Reviews from

in the past

It became super annoying just to see the battle pass become a huge advertisement and the map sucked, and the event was okay but the game was dead so much at this point in time.

live event was good and carnage was cool. about it.

retroactively reviewing previous seasons post c5s1

This was the end of Chapter 2 and the messy story of it. CH2's Island was my island. I spent a lot of time playing during this chapter and I really remember it fondly.

This season though, was an interesting way to end it though. The Sideways mechanics, both the corruption domes and the sideways weapons were really fun to play with, not to mention the large Caretakers being very difficult bosses. The battle pass was mostly misses with Kor being a highlight.

Overall, it was a Season of Fortnite.

This season basically, atleast for me, was just a lesser version of Chapter 2: Season 7. Alot of this season I don't really remember, even though I got tier 100, this season was a blur.

I remember the map, and didn't really like it. The weapons were okay, but from what I remember this was just a average fortnite season, at least to me. And I think Chapter 2 as a whole, deserved a way better final season, than what we got here.

Even if it wasn't good, at least a memorable one, that did so much that made it stand out. And since this season was forgettable, makes it kind of sad, because Chapter 2 was my favorite chapter.

Overall: 5/10

Que temporada broxa pra um final de capítulo. Zero mudanças de mapa se não contar com a pirâmide no meio, o trailer prometeu tudo e não entregou nada no final. O passe de batalha foi meia-boca, as mecânicas e modos extras até que foram interessantes, mas podiam ter cozinhado mais.

Not bad season, i cant really remember much of it. The event was fire though and the battle pass was decent even though I never bought it. All around not bad

i think 'THE END' live event of this season is the best one we have gotten

i played one game this season and hated it. half star for the cool monkey skin

Why am I attracted to the carnage skin