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Devil May Cry 5 is one of my favorite games of all time. While this port includes a bit more content than the SE on PS4, there’s still some issues with it. At one point the battle between Dante and Vergil, the framerate tanked when I activated Sin Devil Trigger. I don’t know if it’s because I activated it at the same time as Vergil, or if it was a port issue, but it never happened to me on PS4. I had my settings set to prioritize framerate too.

Another issue I have is that there is no option to transfer save data from PS4 over to PS5, essentially having me replay the entire game again. Now I don’t mind doing that at all, I still wish I could have transferred my data from the last gen version.

EDIT: A day after I wrote this review, I encountered two more instances of frame drops while playing as Vergil. During the Goliath boss fight, the framerate dropped after the church wall was broken. And then, in Mission 5, after you first encounter the Gilgamesh, the framerate dropped even lower than all the other times. Again, I have it set to performance mode for the best framerate imaginable.

Best action game I’ve played, series is a must play.

é um repetitivo bem legal, que a história mesmo só fica interessante no final, os personagens são bem bons e carismáticos e a cena do Dante dançando é CINEMA

Better than DMC4, tied with DMC3.

V gameplay aside, this game rocks


An upgrade to the greatest action game of all time. DMC5 has such incredible combat that it feels like there is always something new to learn, and you have complete freedom with how you approach each encounter.

There's also a lot of fun gags in the story and the characters have great chemistry. Just a delightful time all round, an easy recommend for people looking for a fun action game.

This might be the most sexist game in existence, but it is fun, I'll give it that


Probably the best combat in any game, story is short and to the point with very emotional beats. This is peak capcom.

This review contains spoilers

Definitivamente a melhor e mais complexa história de DMC, mas Infelizmente, acho que já foi meu tempo de se divertir com hack and slash.

O jogo é bom, principalmente da metade pro final porque o começo é triste de lento. Como sempre, ótimas músicas e ótima skill three.

O que mais me impressionou no game foram as expressões faciais e os personagens novos, que todos são incríveis!

No geral o jogo é bom, mas não me diverti tanto jogando. Apesar disso, sei que o problema sou eu e não o jogo!

O plot do meio pro final é incrível e até quem não conhece a história pode jogar sem jogar os outros.

Resumindo é um jogo ótimo que não me pegou pela gameplay, mas com certeza é o melhor da franquia.

Art direction is pretty bad until the last part of the game but it still is the best dmc game

V is the reason this game isn't a 5/5 for me. BANGER soundtrack. BANGER gameplay, BANGER all around. Smoking Sexy Style. Bing bang wahoo pizza guy is back at it again.

playing 73839 games rn (i’m playing the same 2 games that i refuse to let go of)
will finish later

As soon as I finished DMC 5 I had to sit down and comprehend what I played… and to catch my breath after the intensity that was the final boss. To me, DMC 5 is the best game in the franchise. First off this is the most gorgeous looking game in the series and one of the best looking games of the PS4/XBOX ONE generation. Photorealism was the right call and it shows that the RE Engine can handle action games. It’s quite fitting that it did use the engine from Resident Evil 7 since DMC was supposed to be a Resident Evil game.

The story may not be strong, I mean these games aren’t exactly known for their stories, but it does have a lot of memorable moments like Rebellion being destroyed, Neros Devil Trigger awakening, the resurrection of Vergil, and the greatest moment of all: Dante doing the moonwalk.

What this series is known for is gameplay and boy does DMC 5 have it. To no surprise everyone has their own playstyle, Nero being my favorite because of his sword base moves. His new abilities the Devil Breakers all have their powers like a chain whip, electricity, time stop, and the literal Mega Buster (my personal favorite next to Punch Line). They are fun, but their drawback is that the only way to switch between them is to self-destruct the one you are currently using, so you better make sure you equip your favorites in a specific order. The decision to not switch them up is puzzling, that would be like if Dante threw away his guns. You could argue that equipping 8 Devil Breakers would make combat easier, but why not just leave it at 4 or 3? Dante has fewer sword moves compared to Nero in favor of more weapons like the Cavaliere (the coolest motorcycle/sword hybrid ever created), the King Cerberus, and Sin Devil Trigger (which is like the Super Sayan God form). Then there’s V who ironically stays away from the action from a distance and lets his demons do the fighting for him. This is so drastically different from other characters yet it doesn’t feel out of place. Lastly, there is Vergil who’s playstyle is as smooth as butter, Pulling off Judgement Cut End is never not satisfying. Everyone is fun in their way and I never got bored with any of them.

Acting-wise everyone is on point. Ruben Langdon (who can probably play Dante in his sleep at this point) portrays a more mature, but still fun-loving protagonist in Dante. While Johnny Yong Bosch (a personal favorite of mine) delivers his sarcasm and swagger to Nero. Most of JYB’s best roles are considered to be Ichigo, Vash, Lelouch, and Izaya, but I would put Nero up there as some of his best work especially during the final mission. Brian Hanford gives V an ominous and tranquil tone which helps add to the mystery of who V is. And Wendee Lee as Trish who sadly does not get a lot of screen time, but does a serviceable job with what she is given, a shame Trish wasn’t in the game that much because this was perfect casting. (I would also like to point out that including Daniel Southworth makes four actors in here who were on Power Rangers… just a fun fact).

Other than the devil arms my other gripe was that there was no playable Trish of Lady. Last time we got a Special Edition of a DMC game Vergil, Trish, and Lady were all included as playable characters yet this time we only got Vergil. I know they didn’t get enough screen time in the game but they didn’t in DMC4 either and they became playable. If they were I honestly would have called DMC5 the magnum opus of the series.

Overall DMC5 is my favorite game in the franchise and I recommend playing it.

Not sure if I enjoyed this as much as DMC 3 due to some eh boss fights and getting a bit tired with V’s gameplay, but this is still a great example of DMC’s sick combat and style.

Also, Nero really won me over.

This game kicks ass so much. I'm not very good at it, the music can get repetitive, and there are some levels and enemies I think could've been improved on, but still, this game rules. If you're at all interested in character action games, you gotta try this one if you haven't already.

El epítome jugable de Devil may cry, con uno de los mejores combates en cualquier hack n Slash, con una más que sólida presentación, con una historia bastante decente que supera a de los juegos pasados (menos DmC), con enemigos sumamente variados y con jefes más que espectaculares.

Eso sí; el esquema de los niveles es demasiado lineal para mí gusto, al punto que jode bastante el coleccionismo al no haber backtracking (huh, irónico, el único DMC que no tiene backtracking es justo el que más le requería el tenerlo), pero aún con esas es un excelente juego y el mejor DMC hasta ahora.

Feat. Vergil from the Devil May Cry Series