Reviews from

in the past

Arcade Week: Day #2

Why did the frog cross the road?
To get to the other side and make sure your quarters or whatever currency you had (I’m British and can’t remember for the life of me) is going to good use after accidentally getting run over by a car. Yeah I don’t get that joke either.

Frogger is a game about life kinda, if that life was just crossing a road and a river and hoping to god you can put yourself in a small portion of a bush. You get 3, 5, or 7 lives depending on the difficulty setting and you have to get at least 5 frogs into the different holes. However, if you fail and lose all your lives, or the time is up, it’s game over! It’s a pretty simple game all things considered and it’s one that is still enjoyed even today. However, Frogger hasn’t gone on to the best things after this game but oh well. At least people still want to play the original and not…Frogger’s adventure or whatever.

Good gameplay, sweet music, I hate alligators so much

They make a game about an animal crossing the road and they picked a frog...

What were they thinking?!?!

Enough about the chicken. Wait until I tell you about the frog.

I don't know which version I played, I just know I played it on the pc...Why are there so many different versions of this shitty game?

Played at the Tap Tap arcade bar in Cedar Falls, Iowa. Didn't make it very far, as my time with it was more out of curiosity than anything.

Once I saw Brett Cooper play this, you know I had to give it a try

Honestly pretty boring. I can't even say the concept has been improved on because all the modern clones I also find boring. Don't bother.

Frogger is a pretty simple game. You cross roads and ponds to get to the other side. It’s pretty fun but the Frogger formula has been done in much more interesting ways by not only it’s own franchise but so many others.

Like it a lot but it’s a little too repetitive, even for an arcade game.

Frogger is a famous game, but it never reaches the enjoyability of its more polished contemporaries like Pac-Man or Donkey Kong. While the navigation puzzle concept is interesting for a little while, repeatedly crossing the screen trying to actually finish a whole top row across the river is an exercise in tedium and annoyance.

one time i overheard a kid playing this saying something like "wow so they took Crossy Road and made it retro" to his parents and i had to restrain myself from walking over and assaulting the entire family

Crossy Road before Crossy Road was cool

The gameplay requires enough timing to stay interesting on the first playthrough. Nice use of color and sprites as well.

this is technically the first game I ever played not a bad start it's a fun little arcade-y game

I'm terrible at this game but its still fun from time to time. I just have trouble getting that top left spot filled. Also the collision detection always feels like its a bit too sensitive. For its vintage its pretty impressive and has good personality that a lot of games around this time were missing. I played this at Galloping Ghost arcade in Chicago.

A decent arcade game that's formula is still used in modern games today like "Crossy Roads". It's fun for a little bit but holds its place in video game history.

No joke, I have a cousin who had a frog run over by a car. I think he would have survived if I had been controlling him. Anyways I like this game.


Um jogo simples que funciona muito bem pra época e se tornou um clássico justamente pela sua simplicidade de ser um sapo atravessando a rua, e isso ser um gameplay q funciona, inspirando também diversos jogos.

Nota: 6/10 (★★★) - Legal

This game is so boring bro lmaoooo
Frogger 1981 | Atari 2600
emulador pc

1-interacción: 7
2-mundo/apartado artístico: 7
3-concepto: 7.3
4-puesta en escena: 7.3
5-narración: -
6-sonido/apartado sonoro: 6.7
7-jugabilidad: 7.3
8-historia: -
9-duración/ritmo: 7.4
10-impacto: 7.3



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