Reviews from

in the past

Possibly one of the greatest RPGs (certainly the greatest cRPG) I’ve ever played. This is the kind of game that I compare every other cRPG to when I play them, and it rarely is comparable, in terms of combat at the very least.
Overall a very very fun game, story of which I only vaguely remember. However, while I might not recall the exact details, I remember the “feel” and beats of the story quite well.

Divinity 2 Original Sin Devinitive Edition is a great recreation of the fantasy Tabletop RPG genre.

The characters are diverse and interesting with excellent music, fun spells/abilities, and the box art characters are charasmatic and fun to play with. Most of the game is extremely enjoyable to play and experience multiple times over with various methods of play and exploration to uncover. Add an amazing custom campaign and mod support, this is a must play for anyone who enjoys tactical fantasy RPGs.

The main story is an incredible, intense thrill ride for three acts as you journey around the world to achieve godhood and become the most powerful people in the realm.

Then you hit Act 4. After 10 hours, 3 ibuprofine bottles, and enough respecs to make Path of Exile scared ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, you'll most likely end up quiting the game before actually finishing the primary story. Sorry I could go on but "Persuassion check failed! Rolled: 0 Need: 5" for a stat you have 50+ in lone wolf but sorry can't have you speccing into other personality trees. Enjoy your unnecessary combats that will require more reloads than a dolphin TAS. Hope you saved recently cause if not the autosave last procced when you left Fort Joy so better gear up and get ready to play through the pain all over again.

Play up to the start of Act 4/Arx and either buy a shotgun, play custom modules, or RMA your install drive.

You like DnD? You'll probably like this. Its very long, hence why I've never finished it. Will maybe give it a go again. Being an adult is hard

Good game. Great writing, great performance, fascinating world with really good RPG elements. A quality adventure, all around.

Also my friend did all the work

A great game to play with friends if they're into DnD but hate the theater of the mind part.

The only things bad about this game are Act 3 and a lack of that magical feeling on a replay.

One of my favorite turn based games. The companions and combat system are what carried this game for me. The companions are very well written. I haven't played with all of them yet but the ones I did play with all felt well integrated into the story and had their own questlines going.

The combat system was a direct upgrade from DOS 1 for me. The variety of attacks and spells and the elemental interaction combined with just the game being hard made it fun for me. I know a lot of people prefer DOS 1 not having any magical or physical armor bars but I think that adds to the experience here making it more challenging and 'strategic.' I do feel that the last area of DOS 2 was a bit too difficult and somewhat janky.

I didn't like the puzzles at all but they were an improvement on DOS1 puzzles

The story was pretty good overall. I think the companions carried it but there were some interesting plot stuff as well. There was a sense of 'spectacle' to some of events in the story which was helped by a beautiful soundtrack.

An incredibly deep RPG with wonderful interactive turn based combat, a story with relevant choices and only occasionally feels poorly paced. The characters are so well written and the combat so fun the pacing flaws don't downgrade it at all to me.

The gameplay is a bit too easy in Chapter 3, while the story isn't captivating enough to motivate finishing the game. Nevertheless, it was a great experience

Games great, really. I'll keep it short. Its a game that is linear but is bursting with diversity in how you confront the scenarios. Gameplay is great, but I do have one complaint. Knock downs and petrifies are way too good. It's both way too effective against and in your favor. Being able to completely eliminate an enemy's turn is insane. That being said, I would still give it a 10 because while it's not perfect, its negatives are not even remotely that bad. I'm not in the belief that every 10/10 needs to be absolutely perfect.

Tentei buscar um defeito pra tentar fazer uma análise o mais accurada possível, mas Divinity: Original Sin 2 não há pontos negativos que chamem atenção. É um dos casos raros na indústria de games atual em que um jogo consegue ser no mínimo ótimo independente de qualquer outra coisa e funcionar em tudo que se propõe em fazer, e a Larian Studios conseguiu atingir um patamar espetacular e em outro nível com essa sequência, que apesar de levar o 2 no título não é preciso ter jogado o primeiro.

Dando uma sinopse breve da história: você é um Sourcerer, uma espécie de feiticeiro que consegue controlar a energia vital existente, chamada de Source. Poucas pessoas são capazes de controlar tal energia e a partir dela podem conjurar feitiços e usufruir de habilidades, algo semelhante à Força de Star Wars. Os sete deuses desse mundo escolheram um homem (intitulado de Divine ou Divino) e doaram parte de seu poder ao mesmo, para que assim ele consiga fortalecer uma espécie de barreira separando o mundo de Rivellon de um local sombrio de trevas chamado Void. Com isso, os Sourcerers passam a ser caçados a mando do novo intitulado Divine e enviados em exílio à ilha de Fort Joy, onde experimentos visando a “cura” de tal espécie são realizados. O jogador parte então em uma missão para fugir da ilha, descobrir os segredos por trás de tudo isso e moldar o destino de tudo ao seu redor.

