiny, go for it, the Final Shape is definitely that, more Destiny. Familiarity, it's a funny criticism to have, I guess, but there are flashes of something more interesting under the surface of this franchise, so this being the conclusion leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Not to get all snooty, but I feel as if there's massive overlap between those that find Endgame to be peak cinema and those that find this expansion to be peak gaming, which is fine, it's just not all that interesting to me. So much creative potential, all for it to conclude in the most bog-standard, predictable manner. No drama. No intrigue. No innovation. A creatively unmoving product, which is okay if all you want is that that you already have.

This review contains spoilers

Capping off the “Light and Darkness Saga” that Bungie announced in 2020, The Final Shape is the culmination of ten years of Destiny.

And it is fine.

No, really the expansion is fine. Completely serviceable, and I find that to be its greatest sin.

Normally, in a review like this I’d never address the consensus, as I find discussing where the majority is at to be pointless as this is a personal review piece of my own thoughts and feelings, but I am left genuinely floored at how people are saying this is one of Bungie’s best expansions for Destiny and the best narrative in Destiny.

I feel like I’m going insane, because The Final Shape is extremely formulaic in its structure and narrative up until the raid completion, where the rest of the campaign was locked behind, and a final 12 player mission to cap off the finale.

Let me explain.

The campaign hook is fairly straightforward, more so than the usual call to action these expansions have: stop the Witness from enacting The Final Shape. When I say there are no narrative twists and turns that leave you on the edge of your seat as beloved characters push back in one final effort against the big bad of the franchise: I am not lying to you o reader mine.

The reason I will continue to commend The Witch Queen as one of Destiny’s strongest narratives is because it delivered on everything and then some. The reveals in that expansion were incredible and added to the deeper understanding of the Hive’s history and it was all in the campaign, minimal lore tabs to piece the narrative together.

The Final Shape does not have that luxury of a tight narrative. There aren't any grand reveals about the Traveler or the Witness (I do not count that fact that a being made up of an entire race has a subsection of itself rebelling against as a reveal) apparent in the campaign and The Final Shape, while made apparent, isn’t felt throughout the campaign.

For as much as I hate Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker and that 2.6 billion dollar movie I will not be mentioning by name, they made their scenarios extremely apparent.

For Endwalker, the Final Days were shown to the player. An entire leveling section was dedicated to the horrors of such an event and made you invested in stopping a cataclysmic event. For that 2.6 billion dollar movie, everyone was dealing with the results of the snap heard across the universe. The entire driving force is trying to undo that event that happened in Infinity War.

The Final Shape, the idea that chaos cannot be stopped or changed, therefore needs to be contained in a state in which it cannot possibly act, is interesting, but due to the inherent nature of said goal, it is impossible to properly show that goal to the player during gameplay or really narratively in front of them, unlike the Final Days which, again, had “gameplay” (cutscenes mostly) reflecting the narrative.

A cutscene at the start of the campaign shows denizens of the Last City getting put into the Final Shape, showcasing the apocalyptic event,as the Earth shifts and moves, but is undone completely by the Traveler still fighting against the Witness.

Nothing ever comes close to this in the campaign. The Final Shape never really occurs in a way that shows but the environment picks it up like some Atlas-like god, showcasing the Witness’s tormented, idealistic goal of stopping chaos with calcified enemies and humans baked into the scenery as you approach the Witness’s domain.

I would have loved it if the campaign started in the Last City as suddenly reality is shifting in and out between the will of the Witness and the Traveler fighting back, but uh. No, no we do not get any of that. So, I end up feeling extremely disconnected between what the goals are and what is actually happening in the gameplay.

Honestly, a lot of my feeling of bitterness towards the fact that we never really had our “losing moment” is because of how atrocious Lightfall and the seasonal stories that followed weren’t about losing, but once again, preparing to face off against the Witness for the second year in the row.

The Witness went inside the traveler, and it did nothing for that entire year, but charged an extremely long cast timer for enacting The Final Shape.

Now that it is here, I was hoping for more dire stakes that showed the end of everything, but no it is extremely self contained to the Pale Heart.

Ok, the overarching narrative is a bit of a bust. What about the characters?

Well, it doesn’t get much better, but it is a slight, noticeable improvement. Equal good, equal bad.

