Reviews from

in the past

Welcome to Azoria, stranger! My name's Kaspar! Nice of you to visit our lovely inn! Hey, did you know my mom gave birth to me on one of the pub tables? Yeah I'm just going to keep mentioning it every other time you talk to me! Yep, she gave birth on one of the tables! Possibly multiple since I have a brother! Have fun raising my friendship meter!

This one is hard to review. It is probably one of the best farming games I played, but at the same time it sabotages itself in multiple ways.

Most notable of all, if you are interested in characters and relationships in these games, this one is not for you. Characters barely have unique dialogue, they repeat some tips constantly, it is clear the budget went to other aspects of the game. It hurts more because some characters are really lovely designed, but there isn't really much to this aspect.

The farming stuff is really well done, and the crafting related systems are also greatly incorporated in your daily routine. The flower breeding is one of my favorite features, and it is rewarding to get new dyes after collecting a variety of species.

I think the game does stumble a bit at the start, focusing too much on the first dungeon, before truly opening up possibilities for the player. But after that I felt the pace at which I got to explore new stuff was great, and getting more magical stuff mixed in help bring out the uniqueness of the game.

I feel like while the game can be a lot of fun, it might be more fun a few months from now. At the moment I think the game is good, but it really needs some fixes and tweaks to become great, and it has the potential to be really great, it just needs an extra push.

[Note: I played it all solo and don't have much insight about the multiplayer features, but it was still great playing alone]

Where to start with this one... I remember loving the first trailer and I could not wait for it to release, especially after the delay. As many other people who love the farming/life-sim genre, it rarely finds new ways of reinventing itself. Fae Farm tries it but ultimately failed for me.

The positives:
+ beautiful world to explore
+ some great QOL feautures that make farming fun
+ use of magic in combat and farming
+ moving around with the wings is very satisfying
+ cute animal designs
+ a lot of collectibles
+ you can decorate multiple houses and outside
+ great customization options, buy or craft yourself
+ cooking and making potions
+ good OST

The negatives:
- pretty bland narrative
- the NPCs are extremely boring
- romantic relationships feel like an add-on without any real thought behind them
- making money is a slow process because of the restricting way you have to sell things
- animals are only needed for crafting resources, forget making money with milk, eggs, etc. even after making them into butter or other things
- combat is very limited. It is not hard, bur very annoying.
- the mines are repetitive and feel like a chore without much excitement
- there really isn't a lot to motivate you after finishing the main story
- "multiplayer" is not fun at all
- still too many bugs for such an expensive game, I even ran into a gamebreaking bug after first starting the game and had to wait a week for it to be patched.

Overall this game is for you if you had a bit of a break from farming games and want to try a new one. Also, if the artstyle and overall gameplay features speak to you, go for it. Oh yeah, wait for a sale. Even the 40 bucks for the PC version are too much.

They said there will be some sort of DLC next year, maybe I will pick it up again then, but for now... bye bye Azoria!

this is a baffler. so many things about the gameplay are perfect idealized versions of what should be in every farming game, very little useless time-wasting and a lot of great QoL stuff. but like, for what? I'm not even the sort who cares too much about plot but there is none to be had. the relationships and characters are shallow and meaningless. the one thing I can say about the story is when I unexpectedly hit credits, I missed having like, quests and interaction at all.

it's a very satisfying gameplay loop for a surprisingly small amount of time.

This is a tentative review, if the game gets a deep discount, or if the DLC is substantial, I will reevaluate.

Played this game on the free NSO trial, and I am glad I did because I can not justify buying the whole game, even for the sale price of $45 dollars.

I don't think that Fae Farm is a bad game, I enjoyed the time I spent playing it, but for such a huge price tag I can't get over how unpolished and unfinished the game feels. The game does have a lot going for it, I like how smooth traversal is, I love the double jump with wings to get around, quality of life features like automatically swapping to the tool you need or spells having utility with farming/mining are really appreciated, but none of that makes it a must buy.

The NPCs are completely lifeless, most just shop keepers that all repeat the same 2-3 lines of dialogue, and even the more story important characters are written in the same way so it sounds like every single character has the same "voice." There is little to dating in a genre where dating already feels shallow in some of the best titles.

Character creation has pretty few options which is unfortunate, I don't mind the My Sims look of the characters, but they don't give you a lot to work with. You also can't rename your character without making an account outside the game... the fuck?

Inventory management is annoying, with there being no rhyme or reason to the item stacks, and items not displaying names when you scroll over them so you need to click each one.

