Reviews from

in the past

Comprei pq passei a acompanhar o anime do Super em 2017 e queria um jogo do Dragon Ball pra jogar no Xbox 360. Achei bem legal pela customização e o modo história.

>> Prós
• CUSTOMIZAÇÃO : Criar seu personagem escolhendo através das diferentes raças do anime é bem legal, fui de sayajin clichê msm.
• MODO HISTÓRIA : Achei legal até a idéia de viajar pelas sagas do anime.
• PERSONAGENS : Tem vários personagens do DBZ, DBGT e DBS.
• JOGABILIDADE : As vezes é bem confusa mas dps pega o jeito.
• MISSÕES SECUNDARIAS : Algumas são bem legais e outras são bem chatas.

>> Contras
• ESFERAS DO DRAGÃO : Pensa em algo chato de coletar pra conseguir desbloquear todos os personagens e poderes, queria conseguir as conquistas mas desisti dps de coletar todos os personagens.

>> Perso Favorito = Goku SSJ4 e Bardock.

poder criar meu personagem nesse universo usando técnicas dos outros é muito foda. só não me agradou muito o sistema dos mentores aqui mas é bacana até

remembered i played this like 5 years ago and it was fun for 14 year old me

Dragonball Xenoverse 1 has a big nostalgia factor on me, but after replaying it recently... jesus christ the combos in this game sucked.

Some PQs (mostly the overworld ones you have to complete alone the first time.... ehem super saiyan bargain sale--) are so obnoxious and frustrating if you don't want to resort to spamming blue hurricane over and over (Just like Vegeta and Trunks spamming their ultimates back to back because they have infinite Ki! God is this game fun!!)

and please don't get me started on the horrid drop rates of items and skills, it's really not fun to have to replay the same mission over and over just because the Skill or Z-Soul I want didn't win the RNG lottery. I'm not saying you should be guaranteed to get it, but please don't make me play the same mission 15 times for a single item..

It was fine back in 2015, but now that Xenoverse 2 has matured over the years with 5 quadrillion DLCs there's 0 reason to play this game outside of having a short nostalgia trip

A primeira vez que joguei foi na época do xbox 360 porque um amigo da escola tinha me emprestado, e lembro de ter gostado, então recentemente resolvi joga-lo novamente dessa vez no pc, e mano. eu não lembrava que o db xenoverse era tão insuportável com a questão de farm/grind, principalmente para quem quer pegar 100% das conquistas na steam. Tem farms como os dos mestres, que levam horas até você conseguir liberar todos os treinos pra pegar uma técnica especifica ou só pra pegar os achievements (as missões paralelas não terem um drop rate bom também torna a experiência ainda mais chata e enjoativa). Enfim. esse lance dos farms repetitivos é meu maior problema com ele porque de resto o game é divertido e tem uma história e jogabilidade ok, inclusive não tive nenhum problema com bugs ou algo assim. Deixando de lado a questão do grinding desnecessário, esse jogo até que é divertido.

eu tenho um personagem chamado FLAMENGO no meu save até hoje

2 is better and has the entire story of this anyways

I couldn't endure with this suffering after 1 hour of gameplay.

The game is really boring and one of the most fun things which is the multiplayer wasn't even available in the beginning of the game. The fights weren't fun but most importantly what the hell was that "main character idea" for?

It's not surprising that I ended up dropping it.

I don’t remember this game too much but I do remember it was much worse than the 2nd game. I did have a good time with it through it has almost the same problems as the 2nd game. And oh my god I just remember trying to get a mentor but they always spawned randomly. That was very annoying.


I played an unhealthy amount of this back in the day

At 16, after a FIFA tournament loss, I impulsively bought Dragon Ball Xenoverse for the PS3 at GameStop without knowing much about it or the Dragon Ball series. My first attempt at playing didn't last long, as Great Ape Vegeta whooped my ass.

Years later, having watched Dragon Ball, I revisited the game on PC. During winter break, I found myself immersed in its refreshing gameplay and customization options. The concept of time patrol, traveling through Dragon Ball's timeline, was brilliantly executed, making me feel part of the actual Dragon Ball story. However, the game sometimes felt grindy and tedious when collecting loot. Though enjoyable initially, the combat became repetitive. This could also be the case because I tried getting 100%, which means you have to replay quests for loot.

Despite its flaws, playing during a special Christmas period made it worth it, even with the exhausting loot grind.
Was a blast getting 100% on this game, a solid introduction to the "anime" genre in video games.

Pela primeira vez em Dragon Ball vimos algo com cara de alto orçamento e diferente do habitual, mas pena que só parecia mesmo.

I remember creating a Japanese account to play the beta lol

This game is basically a dead MMO nowadays. Makes sense, since Xenoverse 2 has been a thing for like 10 years now and is just mechanically this game but better, according to my friends who tried to talk me out of getting this.

But yeah, the only reason to get this nowadays is the singleplayer. That aspect is pretty fun, though. The ability to make your own Dragon Ball self-insert who gets to be best friends with Future Trunks and Goku is literally everyone's childhood dream, don't pretend it isn't. Honestly I think the way this extends the Dragon Ball mythos is better than Super. Rides the fine line between fanfiction and normal DB shenanigans.

Make sure you use third party tools to speed up the grind, though, it's a goddamn slog.

Sure I guess? Just go play the 2nd one but both kinda suck

This game was monumental for the friend group. Had some of the best memories as a wee-lad playing this game. Going back to it I don't really enjoy it as much outside of nostalgia but DAMN was this shit fun.

I remember playing this with my brothers as one of the first games we bought when we got a PS4 during our first Christmas in the United States. Very fond memories.

Eu nunca fui muito chegado a dragon ball, mas tudo nesse jogo é bom cara.

I love the Dragon Ball series but I didn't play some of the more famous games growing up like the Budokai Tenkaichi games. Xenoverse is the definitive Dragon Ball game series in my opinion. The create-a-character aspect is a great way to experience the Dragon Ball story and the gameplay/RPG elements work really well. Xenoverse 1 has been eclipsed by its sequel but the original is still great for starting the series and introducing a new way to see the Dragon Ball Z storyline.

Once you've played Xenoverse 2, you can't go back to this one. This one is embarrassing compared to the second one

I played Dragon Ball: Xenoverse back in 2015, and it was the best Dragon Ball game up until that time. I believe better games have come out since then, but honestly, I can't say for sure, as this was the last one I played. It was quite enjoyable for fans of the franchise, although it did become a little repetitive and boring after a while, as there wasn't much to do apart from fighting over and over again.

Combat was no where near good enough to do this grind

O 2 melhorou bastante a franquia.