The return of Cayde-6 is handled surprisingly well. Initially, I was annoyed beyond belief, believing it to be a desperate attempt by Bungie to lead the player into a back alleyway before sucking their wallet dry, but in execution, it is much less about nostalgia and more about reopening “old wounds” as the fallen Hunter Vanguard puts it.

In a throwaway dogshit seasonal story, Crow wished for the return of Cayde-6, and Cayde is pulled from heaven back into hell and finds himself stranded, lost inside the Traveler.

Cayde reacquainting with old allies is great. Seeing how Crow went from killer to ally, the reuniting with Zavala and Ikora, and of course meeting the player character again. I do love how it is handled as a somber, bitter moment for everyone as they are forced to confront grief and love at once, probably one of the few actual good moments in the campaign.

His charisma is back, and while some of it is welcomed, some of it is completely obnoxious, and that has more to do with Bungie stepping away from his style for a longtime and having to readjust to the blend of humor and seriousness going on.

Crow has been a great character to watch and take up the mantle of the Hunter Vanguard. He and Cayde are like bread and butter and both get along very well.

Ikora is kind of just there? She’s one of my favorite Vanguard members, but the narrative doesn’t really give her as much agency and really any time to shine unlike The Witch Queen. She just talks to everyone else, not really going through much of her own strife unlike Cayde being brought back from the dead and Zavala… well I’ll get to that.

Zavala’s character asks the question: “what happens when a paladin’s faith is shattered?” A very interesting character study about the blind devotion to a faith that, upon new revelations, is met with frustration, grief, and anger. What ends up happening in the campaign is him coming off extremely annoying.

I’m not sure if it has to do with the writing or with Keith David’s performance, stepping into the massive shoes left by the unfortunate passing of Lance Reddick, Zavala is completely out of character.

There is a way to write a desperate character losing faith and having to reconcile with finding a new purpose, but this was not it at all.

And seemingly by post-campaign, he manages to get over it, but still results in a reckless decision that cost him the life of his ghost.

Speaking of his ghost, Targe, gets a character in-game.

I’ll commend Bungie here and say at least Targe’s death had a purpose and showcasing Zavala’s recklessness, but dear god does it feel so hamfisted and entirely because the plot needed to show that the light could unmake the Witness.

So, that’s most of the big players… oh yeah right. The Witness.

I was never a fan of his design or his goal, seemingly because of how far Bungie had to reach up their own ass to pull out this thing from left field, but we finally got to see and feel its presence without it being constantly teased.

The Witness tempts everyone with their most internal desires, feeding them what they want more than anything in the name of salvation, and each of the Vanguard members go through fighting with what they want.

For the player character, you are kind of just watching everyone go through their grief, until mission seven when the Witness finally addresses you.

That’s when the campaign picks up momentum.

I was really hoping for a Marathon: Infinity-esque meta discussion with the player. Bungie is no stranger to meta-storytelling and it is why I had such high hopes that the Witness and the player character would have a discussion about trivial things in a video game sense, such as rewards and challenges to overcome, the needless sense of violence and destruction.

We kind of got that? Sort of? It was so brief before we struck down the Witness with a sword to chip away at its collective consciousness. I was expecting a lot more, given how there is so little actually going on.

So that’s mostly the narrative, what about what you are doing?

Not much better.

The Pale Heart doesn’t utilize a lot of the environments and theming to allow for set piece moments to distinguish missions one from the other.

The Witch Queen was hyper focused on mystery and it was baked into the campaign. Environmental effects such as the deepsight buff let you go into places not visible before. Puzzle solving was another crucial step that felt appropriate to the Throne World. Sometimes it would throw its hands up in the air and give you a back to back boss fight with an escape sequence. It was incredible and a pinnacle achievement for the series.

Lightfall scaled this back, due to the no doubt rushed development, putting more emphasis on combat than puzzles. The Tormentors were a great addition to the enemy variety, but the overall campaign lacked those 80s action movie setpieces that Bungie was throwing around in the marketing.

Here in The Final Shape, the dial has been pushed too far to the left and this is just dungeon mechanics: the campaign. I was bored to tears at every single puzzle, killing an enemy with a name to find a symbol, callout the symbol, cleanse the symbol, damage the boss, repeat until death. Other times it was to collect motes to bring to a plate, or shoot an aura around a ring to pick up a buff, etc.

