Reviews from

in the past

What the Doink dude! Circus is in town!

I have certainly been a fan of these horror franchise survival multiplayer games from starting off with the bare bones Friday the 13th to the recent release of this. This one has definitely been the most polished and impressive compared to F13 and TCM. What makes me impressed is the amount of content at launch such as all the customization features and clowns to unlock as well as finishers and special abilities for each type of clown and survivor and a good few maps to play around on. Still I cannot get over the fact these games seem to have a very limited lifespan which is unfortunate. The best fun you can have with these is close to the game's launch although some of them come at a decent price which sucks for those who much like myself, would much rather wait for a sale. The team has been listening to the player base's feedback and already working on fixes for various issues as well. Great work with the source material and a pretty addictive formula. Although, much like myself after playing for two days straight it can get a bit repetitive by that point. I want to keep seeing more of these with different horror franchises, but also I feel like they will never be able to keep huge concurrent player bases. They are short and sweet experiences unfortunately. Definitely prefer these way more than DBD that is for sure. It gives off a more immersive experience into each franchise's world.

One of the Klowns called me the n-word, beat me with a squeaky hammer and then turned me into cotton candy!

I love IllFonic's other stuff. Ghostbusters in particular is one of the best asymmetric multiplayer games I've ever played, and I even genuinely enjoyed Arcadegeddon. What the hell happened here?

This is somehow a worse Texas Chainsaw, and Texas Chainsaw is buns. The objective structure is a hot mess for both sides and the fighting feels terrible. Klowntalities are massively less interesting for both sides than humans getting cocoon'd, but the risks of letting humans rescue each other is too great so the boring option tends to win. It just sucks to play from every angle.

I'd say it's Dead by Daylight at home, but I am home! And I have Dead by Daylight! Why the fuck would I play this instead?

I don't remember the last time I had this much fun over an online multiplayer game upon release.

This video game is not perfect, of course. The lack of a playable tutorial can make the game pretty difficult to access for newcomers, especially when playing as Humans. There are also a couple balancing issues once the game released, but luckily these are easy to remedy.

Otherwise, this game has a lot of potential and I'm already having a lot of fun playing it. Both sides are fun to play, even matches I lose the matches feel very enjoyable. The customization options are also great - I wasn't expecting too much from a game like this but I enjoy customizing both my Klown and Human, and the reward system makes me eager to play more to unlock more options for them.

This game perfectly captures the formula of the original movie, not just in plot but also in setting. The developers truly capture the atmosphere of Santa Cruz and the 80s, and it's apparent in this that they put a lot of research into creating this immersive experience for players.

Upon release, Killer Klowns has a lot of potential and is very enjoyable. Of course, like with other live-service games, this may change in the future, but at the moment, it's off to a great start, and I'm interested in seeing how this game develops over time.

I was so excited for a Killer Klowns game that I pre-ordered the deluxe the second it dropped. This is one of my favourite campy movies of all time. With such great graphics, and the ability to play human or clown made this a huge promise to keep.

And it failed me. Because I've already played Dead by Daylight (and disliked it).

I get that this was a multiplayer, but it's ONLY a multiplayer. For the price I paid, I should have gotten a story mode. Or a lone mode (where I can CHOOSE my player). The story has already been written! This should have been easy! The lack of things to do and notable characters is beyond disappointing.

What's worse is there's no playable tutorial. Just blocks of text with just "here is a doable thing" without how to actually perform these actions. I still don't even know how to crouch.

For as gorgeous as this game looks, this has certainly taught me a lesson in choosing what to pre-order and what to wait for. There should have been a demo.

Gambling is becoming a massive problem due to laxed gambling laws in the United States BUT WHAT IF we were allowed to gamble on how long mid video games that hinge on the "live service" side of things are going to last? Come on it would be so much fun. I think I'd be really good at it.

