Reviews from

in the past

Eu imploro a Deus que o dunkey não esteja certo sobre kingdom hearts 3

Um bom jogo extra pra explicar lore

Any game I get to play as Aqua is a good game.

Not a whole lot to say about this. Playing the entirety of this game felt like playing a game at a booth. Its neat, Aqua is cool, there is not much else to talk about. I think it is very funny that the ending of this game is Sora trying to figure out how to reach his friends and he immediately thinks of fucking Olympus. I respect that, they know what they like. I'll see you when I inevitably play through 3 and ReMIND.

This is essentially a tech demo for Kingdom Hearts III and a showcase of how the series can play within the Unreal Engine. Don't let that turn you away from the game though. It fills in some gaps and helps to set up Kingdom Hearts III.

Foi um bom teaser para o kh 3 na altura.
Hoje em dia é definitivamente um jogo que existe

This is a demo, you cant change my mind.

What's upsetting is I think this could've topped kh3 if it was a full game

I'm a big fan of Aqua and Kingdom Hearts, and if you are too, you're probably going to be playing this too. You probably should before getting to Kingdom Hearts 3 anyway. The game itself is more or less a demo for KH3 while adding to the lore and Aqua's character, which isn't particularly a bad thing. It's a short and fun romp. Since it's always daisy-chained to Dream Drop Distance in the 2.8 collection, I'd recommend waiting for a sale on that collection.

Score: 83

This is the most Ground Zeroes-like tech demo ever played. I would have probably had more fun if the framerate was better (played it on PS4, mind you), but overall it was satisfying to finish. It's no BBS, that's for sure.

Honestly Fragmentary Passage has been the first Kingdom Hearts title in a long time for me to show legitimate promise. Though it may be a glorified tech demo for what KH3 was to become, it's a sign that the KH team seems to understand that a no frills combat system coupled with a more focused view of the lore is what makes this franchise interesting.

There isn't much to love about Fragmentary Passage, but there isn't a lot to dislike either in its ~two hour runtime. It's pretty, scored well, plays well, and honestly thats all I wanted out of it before I start the third mainline game.

The BBS squad are my probably favorite characters in the series so seeing more of them is awesome, more Terra was especially cool

Yeah this is kinda just a preview for KH3 but it’s still pretty neat

kind of like mgs ground zeroes if mickey mouse were in it

surprisingly solid with a decent amount of content, even a superboss!!

tech demo basically, can still find fun if you're a fan of the series.

Aqua continuing to serve cunt as she should!

This game is basically a tech demo for the KH3 engine, so it’s unfair to rank it against all these other games. However one noteworthy thing I dislike is how they basically paint Mickey as one of the biggest assholes ever

Any game with Aqua as the lead character is also a positive

Kingdom hearts is a series known for two things: Mickey Mouse doing anime shit and its brutal boss fights in its hardest difficulties. KH2's longstanding reputation comes primarily through how its 14 secret bosses challenge the player in different ways, playing around with various systems that colease into a game that demands high execution from its players. It's never impossible, but learning how to work through their mechanics and besting them by appreciating and understanding the combat engine is one of the most satisfying things in any game and makes it stand on top as an incredible action game.

I have also never beaten one of them.

So playing through KH 0.2 as a warm up to my KH3 playthrough was very interesting because this is the most Kingdom Hearts has ever approached being an action game. There's no customization, no decisions, no gained abilities outside the first area. It's just you, the enemies, and the designer trying to see how it all ticks together. While most of the game is a generally easy slide that prepares you for KH3 by showing you what the team can do now that they're on a playstation 4, its secret boss gauntlet was genuienely one of the hardest things ive ever played in an action game, and it all comes down to its final boss.

Zodiac Phantom Aqua is, from my understanding, kinda meligned by the general KH community. Her attacks are very reactive and you can't get away by spamming magic or grand magic or whatever it is you want to beat her. You need to learn the timings, the animations, the general flow of the battle and experiment to find those windows for yourself. Some of them are dumb, like the slow walk, others are pretty ingenious, like learning you can jump out of a block to do two full combos. Learning these patterns throughout my 4 hours grinding her was really, really fun and it made me understand what truly makes a Kingdom Hearts boss special. That ebb and flow of the systems mixing together and learning to fight a boss on its own terms, besting it in what it itself is good at, is a feeling like no other. I can't wait to get my ass handed to me by the data fights in 3.

the ground zeroes of this franchise… best one after melody of memory… let’s see what kh3 has in store for me, i’m lowkey starting to fw this series…

I like Aqua and dressing her up but there is not much here beyond that

Its short and sweet. Its just a fun tech demo at the end of the day.

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mesmo o jogo tendo só 5 horas de duração, ele sabe entregar uma boa gameplay e apresentar mecânicas antigas mas agora bem polidas, que logo no próximo game eles iriam ser muito mais exploradas, e finalmente contando oque aconteceu com a coitada da Aqua

this game beats yakuza 6 in best tech demo

fun as fuck eve though its only like 10 minutes long

The game was kinda annoying on proud, still a fun game

fun little tech demo, now please bring back customization in kh4. i want to play as catboy maid sora.

Tech demo for KH3 and boy howdy why do they look like that.

Aqua with cat ears makes this one not bad