There is so little variety besides the variety in mechanics and every mission ending in a health-gated boss fight was very tedious.

There could have been so much more, and the post-campaign showed me a glimpse of what could have been, so I know it wasn’t a lack of ambition, but the hyper focus on mechanics, forgoing set piece moments of that in The Witch Queen made this a chore to playthrough, even on Legendary.

Sprinkled in the campaign were the various factions you have fought before but this time, Bungie introduced a brand new enemy race to the sandbox: The Dread. These units are fantastic, taking what I love about the Tormentors in applying pressure to the player and ramping it up to ten. The Dread utilizes Stasis and Strand to force you to play carefully and methodically, as well as enemy prioritization to avoid getting in situations that would put you in the ground. I loved all the new designs, especially the Grim with their ability to slow you with an ear-piercing blast.

For the player, you gain access to two main new abilities in the campaign: a brand new super and a brand new subclass.

While the new supers are always welcome (Twilight Arsenal my beloved) the real shining star is the new subclass: Prismatic.

Prismatic is a fuse of light and darkness coming together in harmony to allow for very powerful builds that feels like you are breaking the game, but in such a way that is designed to still feel functional. Intentional breaking, if you will.

Bungie has a good design on most of the light subclasses, but for the past two years they have been really cooking.

Strand was a game changer and an incredibly unique power in the toolbox. Suspend, unraveling, and threadlings were amazing additions that felt insanely powerful that no other super was.

Given the three light subclasses, it seemed appropriate that three darkness subclasses would follow.

Instead, Prismatic took its place, showcasing how the Guardian has mastered over light and darkness, wielding both at once.

While I have only really sunk my teeth into the Titan’s prismatic subclass, it feels so good to play. The sheer volume of pickups I spawn between diamond lances, tangles, and twilight axes are so much fun that I feel even more like a one man army than before.

After you complete the campaign, you are launched into the post-campaign. Destiny’s post campaigns include various questlines to sink your teeth into before the raid launches.

While not having the sheer number of stuff to do as Forsaken, The Final Shape’s post-campaign has a good sense of overlapping progression that feels appropriate. Beforehand, it was sometimes a long grind for important aspects of your new subclass or a lengthy post-game to make grinding for other weapons feel better; very minimal narrative threads other than dressing. Here in TFS, there are three aspects: two of them are in the same questline, while one sends you to engage with the Pale Heart destination.

The first is a short questline dealing with Savathûn’s plans in the Pale Heart as well as rallying Mithrax of House Light and Empress Caiatl of the Cabal to our side. Short and sweet, capping off with the unlock of a new exotic sword, the Ergo Sum.

The next is the lost ghost questline with a new character, Micah-10. Here you run repeatable quests unlocking armor and weapons from the Pale Heart, while recovering lost ghosts for Miach. This set is more akin to open world busy work, but the narrative dressing in some of the old locations visiting some of the missions from other campaigns or strikes, was surprisingly welcomed. Destiny has a nasty habit of constant reuse of old content, but this felt like appropriate reusage.

The last noteworthy post-campaign missions are the two respective exotic quests for a golden gun sniper rifle and the prismatic class item.

Wild Hunt was a cute mission showcasing Cayde and Crow’s adventures with it ending in Cayde giving the mantle of Hunter Vanguard to Crow.

The other was a two-player mission that used mechanics of light and dark, ending the mission in a really cool moment that honestly I won’t spoil because if there is anything that needs to be blind going in, it is that.

I think the reason this post-campaign resonated with me so much is because it was having unique mechanics and also felt like there was something to work towards narratively and gameplay. It felt like in these final moments, it was building to this massive push against the Witness than the self-contained campaign of “everyone is miserable, we need to stop the Witness.”

Which culminated in one of Bungie’s best raids.

Salvation’s Edge is an absolute achievement for Destiny raiding, yet I wouldn’t go so far as to say raiding in MMOs as a whole, but fucking hell did they knock it out. Five wonderfully designed encounters and scaling the monolith of the Witness was great. It struck such a nice balance of mechanics, culminating into the 4th encounter of geometry hell (positive). What an absolutely amazing achievement for this team that has already been doing extraordinary and memorable encounter designs.

