Reviews from

in the past

Couples therapy.
Please come back Guppy

Well nevermind, we actually managed to finish this game. Looks like the offline ps plus trick lasted for 2 weeks instead of 1.

I don't think that playing the last 2 chapters changes our score. There were some really cool set pieces, particularly at the last chapter, but that ending... idk. It kinda felt rushed, which is ironic since we thought the game dragged on a little too much.

Oh also, we got the platinum trophy yay

I'm not one who typically gets to play long-form multiplayer games(or any for that matter) with their pals, as we all have slightly different tastes and wildly different schedules, but when a friend approached me to play this I jumped at the chance and I'm so grateful he wanted to.

It doesn't have wildly new mechanics but borrows them in a very polished state, and frequently rotates mechanics from level to level. Most of them feel great. Some are a little slower, but almost none of them overstayed their welcome to the point where I was getting tired of it. It was fast paced, and wouldn't waste your time, with frequent little minigames, the lion's share of which were extremely entertaining breaks from the core game, and some non-game "toys" to play with, individually or with your partner.

The tone of the game is a little all over the place. It's about a serious topic, these two bad people who go through this magic gauntlet from a vaguely... spanish? book of love. They follow their misguided beliefs on how to break the curse they're stuck in, and it ties together the first part of the game nicely. I was a little worried when it introduced the second half, which was the classic video game "collect the 4 macguffins to win" but it was quickly undone by the more fantastical environments, a nice contrast from the more grounded "honey I shrunk the kids" areas, though it still contained elements of that in it. Overall it's beautiful, although there were a couple rough edges, like the look of the squirrels towards the first.

There are tons of jokes that land, and some that don't land at all, but if you have a pal to make fun of them with, they are almost as good due to that. There are some pretty dark moments conceptually but they play them as a joke, which delivers perfectly, for the most part.

It may seem kid friendly, but some of it is a little disturbing. If you go into it expecting to really like the characters or their emotional journey, think of it more like an arrested development/seinfeld type comedy... these people suck as people, parents, spouses, and this journey is not only about their relationship, but also their own flaws. The plot is fairly weak and there to string levels together mainly, but it resolves the first part well and the latter part just okay. That's not the main draw of the game though, so I wouldn't expect it either going in.

Frankly I expected it to be a nice little game, but quickly rocketed to being something I am seriously considering for my personal GOTY list.

This is definitely one of the best co-op games to come out. The quality overall is through the roof, with an incredible attention to detail in every aspect of the game.

The platforming is smooth, the voice acting is fantastic, and the environments are fun, unique, and are changed up very often. The game effortlessly mixes comedy with more serious relationship issues, and never drops a beat.

The gameplay, while a platformer most of the time, changes it up so often that it's almost like playing a succession of minigames. In
one moment you'll play a plaformer, the next you're flying, then skating, etc, so the gameplay remains fresh throughout.

My main gripe with this game is that while I appreciate that the game wants you to constantly move forward, the puzzles the game gives you can feel like they drag a lot, especially when there are multiple puzzles in quick succession. "Activate 6 of these things, by doing the exact same thing but slightly different 6 times", it is not really fun, and slows down the pace of the game.

Furthermore, while it is great that every chapter gives you new abilities to play with, some chapters leaves one player doing almost nothing. This is especially the case in certain chapters where Cody's abilities boil down to "hold the door so May can play the game".

Despite these flaws, the game is still a blast throughout, and should be at the top of the backlog for any couple looking for something to play together. I highly recommend it.

The Elephant scene traumatized me

I can see this being someone’s favourite game. It’s very good, and a cute at-home date night idea. But this isn’t my sort of thing, I got bored.

So much fun, a tool box being one of the best designed boss fights I've ever fought was not on my bucket list

Has some pacing problems but is so fun and captures so well what makes co op games fun and interesting. Has so many fun ideas and great level design that keep the game fresh. Unfortunately the bad ideas grind the game to a halt and make ot difficult to continue. Not to mention the fact that another player is required which adds rhe extra headache of planning when to play. Had a great time but not likely to revisit at least not for a while.

