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Великолепный слешер шикарной серии. Очень комплексная, но невероятно веселая боевая система. Играть интересно за всех персонажей. Возможно чуть меньше за V, ибо он довольно неудобный в управлении. Нэро веселый в плане геймплея, но у него чуть меньше механик. Данте просто бомба! Такой веселой боевки больше нет ни у кого из троицы. Ну и как забыть Вергилия, чей мувсет адская имба! Может крошить орды демонов за секунды. Самый веселый в плане геймплея персонаж игры. С его добавлением в игру вдохнули вторую жизнь лично для меня. До этого играл в версию на PS4, но Special Edition выглядит и играется в разы приятнее. И добавление Вергилия делает эту версию априори лучше в разы! Очень советую к прохождению. Уверен что я еще не раз в нее вернусь, хотя бы ради удовольствия сыграть за Вергилия)

Unbelievably fun, highly addicting, extremely polished. It's everything Devil May Cry should be.

This review contains spoilers

Thank GOD Kyrie didn’t show up bc the score would be lower

It's not just the best Devil May Cry game, it's one of the greatest action games ever made. Great music (except Dante's theme), addictive combat, balanced difficulty and excellent cutscene cinematography make this game SHINE.

"I didn't come all this way just for nothin'!!"

Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition is an absolute triumph in the world of action-adventure gaming, and it's safe to say that it exceeded all of my expectations when I first got my hands on it in 2020. As a long-time fan of the series, this game was a true love letter to the franchise and a testament to the incredible evolution it has undergone since its inception.

One of the standout features of DMC5 SE is its stunning visuals. The graphics are simply breathtaking, pushing the capabilities of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X to their limits. The character models, environments, and special effects are all incredibly detailed and realistic, immersing you in a world that is both visually stunning and beautifully dark.

The gameplay is where DMC 5 truly shines. It maintains the series' trademark fast-paced, stylish combat while introducing new playable characters like Vergil, each with their unique playstyle and abilities. The game strikes a perfect balance between accessibility and depth, making it enjoyable for newcomers and longtime fans alike. The combat is a dance of chaos and precision, and mastering the various moves and combos is immensely satisfying.

Vergil, in particular, stole the show for me. His gameplay feels distinct from the other characters, with his rapid sword strikes and teleportation abilities adding a layer of strategy to battles. Playing as Vergil was a dream come true for longtime fans of the character, and it was a delight to explore his backstory and motivations. I also really, REALLY enjoyed playing as Nero perhaps even moreso than Vergil due to his new Devil Breaker system.

The level design in DMC 5 is also top-notch. The environments are diverse, ranging from eerie demonic landscapes to modern cityscapes, and they are all meticulously crafted to provide a dynamic backdrop to the action. The game's pacing is well-balanced, with moments of intense combat interspersed with quieter, story-driven sequences that allow you to delve deeper into the characters' personalities and relationships.

Story-wise, Devil May Cry 5 continues the saga of the demon hunter Dante and his companions Nero and newcomer to the series, V, as they face a new and formidable threat. The narrative is engaging and well-paced, with unexpected twists and turns that keep you invested in the characters and their mission. The voice acting is superb, adding depth and authenticity to the characters' emotions and interactions.

As a special edition, the game also includes additional content and improvements, such as the Legendary Dark Knight difficulty mode and the Turbo Mode for those seeking an even greater challenge. The inclusion of ray tracing on next-gen consoles elevates the visual experience to a whole new level, making the game even more breathtaking.

In conclusion, Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition is a masterpiece that showcases the pinnacle of action-adventure gaming. Its stunning visuals, engaging gameplay, and memorable characters make it a must-play for both newcomers and die-hard fans of the series. It's a testament to the dedication and creativity of the development team at Capcom and a game that will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the standout titles of the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X era. If you're looking for a thrilling, stylish, and utterly satisfying gaming experience, look no further than this game.

I'll admit that in some ways, the stories of DMC kind of need the supplementary material to be fully appreciated. A lot of the main character's true motivations and reasons for who they are are either not naturally shown in the cutscenes of the prior games and even this one to an extent. Seeing the real effect Dante's brother has on his life, why Nero cares so much for family, and the true reason that Vergil desires power is much better conveyed in side media like the novels and manga. With that being said, if you have even a slight attatchment to this series, I don't see how this game isn't one of the hypest, most satisfying experiences you can have.