While the raid was excellent, the final mission was not.
Excision was the worst possible way to end the Light and Darkness Saga, and this is zero hyperbole.

I hate this mission. I hate it so much.

Excision is the first twelve player PvE activity in Destiny 2, and by god I hope Bungie never does this again.

For context, in a previous season there was a glitch that allowed for twelve people in a fireteam to join a raid instance. Fun times.

Now, flash forward to 2024 and Bungie made it a feature! Hooray! For the finale too? The final blow to the Witness? Oh man this is exciting- oh. Oh you just stand on a plate, kill some ads, dunk light, DPS until a final stand?

What a disappointment.

It opens with that 2.6 billion dollar movie’s rally the troops scene with all of your allies standing one by one ready for the final assault.

It cuts abruptly after Zavala lands a hit on the army of Scorn troops in front of him.

This cutscene sucks.

If you are going to show me the rally of the troops and copy that 2.6 billion dollar movie’s scene, then just let a massive fight play out. So much of the Blur cinematics Bungie does is just characters fighting all the goddamn time, and I am annoyed they decided, “you know what, maybe we won’t show a big battle. :)”

You get dropped into the arena without any fanfare and in the first arena, you just kill a bunch of ads and stand on plates.

The very next room is where the Witness is standing, with very minimal threat to you from it besides various enemy races. After you dunk some light motes, you then damage the Witness, using some of it’s AOE attacks from the raid to get you off the damaging platform, rinse and repeat until completion.

I was hoping for a much longer encounter. I was floored that there were only two arenas, and after the campaign, the post-campaign, and the raid, I was expecting some not super challenging, but mechanics to work through at the very least or insane set piece moments like piloting a Fallen Brig to clear the way for allies, or scale various buildings to open doors for other teams.

There is almost nothing here, and it is so embarrassing this is how they end it.
But nothing, nothing comes close to the final cutscene.

Your ghost, having expended its light, dies.

In an actual good moment, the Guardian’s player character is pleading with the Traveler, asking to bring back one ghost in the army it created.

It doesn’t answer.

Genuinely an amazing moment before Cayde-6 shows up.

Cayde then kills himself to revive the Ghost and everything is happy and cheery.

This sucked so much.

I wish they had let the Ghost remain dead for a little longer, maybe following it up with a quest where you go with Cayde and then he sacrifices himself, but the emotional beat this needed to hit made me frustrated beyond belief that a moment this good was ripped away as fast as it was.

The finale shows all the characters we’ve met and the journey we’ve been on, blah-blah, who cares.

The very last cutscene is the Guardian staring out into the opened Traveler as Bungie asks for money with new content. As Crow narrates the next content offering.

Holy fucking shit, I did not expect this to be such a painfully mediocre ending to a ten year saga.

While there is a lot I did enjoy, I still cannot fathom how people are calling this Bungie’s best and a perfect end to this saga.

I guess after Lightfall, anything else looks good in comparison.

Having played Destiny for an embarrassing amount of time, I am used to highs and lows. I still chase the highs of this franchise every day, and just as they seem within reach, I get pulled into the bottom of the Earth either by inept decisions from the business or the game.

After Lightfall, I was utterly destroyed with almost no desire to return, moreso after the layoffs at Bungie back in October.

Yet, here I am.

The Final Shape will forever sit in a weird spot for me. It isn’t amazing and I won’t talk about it forever. It isn’t the worst thing ever so I won’t talk about how much it frustrates me.
I’m just left with mediocrity.

There is a common saying within Destiny to explain pivotal, community defining moments:

“You had to be there.”

No doubt, in the way The Final Shape is discussed going forward that saying will be extremely prevalent. From the sporadic nature of preparing for the raid and that final mission, there is such an insane honeymoon phase with Destiny players right now.

Much like Endwalker, it is hard to end a live-service game’s story. At the very least, EW can be played from start to finish.

But it will never be the same energy nor can it.

