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I don't really watch a lot of anime, but Kill la Kill was one of my favorites for the longest time (thought I totally get if people dislike the overall ""satirical"" comedy and story so focused on clothes and lack of clothes)

So when I heard that ArcSys, creator of Guilty Gear, were making a fighting game abround it, I was really really excited.

... only to find out that it didn't came out as well as I hoped for.

First, the positive: The style of the anime is recaptured almost perfectly, and the action packed energy of the battles, coupled with amazing music and voice acting, leads to a great time whenever you battle someone.
Every character is so unique in their playstyle that they almost play a different game on their own, and trying everyone on rotation allows you to experience gimmicks and mechanics always new. I am not a fan of most arena fighters, but these factors made me enjoy a lot from this title.

"Wow that is amazing, I wonder how many character we got".... just 10 (12 if you include two final alternate forms), two of them being free DLCs

That's kinda too little, espeically considering how bigger roster are one of the selling points for Arena fighters. Arcsys is also notorious for adding their own "OCs" to franchises they make games for, but nothing original or experimental was added here, not evenin the form of alternate costumes or big levels of customization.

The modes of the game are also kinda lacking, especially with the addition of a story mode that tries to retell the events of the anime in a really.... confusing way (and doesn't even let you play as every character).

It's a shame honestly: luckily the anime is popular enough that TRIGGER may give it another shot in the videogame market (they better not treat the developers like trash next time though), but as a first result, IF is not the best they could have done. Sorry.

I get why this game is criticized, but I am hard to disappoint when it comes to combat in games. 😭

I bought this game due to a great discount in the store, then I had to watch the show. I didn't feel like jumping into an anime game without enough context. I have no regrets, the anime was great.
The game is fine, it has cool animations for the 1 vs 1 encounters and some arenas suffer from the force of the fights.
Playing it with the Japanese dub is more enjoyable, but I'm not demeriting the job with the English dub. It depends on how you watched the show.
You shouldn't play this game if you haven't watched the anime series.

Loved the final battle, the story overall, the endings kinda weird like the main show, but overall really fun
Wished there was still an online community:(

Wow this game’s combat is fun! (Besides the rock paper scissors mechanic.)

I wish there was more content because its single player content is basically nonexistent. So as much as I want to play more of it, there’s nothing to do.

why'd i buy and play this i haven't even watched kill la kill

I really wanted to love this game but to me it screams all style, no substance.

The visual presentation is a love letter to the series and it's fans. It's got all the voices and music and style like giant text appearing and stuff like that. All the UI is styled after life fibers and it looks super cool.

Unfortunately the gameplay is so whatever that I don't even wanna get into it. It's an anime arena fighter and it's got all that stuff and to be fair I was never a fan of that style to begin with but in this game it feels even more half baked. I get through by button mashing and there is probably more in depth tech but why even bother because button mashing works so well.

The unique thing is this bloody valor mechanic and it's basically rock paper scissors for a buff in battle but more than not I end up losing so I try to ignore it as often as possible.

The creators of this game were obviously fans of the series because it's got so many cool references and tons of care and accuracy put into the presentation but the gameplay just isn't good enough to warrant playing it.

put off purchasing this game for a while and didn't end up enjoying it too much. an okay game to mess around with other fans of the show offline. oh, and just go download a completed save for the whole roster.

I adored the original anime of Kill la Kill, but this game was a bit of a letdown for me. to start, the positives were that they brought back the entire voice cast from the anime, which I was glad about. the artstyle was replicated quite well in game, despite the slightly janky animation at times. the story had a relatively interesting premise, and was broken up midway by fights. however, my praises end there unfortunately, as the story mode fights were very repetitive, no doubt in part due to the game's small roster. the character alternates were not great either. I found it enjoyable for a while, however it was unfortunately a bit of a letdown.

Eh... It is better than I expected, I just thought that it would be a fan-service game. Actually, this is quiet well-made 3d fighting game imo. But not worth for full price at all. And I don`t know why devs locked multiplayer behind first single campaign.

Fun fighter where you play kill la kill character. Pretty usual for animes so kill la kill beein that popular as it still is it gotta have at least one game. Sadly like most anime based games this one is also mediocre. Its nothing bad i can point out really rather than it doesnt stand out or at least doesnt do something really good. Just well enough to be a braindead fighter which is easy to master and power through. Its often in sale for super cheap so if you like just mashing attacks onto your opponent like a gattling gun go ahead.

حليوه مع خويك

Is this a Musou? Is this a fighter? It's both. In the worst ways possible. It's also really bad. (Re)watch the anime instead.

massive missed potential man this coulda been so fire..

A game I wished I liked more than I did especially since I love the anime. In terms of a fighter game it does an admittedly good job with the variety it has with each character which is good. Ryuko & Satsuki's campaigns are decent but your basically playing the same campaign twice aside from some slight differences and I want more variety in a game. Overall it's fine but not that great.

Isso é a melhor experiencia a 15 fps que eu tive desde Cyberpunk 2077

This game is UGLY and the gameplay does NOT make up for it. Kinda cool though

"Shovelware" is basically a game that was slapped together to cash off the IP and the gameplay sucks. Kill La Kill is a cool show but this game is button-mashing padding-out-the-runtime shovelware garbage. The graphics are kinda nice tho

Summer of COVID I was so excited to learn about a Kill la Kill video game. If was underwhelming, while still fun in some ways.

Had to download a save to play as all the characters. Online was barely functional, incredibly laggy. I love Kill la Kill, tho and this game as something for fans is really nice. I don't think I could recommend this to anyone other than diehard fans that plan on playing the multiplayer locally.

es una verga el port de pc, esta bueno lo que hay pero muy vacio, es como que quedo a medio hacer

é bem frustrante só o fato desse jogo ser um arena fighter, seria tão daora um hack n' slash ou musou.
mas é divertido no fim das contas

I want both protagonists to step on me.
Gamagoori the GOAT.
Game is still kinda shit.

Gran adaptación, jugabilidad muy divertida y con la OST del anime que siendo de Sawano siempre es un punto a favor. Lástima que el modo historia solo dure 4 h. divididas en 2 episodios que cuentan la misma historia desde diferente perspectiva y solo se jueguen con su respectivo personaje. La falta de contenido hace que, por desgracia, no sea un juego redondo. [8/10]

It’s as aesthetic as it can get from going to the show to be made into a video game. It’s fun all around for what it has going!

The big no no of locking content behind story mode and game isn’t aimed to be sweaty in it, which has to be great factors to why the game always been dead. I definitely recommend this game if you love the show.

If you any of y’all wanna play this game with someone, hit me up on Twitter, I’ll be down to play!

The game LOOKS great and everything, I'm not going to deny that, but the gameplay is very rough and empty even if they try to hide it with cool animations and flashy moves, the story is just "ok" and the music is the same as the series so it's not something to praise the game itself (KILL LA KILL MUSIC IS GREAT)

btw the game on Switch is poorly optimized in some parts so I wouldn't recommend that version to other people lol