A partir desse conceito, o jogo te permite fazer o que quiser desde sempre, assim como é em um bom RPG e lembrando muito uma sessão em mesa. Começando pela criação de personagens, aqui você tem à disposição seis principais com passado e personalidades já definidas – cada um de uma raça e classe pré-definida diferente, mas você pode alterá-lo como bem entender, alterando visualmente ou até mesmo criar um novo personagem neutro do zero.

Independente de qual for sua escolha, os demais personagens principais estarão presentes na sua jornada, pois assim como você, todos são Sourcerers e cruzarão seu caminho desde o princípio e conforme você explora e avança teremos a possibilidade de recrutá-los para nossa party. Cada interação é diferente e a quantidade de opções de diálogos que o jogo apresenta é absurda, com cada raça e personagem tendo diversas variações de diálogo com cada habitante daquele mundo, fazendo com que tudo pareça realmente vivo, e cada qual com linhas de missões próprias. Isso ajuda a demonstrar o quanto o roteiro é bem escrito, com as motivações dos personagens, sejam heróis, vilões ou meros habitantes daquele mundo, parecendo reais e os diálogos sendo sempre bastante coesos, o que é ainda mais enriquecido pela dublagem fora de série e a maneira como o jogo sabe equilibrar bom humor e seriedade.

O game possui diversos modos de serem jogados, e essas possibilidades dependem apenas da nossa exploração. Um bom exemplo disso é mostrado logo no começo do jogo, quando chegamos à Fort Joy: nosso objetivo principal é escapar da prisão, mas o jogo não vai te falar como e nem mesmo vai ficar te dando ajudinhas. O forte está abarrotado de NPCs, inimigos e lugares a serem explorados, e caso você seja um jogador paciente e empenhado, pode encontrar um NPC que vai te propor um plano de fuga, ou entrar em uma arena e lutar até a morte para fugir de lá, dentre outras formas. Lembra muito os Fallouts antigos em que uma única situação tinha diversas maneiras de ser concluída, por exemplo. Logo, percebe-se que o jogo pode ser considerado parado e com um ritmo muito lento para alguns, já que requer muita exploração, muita leitura e muita paciência e interesse por parte do jogador. A campanha é formada em 4 atos cada um com uma duração média de 10~15 horas, levando ai cerca de 40~60 horas para uma primeira conclusão, e pode variar dependendo do seu nível de exploração.

O sistema de combate também tem grande detalhe e profundidade, embora na sua essência seja um básico sistema de combate por turnos à base de pontos de ação. Quando os pontos acabam, têm de terminar o turno dessa personagem. As várias classes do jogo oferecem muitas habilidades, mas também têm de considerar o cenário e a interação com elementos, já que quase tudo é interagível. Se destruir um barril de óleo perto dos inimigos, pode causar-lhes grande dano de fogo, e o mesmo é verdade misturando água e eletricidade, mas existem mais elementos, armadilhas, e condições a considerar. Com 4 níveis de dificuldade, o jogo consegue ser também bem punitivo ao nível Dark Souls, com combates cruéis, muitas vezes te colocando em situações que podem te parecer impossíveis de serem superadas.

Graficamente o jogo é lindo com o foco nos detalhes, na vivacidade das cores, e na personalidade do mundo criado pelo estúdio. Vale ressaltar que durante todas essas minhas horas de jogo não presenciei nenhum bug, coisa rara hoje em dia. A trilha sonora é belíssima e digna de um RPG dos bons, e você pode até escolher qual instrumento irá tocar as músicas ao longo da história do seu personagem.

Temos também bastante opções de multijogador, seja por meio de co-op local com tela dividida ou com outros 3 amigos online, seja em missões cooperativas ou competitivas, com ainda um modo Game Master, com amigos se reunindo para viver uma campanha de Dungeons & Dragons, por exemplo, algo que contribui bastante para o quão divertido esse modo é. Além disso, a oficina steam ajuda ainda mais personalizar sua jornada, com mods que incluem até classes e armas totalmente novas!

Talvez a única coisa que pode incomodar em Divinity é que por possuir muita leitura e o jogo não estar disponível em português, pode fazer muitos desistirem de jogar, mas olhando por outro lado, é uma boa forma de treinar sua língua estrangeira.