That feeling of finality will be long gone as the community chews into another two to three years as a new story kicks up and maybe Destiny 3 will have started leaving the rotting corpse of Destiny 2 behind. Sure, yes, moments like the raid and the final mission will probably be remembered, but not the overall experience. I have no reason to believe that a new player would do everything in order to try and relive an experience that isn’t possible due to content not being in the game and everything in the game moving past this moment, like business as usual.

You really did “have to be here.”

And that really sucks.

i've been in and out of touch w destiny for the last couple of years, caught up with d2 expansions before TFS dropped and after having finally played it, i can say that this was the greatest destiny dlc ever for me, up there w forsaken and rise of iron. good side quests, such as the one involving crow and cayde being my favourite especially and an storyline that culminated into being a great finale for a 10 year saga, thank you bungie.

Weighed down by a few mediocre missions, but it really picked up at the end and was great overall. Prismatic is also a great addition, but I wish there were a few more options from other subclasses. Best expansion in my opinion.

I cannot believe after a 10 year build up an ending was struck this masterfully. A make or break situation that delivered in every single possible aspect. I sobbed through the entire final mission. 10 years of my life, not wasted.

Hey, first to review this. Cool. To preface, this will only review the campaign and a little bit of post-campaign.

So Final Shape manages to have this incredible campaign with such a wonderful ensemble of characters and even bringing back older characters for great post-campaign fun. The Legendary Campaign difficulty feels super tightly tuned and feels awesome for the most part, but there are some "ehh" parts here and there. I think my favorite mission is the Mountain one, that one was legitimately one of the best campaign experiences I've ever had in an FPS.

So yeah, Final Shape is, well, shaping up to be a good campaign. You can clearly tell this is what they wanted to make instead of that Lightfall slop. Good job, Bungie.

Colorblindness Rating: D-
Why Bungie have to change the shields. They were JUST fine and now they fuck me up CONSTANTLY because I can't tell what is Arc and what is Void. The ironic thing is that they made this change FOR accessibility reasons, but they just made it worse!
Hippy really did screw me over. So-called "co-head of accessibility". Yeah.

shoutout all my 50 year old dads with 15 kids who are having the time of their lives playing peak

In the same time that a end of a cycle brings a feeling of insecurity for the future, it also gives a sense of pride, because everything ended after our many ups and downs, and the Final Shape ending is the exactly representation of that.

I'm impressed that even with the many flaws and problem Destiny has and had, they could bring a excellent closing for the Darkness and Light saga, something that many things couldn't get to do.

Now i'm here, feeling anxious of what will become of Destiny, but being curious of what the future reserves for this game.

São 10 anos de Destiny, e por mais de todas as problemáticas, esse é um jogo genuinamente importante para a minha formação como pessoa, entusiasta de jogos e game (não tanto) dev, e essa historia está chegando a fim.

É muito dificil logar uma coisa que vai levar talvez 1 anos para ser finalizado, mas o que temos aqui e agora, me mostra que existe um carinho dessas pessoas por esse jogo (mesmo que elas sejam submetidas a um crunch fudido) e eu recebo isso, com o mesmo carinho.

O momento no entanto não é de comemoração, talvez desde The Taken King eu não me sentia oprimido jogando Destiny, muito menos com receio de perder algum aliado, os ares de Final Shape são tão refrescantes quanto os de TTK, mudando o meta do jogo, a forma em que iremos nos comportar daqui em diante, onde o prismatico trás uma camada a mais para aquilo que já existia.

Pela primeira (segunda na real?) vez, Destiny quer realmente contar uma historia de forma tradicional e isso é digno de nota, é lindo ver como as criticas do primeiro destiny foram ouvidas e o que temos aqui é uma historia cheia de emoção. Emoção essa vinda do fim, dos personagens que aqui ganham uma nova face ou da eminencia da tragédia, mas para além disso, é muito empolgante participar disso tudo.

Could care less what people say especially for those who didn't actually wait till the end. This shit is a masterpiece I'm afraid got me crying at the club. Pure cinema.

I'm not going to do the raid until contest mode is over, but even without that I'm having a great time with this expansion so far. The pale heart is probably my favorite destination now, there are so many fantastic looking areas, and it's fun to explore. Prismatic has been a lot of fun to buildcraft with, even if it could cause extreme balance problems. Some of the objectives after the campaign feel like a lot of busywork, and I'll always be upset how few exotics we have been getting per expansion lately, but that final mission and the ending were so well done. I'm very excited for the future, but if we are actually getting Destiny 3 then Bungie please don't take away my godslayer title I had to go through so many LFG groups.

