Reviews from

in the past

funny to see the visual style from the 2000s making a comeback amidst the sea of high saturation youtube thumbnails and deconstructed internet culture. maybe i’m skewed by nostalgia hard but i'm genuinely enjoying this game. although the race events feel a bit short, they add to a more punchy and fast paced gameplay. the donut media tie in actually makes sense here in comparison to the donut media update in forza horizon, where they should have doubled down on top gear. the arcade physics are forgiving enough that you can full throttle the entire race for dumb fun, yet drifting around corners feels engaging and satisfying. the soundtrack is genre appropriate and adds so much flavor to the game. i appreciate how it fully embraces itself as a concussion of colors and aesthetics, which might be a turn off but at least it has a distinct identity and isn't afraid to be self referential. it's truly a breath of fresh air in an industry where many racing games have become stagnant and even regressed in pursuit to become palatable to the masses.

A bit of a blast from the past, design wise. Really feels like an early 2000s racing game with it's menu-based design and tacked-on story. Not necessarily a bad thing, as the graphics for this game modernizes the feel with some of the best lighting and particle effects I've seen in some time. But the game's handling struggles to feel all that challenging and the depth isn't quite there.

“Dirt 5” isn’t gonna blow anyone away, but if you’re looking for a decent off-road racer this will fit the bill. What it lacks in refinements and polish, it makes up for with the boldness of the racing itself. That’s assuming you’re into this type of racing, which I am not, and in that I hated this game so much. I was terrible at it. I chalk most of that up to personal preference tho.

Fun racing. Though it was a bit easy and tracks became repetitive with time.

Aesthetics and location wise this game is up there with the best in the Dirt series but the handling is far too arcade-y to satisfy rally enthusiasts like myself. It's too easy and you never get the sense that you're having to work for it to win a race. There's some good variety with challenges and it's nice to see an attempt at a story mode (with voice acting veterans Troy Baker and Nolan North) but it's just so tacked on.

I always liked the mainline Dirt games. Skipping the very first Colin Mcrae game, the 2nd was a blast. 3 was a treat. 4 was a rally... But it helped me to get introduced into that scene. All dirt games somehow worked. 5 was the weakest link for me but going back to the arcade roots was probably a necessary step. It had cool game modes had similar aspects to ONRUSH (which is another game I liked around those times) but it was nothing special.

I 100% this game because I was bored
Don't play it

Es el típico juego que si juegas 4-5 carreritas está guay y te lo pasas muy bien, pero como te quieras hacer todos los mapas y pasarte el juego como tal se te hace ultra repetitivo.

Seemed cool to try out my new laptop. Ray tracing looks nice, but won't bother with it.

collabing with donut media means this game is gonna age poorly in about 7 years time

also nowhere near as good as dirt 2 and 3

fun racing game, getting the plat was a bit tedious tho

Yet another episode of "Codemasters doesn't know what to with its franchises". Featuring decent visuals with an explosion of color that gets boring quickly, and cool audio design that gets rolled over by the annoying festival music.
Saddest of all is the gameplay, which can't decide whether it wants to be Dirt, OnRush, Motorstorm or an unholy combination of all of them. Oversteery cars, overly winding tracks and some of the worst fucking rubberbanding this side of Most Wanted. It's masterable, but dull.
Having two meh games in a row coupled with the EA acquisition leads me to believe this is the last we'll see of the franchise for a long-ass while, as Codemasters will probably just stick to pumping out F1 and WRC games yearly and nothing more.

ppl calling it “too basic” forget I have goopy goblin brain. This is a video game, I don’t wanna change gears and watch my speed for turns. I WANNA GO FAST WHILE I EAT FUCKIN CHEETOS DAWG.

Graphics are also pretty.

Gostei do Dirt 5.
A estória e a jogabilidade são empolgante.
A dirigibilidade do game também.
Os graficos estão lindos.

Yeah it's a Dirt game. Neon jizz everywhere, people won't stop talking, race to menu ratio is about 50/50. Cars all drive near-identical except for that one slidey one that's just uncontrollable.

Fun little racing game for new players!! I really enjoyed it

An enjoyable racer. A far cry from the older titles in the series going for a more arcade feel this game still has some charm and with a map creator there is more content than just the campaign maps.

The maps were really cool but the game just didn’t stick with me

i like car games but this game was so boring

Quase quebrei meu controle pra platinar, mas valeu a pena, nunca curti rally, mas esse aqui é maravilhoso

please give me my drivers license trust me

the worst of the dirt series, i dont know if they messed up the car physics but it seems broken somehow. also why are developper afraid of damage model all of a sudden, back in dirt 1 2 and 3 you could really start with a clean car and end up driving a wreck trough the finish line. The game is also soooooo repetitve the only redeeming quality is the fact that codemasters seems to be the only racing game developper that still cares for local multiplayer.

Boring as racing games get. Only played for an easy platinum.

Almost nailed it but handling falls a little short.