The gameplay has been pretty much perfected for Nero, Dante, and Vergil. All of the new moves and weapons they have flow together even better than DMC 4. A lot of annoying issues from the previous titles have been cleaned up like the camera, level design, and enemy design. This is one of the rare action games where there are no real caveats to the gameplay. Nero, Dante, and Vergil in this game are the 3 most fun characters to play in any action game. The music and presentation are also nothing short of incredible. RE engine makes the environments absolutely stunning, and songs like Devil Trigger and Bury the Light are all time highs. The bosses are the best in the series, with the game's finale being everything a fan could want from this series' return after so long. This game will always be special for me and is the reason that character-action games are something I always look out for. It will never not be peak.

I love this game

STILL pulling on my devil trigger

Holy crap, what a massive improvement this is on previous games in the series.

Level design could use some variety and that camera was a bit frustrating at times, but overall I would say few games come close to making you feel like a badass as easily and fluidly as this one. One of my new top action games, just a blast all around.

This is such a gorgeous incredible love letter to action games.

The combat gameplay is smooth, easy to pick up but not too low a skill ceiling, and so much variety.

The setting design and character design has me speechless with how much intricacy there is. It’s literally stunning.

The music matching up with the gameplay as well? So fun, and they’re such bops. Chefs kiss on that one.

The main characters are incredibly well written. However the writing of certain characters is where my only issue comes in. Trish and Lady make up 2/3 of my top 3 characters (the other being Dante) but their reduction to fanservice is ): DMC has a habit of reducing female characters after their debut (eg Kyrie is voice only) and I hope if we get 6 or remakes with added content that we see more of the girlies getting their chance to shine.

The ending is perfect. I won’t go into it and spoil but it’s incredibly bittersweet and has definitely left me wanting more DMC to be released after this. <3

10/10 😌‼️

one my favourite games ever made it's incredibly designed I don't think another game in the series could honestly ever top it the only con is V's missions but there's so few of them that I cant complain much

i am bad at hack and slash games but i do like devil may cry and the game was so great it was worth pushing through being bad at it

REAL ACTION GAME! From story to gameplay to music everything here is well done and top notch. A perfect package imo. Now I just gotta get good at it lol

Bro you would not believe me if I told you a pedo who said he was working with Trigger on getting an anime made was my introduction to this fucking game I can't

QUE JOGO BOM DO CARALHO, ele consegue ser superior a tudo que os ultimos dois jogos fizeram, principalmente em combate. o dante desse jogo nao é tao complexo e chato de se jogar, é bem mais de boa pra fazer alguns combos que nao requerem tanto do jogador e etc, o que deixa o jogo mais divertido do que o dmc 4, por exemplo, apesar do personagem do dante estar beeeeeem mais chato nesse jogo. diferente dos passados, ele parece muito mais arrogante e até egocentrico em alguns momentos o que me estranhou um pouco tlgd.

o nero nesse jogo nem se fala, alem do tema desse filho da puta ser do caralho, a gameplay com ele continua gostosinha como sempre. usar os grab do devil bringer la pro final do jogo e o proprio devil trigger do nero sao adições do caralho. a historia pode nao ser a mais complexa, tipico dos jogos de dmc, mas ainda assim nao deixa de ser emocionante com alguns acontecimentos especificos. no geral, dmc 5 saiu com um saldo muito bom pra mim e eu definitivamente vou jogar mais vezes pra poder aproveitar essa obra prima de cabo a rabo. CAPCOM SAVE DEVIL MAY CRY PORRA

Um jogo ótimo com um cenário horroroso

I blasted through Devil May Cry 5, beating it in 7 hours, 5 hours less than it took for me to beat 4. It also literally never dragged, in fact it flew by.

I really like what they did with Nero's character in this game. I never felt like I got extremely comfortable with his move set (Dante's is just so ingrained in me after 3), but I still had fun playing as him. I'd say he never got stale either, unlike in 4.

V is an interesting character, in terms of the story and gameplay. I actually liked his character, and I found the concept of the way he works in combat to be pretty interesting, even though the actual combat itself isn't always as interesting as it could be. I wouldn't say it was bad, on Devil Hunter difficulty combat encounters don't go for long enough for them to become too tedious, although I could definitely see his missions becoming a bit of a chore on higher difficulties.

Dante is fucking awesome. He has become one of my favourite video game characters to play as, and as I mentioned before, I have become really comfortable with his move set and I love switching weapons and styles on the fly. In DMC5 he feels better to play as than ever, and it makes me want a Devil May Cry remake where I can play as this Dante, but for a full game (although there would obviously be no Sin Devil Trigger).