Those are more minor nitpicks I know. The farming and mining gameplay is fine, nothing groundbreaking, but without any investment in the story or world, it feels like I'm just grinding to grind... and I did kind of enjoy that in a lazy way, but with the game doing absolutely nothing special in any regard, I could get that same fix and also enjoy a game I care about.

To me, the game is just a shallow by the numbers farm game but at a premium price. Not bad, but not really compelling either.

A lot of people seem to like it, so maybe I am just spoiled off Starwdew Valley and Rune Factory, but I suggest at least waiting for a 50% off sale or until after both DLCs release before picking it up.

(pre-release) Very cute game with some wonderful animations for ambulation, but the speed at which the game opens up to the player is INCREDIBLY slow

It's a lot of fun's very VERY buggy. A lot of its mechanics are puddle deep and didn't get expanded on enough, the developers are at least working hard on fixing the problems with it but overall I enjoyed myself.

I was so excited for this for so long! On Switch the game seems blurry? The running style doesn't feel grounded and overall doesn't draw me in :(

I loved this "havesting game", but this one has way more freedom of movement than the standard ones. It's way better on PC than Switch, so if you have the chance grab the less buggy PC version-

Gameplay-wise, it's literally like every other cozy indie game, maybe a little more polished. And I can only enjoy that gameplay grind for so long. The vibes are really lovely and were the reasons I chose Fae Farm above all the other farm sims, and I don't regret that. It's fine, it gave me something to do during a rough period of my life, but I won't ever return to it outside of that.

I think the game is very cute. I am a big fan of farming sims. A game that I have the most hours for on Steam is Stardew Valley, so I can say I really like this sort of game.

My only complaints right now are the romance options because I'm a picky bitch. It really is just a personal issue but I wish the people you could had a little more variety. If I could marry Drak I would be set for life. But for now, I'll have to go with Jack.

Exactly what it says on the tin - cute, cozy farm sim with fairy theming. Unfortunately, the various bugs kept taking me out of the experience. I'd get settled into the gameplay loop of planting, harvesting, crafting, and selling, only for a glitch of a phantom crop to stop me from fully reseeding my plot. I'd work on the main quest story, and NPCs would know me before I introduced myself because their standard dialogue plays before the first meeting dialogue. My chickens would break free from the level geometry and walk around the tops of the trees because I suppose they wanted to be magic too. It's kind of a shame that there's all these little rough patches, because it's a relaxing game once it hits its stride. I love the freedom of movement on the map, especially once the player gets their wings, and the automatic rollover to the next day (while occasionally annoying when I was in a crafting menu) beats the mad dash home in other farming sims to avoid a debuff for the next day. Fae Farm feels like it just needed a little more time to iron out its wrinkles, but if you're willing to meet it where it is, it's a charming game.

Cute, but the story is faaar too short for the price point. The NPCs are painfully bland and marriage is pointless.

Got this game the first week it came out and was SO looking forward to it after it got pushed back from this spring. The game is gorgeous and so much fun to explore! I love bouncing around the world so much and it plays surprisingly smooth for me. And the little fishing helper setting? Mwah, chef's kiss.

But there are some things about the game that drive me a bit batty... namely the fact that mines are such a chore to get through. And even if you've amassed a lot of money, you can't really use it for some cosmetic items unless you ALSO have crafting materials. Like come on, it should be one or the other. Also, I love all the character designs, and the concepts are cool too, but for the most part they feel hollow. It's the same problem as new Animal Crossing - everyone is too nice and does not have much to say at all. I want some attitude!

Très bel univers. Histoire simple mais sympa.
Beaucoup de choses à faire (un peu trop ?) en agriculture et missions, on ne s'ennuie pas mais on peut vite s'y perdre si on fait plusieurs choses en même temps.
Peut être un donjon en trop.
Aucune explications pour réaliser certaines quêtes ou hybridations.
Les cinématiques en 2D étaient vraiment très belles.
Je n'ai pas ressenti la fin comme une vraie fin de jeu, vu qu'il reste encore beaucoup de choses à faire, mais l'histoire principale était bien écrite.

I played the trial on Switch Online, and made me realize that I should play Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons

such a good farming game, has some really good QOL improvements from other games i've played. all your tools are on one button & are automatically used, & don't take up spots in your inventory. soo nice. played 10 hours on my first day.

first got hooked with the great QOL, now the story got me stuck in. only on chapter 4 but really enjoying it so far!