Arguably the single best thing Bungie have ever made in over 30 years

This review contains spoilers

After 10 years, Destiny 2's final campaign is a just "more of what's there already."
Played one Destiny campaign where you do a jumping/platforming section within a mission, kill a boss or mini-boss and then move onto the next area to jump to more areas or kill more things? You've played this, except the last mission, which is a genuine change from other expansion campaign mission structure. Even with the way the game looks visually and sounds, which has been always a consistent high point for this series, I'm still finding myself underwhelmed. Why am I STILL wondering why I can't run away from the Witness with his multi-dimensional hands that make him seem creepy? Why am I watching the Vanguard do all this cool stuff in cutscenes that I cannot do nor get to experience? The Guardian is the biggest threat to the Witness, yet I really don't feel like the Witness cared about me at all and his focus was elsewhere completely.

It's Destiny's most focused expansion campaign on characters like the main vanguard, who's been with us (except Cayde) for 10 years, interesting for really only 4 or so. In the expansion though, I found myself repeating the same story-beats that I swore we'd already addressed in seasons prior. Zavala being such a glaring issue with how much focus he recieves. It feels very much like Season of the Haunted 2.0, but since this has already happened it feels like I'm being beaten over the head with him addressing his family. While the voice acting by Keith David here is commendable, giving a good emotional performance, it feels ultimately distracting from what this campaign really should've focused on.
If anything, it feels more like Lightfall was switched around with The Final Shape. Lightfall should've been a more emotional, character focused story where we found people at their lowest points, with The Final Shape being a triumphant all-out war against a winning force.

This just isn't good enough for a 10 year build-up. The end of the campaign didn't feel satisfying in the slightest and felt almost a little pathetic once I realized the true ending for this 10 year build-up will most likely be locked for a few more days behind world's first raid completion and another campaign mission to unlock later. It completely nullified the change of mission and encounter made for the final boss featuring more mechanics than pointing and clicking and basic movement.
I don't want more Destiny. I want a satisfying ending to story you've been building up for 10 years. You should've gone all out.

Good, but nowhere near as good as what most people are saying. The storytelling is laughably bad per usual for Destiny but it attempts to have characters and emotion and "big moments" so it's better than most destiny stories by default. The Witness is an awful villain with no presence and a abysmal character design. Destiny deserved a better "final boss" than them.

The campaign, raid and Dual destiny mission are all excellently designed, challenging and wonderful PVE shooter stuff! The new enemy faction The Dread are cool but underutilized and you can definitely tell they weren't intended to be in the expansion pre-delay.

Unfortunately like every expansion after Forsaken, there's a severe lack of content outside of this so you'll be repeating the same strikes and playing gambit on the same 6 year old maps because Bungie refuses to update the core game and the new episodic content model is near identical to the much maligned seasonal model so i don't expect much to change over time. It's their best since Forsaken but there's so many issues at destiny 2's core that can't be addressed by adding more distractions to the game.

I've been playing Destiny 2 ever since the first year. I've been in this fight for 10 years. With all of the ups and the downs with this franchise I know it's all been building towards something.

And that something was the best expansion Destiny has ever released. The narrative, environments, activities, finale mission, the raid. It's all Destiny in it's final form. This is what I was hoping The Final Shape would be and Bungie did not dissapoint.

An incredible 10 year journey that just proves why it was worth it and why this is probably my favorite game of all time still.

genuinely redefined what 'peak destiny' means to me

edit: okay somehow they keep adding more mindboggingly incredible shit and my tiny brain cannot comprehend how this all works so good and feels so unique and special and I want to kiss it on the mouth sloppy style

A truly satisfying conclusion to a 10 year journey. Through all the franchise's ups and downs, in this moment, it all feels worth it. Campaign missions were some of the best, with lots of mechanics and challenging encounters. Story was genuinely impactful and emotional. Prismatic adds so much fun variety to buildcrafting, I can finally play with the Strand grapple without using the lame super! And of course the new guns feel awesome, as per usual.