Reviews from

in the past

Super fun with friends, we need more multiplayer card roguelikes. I do wish the warrior was less dependent on the other classes to succeed however, some of his 2-mana cost cards are not worth that at all, and some of the relics are pretty blatantly overpowered, but generally what I want from this game is more. More cards, more builds, more Hellcard. It's just really fun.

[ played on steam deck. it works great, but def recommend playing on PC for comfort or finnicking with control schemes for a bit ]

really fun co-op experience. my close friend group & i love playing things together. if i'm not off doing schoolwork or sinking my time into whatever my hyperfixation is at the moment, im finding weird, fun co-op games i can hop in and out of lobbies with friends in. this is no exception and it has been seriously addicting to play as a group. it can be played solo but i have only played as a duo & trio (it maxes at 3), and can safely say it is more fun with more players but also substantially easier that way as well.

truthfully, ive written and rewritten the meat of this review over and over, but there isnt any way to het around it. if you have played slay the spire, the GOAT of deckbuilder roguelikes, you have played this game. of course there are things that set this game apart, but the influence STS has had on this game is impossible to miss. from the colored card decks/skills/powers/attacks, the starting decks, the archetypes, to even WHOLE CARDS having similar arts, names, descriptions, etc...

in the wake of the Palworld controversy, it feels disingenuous to ignore it especially because when my friends wanted to play that, i stepped away because it made me feel odd with the plagiarism that was evident (to me) in it's pal designs. i feel similar here, though it does get somewhat of a pass in that the core style is very different by nature of how it handles targeting, the maps, the unique boss modifiers, selecting the dungeon progression, etc etc etc. there is a lot to love about this game but its hard for me to talk about it properly because i keep thinking yeah, but the best summary is still "co-op slay the spire." so, that's what i'll leave it at.

this game is a fan-made co-operative slay the spire roguelike and it fucking rules.

The addition of well-integrated multiplayer and area based fighting is an interesting re-imagining of the roguelike formula. As of this review, there are four classes available. The warrior is relatively straight forward as a generic but useful sword and board class. The rogue adds some helpful AoE effects. The mage and the tinkerer are where this game sets it classes apart. The mage has a number of useful support cards that would only work given the multiplayer aspects of this game. Additionally, the support aspect of being a mage still contains intrigue and interesting choices. The tinkerer plays with a unique currency: screws and cores. These two things allow him to create contraptions that can be a mix of offensive, defensive, and support. I think the only reason I did not get into this game more is because I couldn't get friends to play it with me. The game is much better multiplayer as long as you have people at a similar skill level to you. While you can play it single player, it is a lot more micro-managing. Playing with random people online is unreliable. I would probably rate this game higher if I could have friends to reliably play with, which in some ways is not this game's fault and in other ways is an intrinsic part of the game.

i love when my friends kill the monster i was gonna bolt :))))))))))))

overall tho pretty fun game to figure out and progress

Hellcard is great! It's a rouge-like deck builder that you play with friends with a number of different playstyles and challenges to overcome. I played it with two of my other friends to death last year, and we had a pretty good time every time we brought it out.

There are three different classes, Ranger, Mage, and Warrior, and each one of them have huge 'pop off' moments that are a blast to achieve. You'll get to the end of a playthrough and be one turn from a TPKO on basically every turn before you start slamming faces and clearing boards. It's high stress, big payoff -- it's great!

While in early access, they had a button on the side of the screen you could click in order to send feedback directly to the developers. We used it pretty often, and on more than one occasion we would come back and find that the game was different and our complaints solved! It was really cool! I wish more devs would do this.

(I will say that it's a game designed to be played with friends, so it's not the best single player game but I can't knock it for that.)

Give it a go!

My friend's unlocks did not carry over from the Prologue, tho mine did. Also, while we were playing, the game made us wait between 2-7 minutes per round after all the turns were taken before our next turn could start. It was basically freezing.
Also, sometimes we'd be stuck in-between played cards, waiting for everything to resolve before we could even play another.
This game has potential, but it took us 3 hours to play a 45 min match because of all of this jank...

Great co-op. I wish I could get my friends to play it more.

Esperaba que la iniciativa Return2Games me sorprendiera un poco en esta apuesta por un roguelike de cartas y no fue el caso. Pese a que no consigue destacar en nada se trata de un juego cumplidor y entretenido.

Fun coop game, would like to see other content added