Digo sem hesitar que Divinity: Original Sin 2 é uma das melhores, se não a melhor, experiência RPG do mercado e vem de um estúdio não grande, conseguindo bater de frente com tudo. É uma aventura muito longa, que exige dedicação e tempo do jogador, mas vale a pena. A história, o combate, os personagens, o mundo, o sistema de progresso, o narrador, o ritmo, a interface... como eu disse, tudo funciona, e magnificamente bem.

this might be the best game ever made

One of the best RPGs I've ever played.

Picked this game to try and move away from the popular PVP games i was playing. I got sucked in Rivellon and really helped me during the stressful period i was when i start playing it. Awesome soundtrack, awesome character writing, awesome spell and asbiiity design, awesome map design. The story isnt the greenest in the scenery but its fine. I keep playing it just to try new builds or different team compositions.

This game is way too long, but also fun enough that that may just be a good thing.

One of the best CRPGs out there both in general and in the modern CRPG circle. Fantastic visuals with solid gameplay and an amazing storyline. People even say this is better than BG3 (i can't make that assessment until I play it myself) Only major issues is act IV is honestly a fucking hassle. Like its a pain in the ass with how every little thing is a damn project and the puzzles and certain fights in the end game are honestly ridiculous It's what keeps this game from basically being 5 stars. I suggest you get your hands on Blood rain, Vaporize, Throw Dust, and/or Tornado otherwise act IV is going to be a shit ton of blessing Necrofire to try and not burn to death and prevent those respawning Cursed Revenants from klapping your cheeks which will turn simple fights into long endeavours that will suck your source dry. The other thing i'm not a fan of is the armor system. While its not really an issue for most of the game. In the late game some fights can be tedious with the large amount of physical and/or magical armor some enemies have and this can be a pain to deal with in those endgame fights. Otherwise this is a solid CRPG. I also do wish there was a real time swapping feature like pathfinder but it is what it is. Anybody whos a fan of CRPGs should play this through at least once.

also fuck Lohse for last second flipping on me for divinity despite her saying she would support my ascension earlier in the game.

Its a pretty solid and my score may not be final but I feel I had to write about it right now.

games like these usually take me countless retries to make a character I like the look and made up backstory in my head for and also one whos gameplay and class system I enjoy actually playing, and it took me a while to really get a feel of the game which is fine but unlike a game like say fallout 1 where starting a new game was one menu away, this game has a longer tutorial segment and then the more open ended act 1 taking place in fort joy.

my issue that I had to sort of solve was it just simply wasn't fun for me to control 4 characters at once and have to worry about each of their builds due to the games more complex systems that are more dnd like than other rpgs I played at the time. going for 4 party members was really rough,

But then playing a game with someone else and doing 2 players to have the skill lone wolf to increase ap and stats was a game changer and playing with someone else meant I only had to focus on my character and talk to the other player about his character and how we would go about our builds to be in sync, and this is a lot of the fun of dnd for me.

this multiplayer experience made me actually want to go back to the singleplayer instead of choosing 3 other party members id take the lone wolf skill and choose one party member and focus on their story, this also helped me from having stories that clashed with one another and also helped with having replay value which is important for a game like this to have.

that's not to say ill never do a 4 person party I would if I got 3 other people to play with but not on my own.

I don't know if this is even criticism, or if I'm just describing how a game I was about to kind of give up on turned it around to fit in whatever weird mentality I wanted to fit which is kind of the beauty of games like this.

What a trip. Whenever I think of this game, I think of one thing: Player freedom. It is incredible how much freedom you have, with which actions you can get away, or how creative the game allows you to be in problem solving.

When it comes to combat, the systems are truly deep and each fight needs to be approached carefully, especially on Tactician / Honour Mode.

oh i really got absorbed in this game. i love the combat and the worldbuilding; the origin characters are fantastic (definitely play as one of them for the best experience though!)

it does stumble some in its final act, and i didn't find beast as fleshed out as the other characters. but all in all, love this game.

The lack of character portraits and animations made the story feel kinda eh and the combat felt weird to me. I think it just wasn't for me. I'm really enjoying baldur's gate 3 though!

Played this game with my cousin. It's so good and so fun but holy shit why is it so hard?


Divinity 2 is a unique and addictive experience.
It was my first contact with a turn-based RPG and at first sight I loved the game's proposal. The world and characters keep you hooked for hours of gameplay.
The story grips you from start to finish, being neither too simple nor too complex, and you bond with your companions throughout the game.

I consider Divinity 2 to be a true masterpiece

Fantastic game, this game is a total must-play, there's also plenty of mods that add new classes, I recommend those too!

a great game none of us will ever complete because of BG3

Um dos melhores jogos de RPG que ja joguei, muito completo e a historia é gigante e muito boa

This is a top notch RPG and I've spent a silly amount of time playing it.