Reviews from

in the past

I got an achievement for reloading my gun 69 times and I decided the game was too Reddit for me so I closed out of the game immediately and uninstalled it. I understand why En likes this game so much now

this is what i wish i could have done in hollow knight

Hit top 75 today. Yeah, this game is goated.

me: i want devil daggers
mom: we have devil dagger at home
devil fagger at home:

i don't know what problem to address about this game without destroying its balance/feeling useless, its a great arcade shooting game but something missing on its core gameplay, maybe would've been content(but the game already excels on what its set up to do, or weapon variety (but everything was balanced for the Uzi, making its a perfect balance ) also some tips of how to do the secret tricks would've been great(like the sniper and blood shot)

c'était mon rêve de canarder des coccinelle avec un mac 10

a review just below me likened this to devil daggers but bad

this is devil daggers but actually fun. while it still has some pitfalls due to the nature of these "endless simple shooters" , it makes it infinitely more enjoyable by 1) making it so you can be hit by more than one thing and 2) movement. however that does not make me enjoy the game for more than a while. i find this genre so boring, because all it boils down to is "run in a circle killing shit while more shit spawns until you inevitably die. and they dont give a million different options for killing shit, its either the melee attack or an SMG. and while i dont have a problem with such limited options in general, in this context it breeds boredom. id want actual levels designed for such mechanics, and afaik this game will not be more than an endless shooter. i dabble in cybergrind every now and again, but my main reason for loving ultrakill isnt cybergrind, its the levels and perfecting them.

don't get me wrong, i did enjoy the game when it got chaotic. with the added movement it's certainly better than devil daggers. but its cumbersome to start a run over and over again and never feel like youre making any progress, getting angry and dying earlier and earlier. i think im gonna refund this one, but im happy i got to try it out.

maybe ill check it out in a few years again.

ps, if this review reads poorly i had a much better review but i deleted it accidentally so i rushed this one trying to remember all the points i made but the prose is worse.

This is pretty dope for 20 minutes, i dont got that drive to play it more

It's fun, definitely not the level of depth of its inspiration, Devil Daggers, but I did enjoy the movement, enemy designs are cool and varied, and you can play for quite a while without it getting repetitive.

Great little arcade arena shooter that reminds of of stuff like devil daggers or ultrakill, if this type of things are your speed you will love this game id say its worth the money its just a little short.

fun arena with cool mech(anic)s :3