Devil May Cry 5 also easily has the best soundtrack out of every Devil May Cry in my opinion. I think the combat themes got a bit repetitive in each of the other games, but having 3 really different themes for each of the playable characters (not including Vergil's, which is awesome btw) makes a huge difference, and each theme made me really excited to kill demons.

I am going to have to play this again and again. I want to actually get as good as possible, plus I need to play as Vergil.

DMC at its best besides maybe the Dante cutscenes from 3


Gostei, mas eu tinha uma espectativa bem alta por esse jogo e teve várias coisas que acabei não gostando. Ainda acho Bayonetta bem mais divertido de jogar e insuperável entre os jogos do gênero.

There was like a 2 year gap between when I first played this game and when I finally beat it, and I have no idea how I put it down in the first place. Perhaps I had to play Bayonetta first to break me into the genre, but man the combat in this is incredible. The writing in this is also far from insufferable so Bayonetta 4 better be taking notes. Good game.

Can't believe were coming up on this games fifth anniversary already. Probably my fourth playthrough at this point. Genuinely unreal this game exists still to me, and I could write a whole damn dissertation about how much I love it. A genuinely sincere sequel boasting with confidence and top tier action gameplay the genre has ever seen and yet to top since.

One of the most awesome games ever made. So much fun to play, with multiple characters and weapons you could spend hundreds of hours playing around with combos and style ranking. A huge part of the series which this game brings to the next level is personality. Simultaneously badass and hilarious, the game will in one beat have you blowing up gigantic demons to nero riding his own rocket fist like a surf board. Music is undeniably top tier with nero and vergils themes being some of my favorite songs of all time, let alone in video games.

For a long time, I was obsessed with Devil May Cry 5's music and art style, however, I never actually played a Devil May Cry game before. 3 years later, I finally decided to play Devil May Cry 5.
I'm gonna be honest, the gameplay didn't necessarily surprise me at first because I'm a newcomer to the series and I couldn't play the game properly, but after getting used to Nero's moveset, things got infinitely better. V's moveset didn't bother me because it basically revolves around button-mashing, unfortunately, and that's probably the only gripe I have about Devil May Cry 5's gameplay, but Dante's moveset on the other hand, left me speechless; it single-handedly elevates Devil May Cry 5's gameplay as arguably my absolute favorite gameplay in any videogame, ever!
Seriously, the amount of variety and depth in his moveset is simply unmatched.
I don't remember the last time where my enjoyment with a game skyrocketed that much in such a short amount of time; from the moment Dante becomes playable, the game gets much better.
Heck, he even made me buy Vergil's DLC, which is pretty good; Vergil's moveset is incredible as well!
The story, however, is just serviceable, but it's not an important part of the game.
The characters are likeable despite having cheesy dialogue, which is intentional anyway.
The music is absolutely phenomenal and the visuals are breathtaking.
The level design though, is definitely one of Devil May Cry 5's weakest aspects.
Also, the game has microtransactions, even though they're mostly an afterthought and they didn't affect my experience at all.

+ Excellent gameplay
+ Nice characters
+ Awesome music
+ Gorgeous graphics and cutscenes

- V's moveset
- Uninspired level design

Narrative: ?/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Content: ?/10
Characters: 7/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 10/10

Final Rating: 9/10
- Amazing -
Devil May Cry 5 is a banger! It's a superb Action - Hack 'n' Slash game and a perfect example of peak gameplay.

Do I recommend it?:
Hell yes, a must-play for fans of the genre. However, I wouldn't recommend it to people who don't enjoy playing games with complex and demanding gameplay.

I will review Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition primarily as a Special Edition, relative to the original game.

As a Special Edition, truth be told, I actually find it quite criminal that they didn't add these features to PC. It'll hamper the game's accessibility in the long term. I think every gamer with the opportunity deserves to play Turbo Mode in 120fps. I can pretend not to be a graphics nutcase, but this game tickles my soul. Makes me feel like I'm at the apex of gaming. Devil May Cry 5 is truly a masterpiece.

If you have the PC version, though... Don't lose sleep over the fact that they gatekept these features behind a $500 console. It's a silly decision of them not to port it, but the PC version is still fantastic in its own right. They hit the ground running from the start.

But, yeah, do consider hopping on this game. DMC5 is DMC5, no matter what machine you've got it on.

Jogaço apenas, muito divertido fellas

I want Vergil to play backgammon with me.

Best DMC game overall in the series. Love the combat styles each character has and the story. Only thing that sucks is that Vergil doesn't have many unique story cutscenes when you play as him.