Here's my bet:

Ok so you take this piece of shit. It's based off of a relatively obscure horror franchise that has a cult following. You staple a Dead by Daylight-y forumla on it. The killers in this game are clowns so you give them goofy things like a killer balloon poodle and a running animation that sounds like fast honking clown shoes. You get a decent amount of sales from your every day dude that's like "HOLY FUCK LOIS THEY MADE A KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE GAME". They play for a week or two before they exhaust the content and go back to playing Call of Duty.

After a few months, the developers panic that the player count plummets and release all the content they developed to release in a longer form. The game gets a little buzz again because you can play as a clown with a balloon dick or something but nobody sticks around again.

The publisher gets cold feet. After six months or so of being out, the game announces it is going into maintenance mode and by 2026 the servers are offline.

Ok ready? Break.

feels like what friday the 13th could have been. both sides are fun, the fact that it's completely random which side you get makes it so no ones a "stinky killer main." super good with friends but pretty good solo queuing as well. the leveling doesn't give you anything absolutely game breaking (like in evil dead- the higher level & better skill tree will always be the winner.)

some things i don't like, if you're looking at reviews to decide if you want it.
- as of now (early access) you have to stay in the entire match to get your XP. it's okay because you have mini games to play, in which you can send rewards to people in game & help them. but if you get insta-killed very early in the match & your teammates look new/are only hiding in bushes & making no attempts to further the game.. it's just better to leave & get a new lobby.
- speaking of instakilling, i'm not sure i like how it works. you can either get cotton-candied & cucooned, then hung onto a generator where teammates can unhook you, or the clowns can take you down health wise & decide to cotton candy you, OR klowntality you by killing you. it's awful if the klowns decide to insta-kill for both sides. nothing to do.. people hide.. it makes it very boring. hopefully they change it so that something has to happen before you can start instakilling. as of now it's like, rare to get klown, then some people that do just instakill so it turns to like 3 people left, & someone camps the res station. no one gets points & it gets very boring. BUT those games are kind of rare. i think most of the people right now want to have fun, but yeah some people are stinkers.

things i SUPER like compared to other asym games:
- the exits can take about 3 people at a time, & most don't come back, or require more material. it makes it more of a team-based game. (instead of texas chainsaw where you could literally speedrun getting out, & if the killers break an exit, you can reset it & get out again. you can not reset in klowns.) this of course means assholes/new players will take the boat which seats 3 completely alone. lol
- love the mini games while you're dead/already escaped. if you're playing with a lot of friends & have to wait for them to end the game, you have something to do and can help them.
- the rewards you get with levels aren't too bad. the high level guns are very strong, but not too bad. you'll hear people complain about the "popcorn gun" which is a mega shotgun that tracks & hurts really bad, or the (sorry i don't remember the name) level 50 cotton candy ray. but they're both pretty reasonable & once you play around them enough you'll know their counters. of course theres things like "dont go into enclosed areas/get too close" but with the right playstyle you'll be okay :)
- both sides are really fun. in asym games sometimes the other side feels like absolute ass, but with a competent team both sides are fun. sometimes you'll beat the shit out of the clown, sometimes you're the clown getting beat up. sometimes you're the clown that 3x coccoons a bunch of humans jumping you, & sometimes you & your team can jump a clown together. i LOVE both sides!

all in all i'm excited, this one feels like it's going to stick around for a while! & i'm sure with patches & balances, things can turn out even better! i'm hopeful as fuck!

i got killed by a klown who proceeded to call me a handful of slurs 10/10

GooeyScale: 70/100

I always preferred how Friday the 13th played to Dead by Daylight and this game is just a more polished and fun version of Friday. 3v7 with proximity chat is just so fun and easily one of my favourite multiplayer games right now. If you liked Friday the 13th or just asymmetrical horror games in general you should really consider this.

Por enquanto, minha experiência com o jogo tá sendo positiva. Os problemas são fáceis de resolver e nunca vi uma faca comer tanto o cu de ALIENÍGENAS FODÕES.