Ambientação 5/5
História 4,5/5
Final 5/5

This game is nearly perfect but my bestie got scared of the water and now they won't play with me :(

Played with the wife. Shocked at how good it was? And how long it was? And how bad the writing was, constantly? But how refreshing the shifts in gameplay were? And how they all sorta worked and were fun?

not playing a game about heterosexuals sorry
also i dont have friends

Easily the best couch co-op gaming experience I've ever had.

From consistently changing gameplay mechanics that are fantastic every time, to incredible level design, and boss battles... It Takes Two sticks the landing in every way in terms of gameplay.

There are so many little mini games sprinkled throughout that keep the experience exciting and creative- and small details scattered throughout every level that are easy to appreciate. I was impressed with every inch of this game top to bottom.

It's a total blast to play, and it's a wholesome, rewarding experience in just about every way it could be.

There are admittedly some tonal inconsistencies. I can't deny that. And I can see why people are unimpressed with the story. Especially when every other aspect of the game is a home run.

I can't pretend that I didn't enjoy it though. It took time for certain aspects to grow on me. Certain characters too. Eventually I came around to those aspects, and I felt as though the culmination of events led to a relatively satisfying conclusion for the story.

It was an unforgettable experience, and I can't wait to go back to it one day and play through it as May next time!

jeu très cool fait avec benjamin. dommage qu'il ait crié le n-word 20 fois par session sinon je recommande

I hated this, man.
I played with my wife and we found every character in it SO incredibly annoying that we just didn't even care if they improved their lives. Fuck 'em. Especially that book.

A very fun and unique co-op game. My friend and I had a blast playing through it together. The story was very heartwarming.

Played Cody this time through with my girlfriend. It took a half star off playing with her because it was a lot of waiting around. Still a top tier game that well deserved GotY.

It Takes Two transcends the traditional two player gaming environment in a way I have yet to see. Simply put down to the presentation of its gameplay elements and narrative. Presentation wherein, while the general 3D platformer archetype is upheld, different level specific abilitys, and the constantly flowing journey through seperate and unique environments make the game feel constantly fresh and exciting. All things that contribute in perfect fashion with that of the narrative progression of a couple dealing with their failing marriage; and more sew, the aspects of themselves that they must constantly explore to improve such. Overall me and my significant other had an amazing time with It Takes Two, being the first game we have finished together. Being an experience so amazing that we can both, with almost one hundred percent certainty, recommend such to all whom would consider it.

This is the video game equivalent of a drug trip and I'm all for it

final achievement saying "it took two" really sold it. What a masterpiece

She broke up with me so I didn't get to finish the game...

Está com problemas em seu relacionamento e um divórcio é quase inevitável? It Takes Two pode ser a solução!

O jogo possui uma trama excepcional com um desfecho emocionante, diversas fases geniais, e a jogabilidade em co-op certamente é o charme principal!

A wonderful game to experience with your SO <3

if u have an iq higher than 60 you will not enjoy this game

Gostei muito, mas foi bem abaixo da minha expectativa, joguei com minha esposa e achei meio chato algumas partes e com dificuldade desbalanceada no geral. É bom mas o prêmio de goty foi exagerado.

Played this with my GF when it released, was an incredibly fun game with a story that was good to laugh at. But the artistic direction and the co op focused gameplay were wonderful.

This game was so perfect. I was someone who grew up on couch co-op gaming, and seeing that be less and less relevant as I got older sucked. This game really brought back all those exciting moments missed and that you don't necessarily experience playing co-ops online. It was so creative and I was blown away after every discovery.

The only reason I'm not giving this game 5 stars is because it wasn't re-playable for me, once I knew how to do every level the magic was kind of gone - but that isn't necessarily the games fault. Not all games are intended to played more than once, it's just my personal preference.