Reviews from

in the past

This game kinda means the world to me.

3 by extension does too but there's something in that cold mysterious almost endless seeming hell walk that Aqua is on that really sits in my spirit, especially more around the holidays where I feel like my depression and anxiety can end up spiking quite a bit.

Cause I would frankly say that this whole short journey is about depression. This is a story about feeling like a complete and total failure. It's about feeling like you have no one, constantly grasping for some kind of grand connection but not being able to tangibly hold onto anything really around you, constantly doubting the reality you once could trust. Your foundation is shaky, you're rocky, you're falling apart at the seams but you still keep walking because what else are you supposed to do?

Your world has been stripped from you, everyone you once knew is gone or lost, all you can do is keep moving and keep pushing on, hoping to find some way out of the hole in your soul.

Creeping doubt, self destruction, pain, it's all constantly there. The way Aqua's self doubt and own self destruction is physically manifested especially clicks with me. Constant situation after situation, exhausted but unable to truly rest, looking for any rescue, any break.

It's rough out there.

Put me in the realm of darkness I would've gotten her out of there in a week tops

Small segment but extremely powerful.

ok, just made me booba at kh3 graphics

What's upsetting is I think this could've topped kh3 if it was a full game

tech demo basically, can still find fun if you're a fan of the series.

Fun little side story to get you ready for KH 3. I've been playing all the handheld games I missed to get ready for 3 and this was the final KH game I hadn't played.

Given it's short length (about one typical world in a full game) it felt more like a tease than a complete game. However what it teased was great. The graphics are phenomenal and the combat/movement systems were smooth and precise. This did get me very stoked for KH3.

the cat ears were worth the 2 hours

Corto y divertido. Una experiencia que busca complementar más que nada y que logra su cometido generando leves momentos de nostalgia que aderezan bien todo su contenido. Recomendable.


Kingdom Hearts in unreal engine is beautiful. Feels awesome to play. The magic is incredible. Very wow indeed.

Short, sweet fragmentary passage, a beautiful little journey; loved it. 5 stars no prob gg is what I’m feeling at present. Might relax and take a step back from it later once the emotions have settled, but that was so cool, and the hype is, finally, now very real for KH3.

And..also…the very little flowmotion in this felt much, much better to me than in DDD. It is more deliberate here; I think that may be my issue with it in DDD— it’s too fast, says the olden timer.

Bonus nice feelings gained from this game: I switched the color theme on my Xbox to blue, so the achievement notifications were blue— a small, yet very satisfying little union with this beautiful game and with Aqua💙.

A really solid tech demo with the most ugly character models in the series

Honestly Fragmentary Passage has been the first Kingdom Hearts title in a long time for me to show legitimate promise. Though it may be a glorified tech demo for what KH3 was to become, it's a sign that the KH team seems to understand that a no frills combat system coupled with a more focused view of the lore is what makes this franchise interesting.

There isn't much to love about Fragmentary Passage, but there isn't a lot to dislike either in its ~two hour runtime. It's pretty, scored well, plays well, and honestly thats all I wanted out of it before I start the third mainline game.

Pretty short, lovely visuals, love the extremely important plot detail of where Mickey's shirt went. The music is phenomenal. Not much else to say.

aqua with cat ears like if you agree

It's a shame so many people complained about Roxas in KH2 being too long. This feels like this is what that was supposed to be but moved it so people wouldnt be upset. It's amazing and it came out about 1 year before KH3 so i immediately understood the movement mechanics of KH3 before anything. It's a good time but a little short (its no longer a problem though you can just go play KH3 now)

The BBS squad are my probably favorite characters in the series so seeing more of them is awesome, more Terra was especially cool

Yeah this is kinda just a preview for KH3 but it’s still pretty neat

Not a whole lot to say about this. Playing the entirety of this game felt like playing a game at a booth. Its neat, Aqua is cool, there is not much else to talk about. I think it is very funny that the ending of this game is Sora trying to figure out how to reach his friends and he immediately thinks of fucking Olympus. I respect that, they know what they like. I'll see you when I inevitably play through 3 and ReMIND.

É um tira gosto bem feitinho pra quem gosta da franquia e estava a muito tempo esperando o "terceiro" jogo da franquia.

Bem simples, e apesar dos problemas de performance no ps4 é divertido e tem sua dose de desafio (que eu aproveotei bem). E a customização é bem legal, pena não ter algo parecido na sequência.

é so uma passagem, MAS QUE PASSAGEM FODA, o jogo apresenta como será kh3, e cumpre bem seu papel.

Sinceramente, um jogo bem legal à parte. É uma demo curta e não procura desenvolver tanto a história, mas é válido pra uma pré apresentação de uma nova geração.

Pessoalmente não vejo nenhuma evolução fora a melhora na qualidade gráfica. O combate e mecânicas permanecem as mesmas, as vezes até travadas, nem chegando a igualar o nível alto de fluidez que foi em KH2.
O game design também não demonstrou uma melhora tão considerável fora a mudança já evidenciada. Os mapas continuam lineares e os personagens com o mesmo detalhamento das antigas.

Ainda falta muito pra dizer que melhorou como sequĂŞncia, mas segue divertido.

Neat tech demo for KH3, gives Aqua a bit more to do even if it results in some pretty hilarious wedging into already known events to make it work. Combat is fine overall, although the imported animations from Birth by Sleep make Aqua feel much more janky then she is probably supposed to be in comparison to the more fluid animations added onto her moveset. It's short and decent, and the optional boss rush is really good.

Short and enjoyable adventure that sets the final pieces together for KH3. Thought that combat felt like a solid middle ground between KH2 and BBS, and the game looks gorgeous aside from some jank here and there.